Law Discussion Room for Mooting Preparation
- Eligible Users
- Room Details
- Usage Policy
- Check-in and Check-out Procedures
- Conduct of Users
- Important Notes to Users
- Enquiries
Eligible Users
The School of Law nominates students who participate in mooting competitions for access to this Law Discussion Room. Upon receiving the nominations, the Library will add eligible users to the access system. And they will be removed from the system after the competitions are completed.
Room Details
Table, chairs, bookshelves, PC workstation and printer are available. The seating capacity is eight.
Usage Policy
- This room is designated for preparation of mooting competition. Do not use this room for private study or other types of group work.
- Advance reservation is not required. When the room is not in use, eligible users can access it.
Check-in and Check-out Procedures
- Eligible users tap their CityUHK smartcard against the access control system outside the room.
- Before leaving the room, users are required to turn off the lights, restore its original setting and close the door properly.
- It is important that users must close the door after use, otherwise, they will be held responsible for damage done to the furniture/equipment inside the room.
Conduct of Users
- This Law Discussion Room is strictly for preparation of mooting competition.
- Only use the book shelves assigned to your team.
- Do not keep in the room any CityUHK Library books that have not been borrowed, including books of reference nature.
- Turn off the computer workstation and printer, when you finish using them. For technical enquiries, please contact IT Help Desk at 3442-6963 during its service hours.
- Print only when necessary. Paper and ink toner are provided by courtesy of the Library. And there is a quota for both.
- The paper supplied is to be shared among the different teams. Do not hide it.
- The table in the room is to be shared by different moot teams, so please clear the table each time before leaving.
- Do not keep any of these in the room – food, drink, personal belongings.
- No food is permitted inside the Law Discussion Room.
- Do not cover the window screen on the door.
- The room should be kept clean and tidy all the time. Please dispose of any rubbish, old newspapers, used tissue papers, etc. properly.
- Any damage / disorder of furniture or fixtures in the room should be reported to the Access Services Section at once (phone: 3442-8316, email: In case of misuse, users will be held responsible for the total cost incurred for repair or replacement.
- Noise must be kept to the lowest possible level.
- Before leaving the room, ensure the door is closed properly.
- When the competition is over, remove all books and personal belongings from the room. If you must leave behind any reading materials for the team of next year, keep the amount to the minimum.
- Please observe Library Regulations at all times.
Important Notes to Users
- The Library reserves the right to inspect the Law Discussion Room even if it is in use.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse lending the Law Discussion Room to any user who fails to observe the rules and regulations.
- The Library has the final say on how to allocate the Law Discussion Room should there be any disputes among/from the users.
For enquiries, please:
- email to;
- WhatsApp us at 6798-7732;
- call us at 3442-8395 during service hours.