Review Procedures for Applications of Library Services by Alumni and Non-CityUHK Members

As the primary mission of the Library is to support the curriculum and research of the University, the needs of our current students and faculty receive priority over the needs of other users. The Library, though with limited resources, facilities and space, offers subscription-based alumni library services and library services to Non-CityUHK members (e.g. JULAC card holders and Friends of the Library) out of goodwill or through reciprocal arrangement.

The Library reserves the right not to approve and/or renew any applications for library services by any individual based on his or her past conduct in the Library and to maintain that restriction for as long as deemed appropriate by the Library. In such cases, the applications concerned will be considered by a Review Panel, the members of which are appointed by the Librarian. The applicants will be notified of the decision of the Library in due course. Should an applicant wish to appeal against the decision made by the Review Panel, (s)he can send a formal request to the Library stating the grounds for appeal.

  • By post:  Run Run Shaw Library, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue.
  • By email:

The request will then be considered by an Appeal Panel, the members of which are appointed by the Librarian. Representative(s) from other department(s) may be invited to be member(s) of the Appeal Panel when necessary. If the applicant is still not satisfied with the decision of the Appeal Panel, the case concerned will be referred to the University Librarian for consideration and final decision.

Email : / Telephone : 3442-8316