- Any -

Media and Communication (Majors: BA Digital Television and Broadcasting / BA Media and Communication)

媒體與傳播 [主修: 文學士(數碼電視與廣播) / 文學士(媒體與傳播)]
Banner for COM 20230731 NEW
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1106 (JS1106)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

45 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
HUANG Guanxiong

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Department of Media and Communication (options: BA Digital Television and Broadcasting, BA Media and Communication)?

The Department offers a range of innovative degree programmes designed to train versatile professional communicators for the age of media convergence and information integration. Graduates are well positioned for diverse careers in the media industry and communication sectors in businesses and government organizations.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1106 Department of Media and Communication (options: BA Digital Television and Broadcasting, BA Media and Communication)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” (at grade E or above) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Admission Arrangements

Applicants of this programme (admission code: 1106) will be considered for admission to first-year studies at the Department of Media and Communication. Students will enter a major (current major options: Media and Communication; Digital Television and Broadcasting) after one year of study. The top 40% of students# will have a free choice of majors offered by the Department. The other 60% of students will be allocated a major within the Department, subject to the availability of places and the selection criteria set by individual majors.

# based on CGPA with no failed grades and completion of at least 30 credit units including College/Department required courses

Applicants eligible for advanced standing entry may submit an application to the following programmes:

BA Media and Communication (admission code: 1341A)
BA Digital Television and Broadcasting (admission code: 1356A)

Curriculum Structure

Year 1 - Semester A (Total number of credit units: 15)

Course Code and Title

Credit Units

University requirement (6 credits)


GE1401  University English 1


GE1501  Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy


College requirement (3 credits)


One College Foundation course 2


Gateway Education (3 credits)


One College-specified course 3


Foundation-year Course (3 credits)


COM2105 Visual Communication 4


Year 1 - Semester B (Total number of credit units: 15)

Course Code and Title

Credit Units

University requirement (3 credits)


GE2412  English for the Humanities and Social Sciences 


College requirement (3 credits)


One College Foundation course 2


Gateway Education (6 credits)


One GE course


One College-specified course 3


Foundation-year Course (3 credits)


COM2118 Media and Society 4


Note 1Students whose entry qualification in English falls below Level 4 in HKDSE English Language OR Grade D in HKALE AS-level Use of English are required to complete the 6-credit EL0200 English for Academic Purposes course prior to taking the above GE English courses.
Note 2Students should complete both of the two College foundation courses each from the liberal arts group and the social science group in their first-year of study as indicated in the above study plan. Students should not take the foundation course of by their home department for fulfillment of the College Requirement.
Note Students are strongly advised to take two College-specified courses as indicated in the above study plan. 
Note Students are strongly advised to take two Foundation-year courses as indicated in the above study plan. 
Department of Media and Communication

Housed in the landmark Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, the Department of Media and Communication offers innovative academic programmes that focus on media convergence. Unlike traditional curricula that segregate different modes of mass communication, we aim to train professional communicators capable of working in an environment of media convergence and information integration – an environment that spans journalism, broadcasting and TV, advertising, public relations and new media. To that end, we integrate new technologies, media skills, communication theories and creativity in our education.

The Department’s teaching and research activities are supported by a state-of-the-art integrated and inter-compatible digital multimedia platform. Our facilities include digital TV filming/editing studios, 3D virtual TV/audio recording/advertising filming/design studios, new media and eye-tracking laboratories.

During their undergraduate studies, our students have many opportunities to travel abroad on study trips, participate in student exchanges and engage in overseas internships. Our graduates are rapidly employed after graduation and enter a wide range of professions and careers, such as media industries, telecommunications, advertising/public relations, and business and education.

The Department currently offers the following two majors:

BA Digital Television and Broadcasting

BA  Media and Communication

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
Undergraduate plus   
CityU Taught Postgraduate  
Degree Programmes

BA Media and Communication and MA Communication and New Media  
(MA offered by Department of Media and Communication)  
文學士(媒體與傳播) 及 文學碩士(傳播與新媒體) 

BA Media and Communication and MA Integrated Marketing Communication  
(MA offered by Department of Media and Communication)
文學士(媒體與傳播) 及 文學碩士(整合營銷傳播)  

BA Media and Communication and MA Language Studies  
(MA offered by Department of Linguistics and Translation)  
文學士(媒體與傳播) 及文學碩士(語言研究)  

BA Media and Communication and MA Creative Media  
(MA offered by School of Creative Media)  
文學士(媒體與傳播) 及 文學碩士(創意媒體)  

BA Media and Communication and MSc Marketing  
(MSc offered by Department of Marketing in the College of Business)  
文學士(媒體與傳播) 及 理學碩士(市場營銷學)  

BA Digital Television and Broadcasting and MA Communication and New Media  
(MA offered by Department of Media and Communication)  
文學士(數碼電視與廣播) 及 文學碩士(傳播與新媒體)  

BA Digital Television and Broadcasting and MA Integrated Marketing Communication  
(MA offered by Department of Media and Communication)  
文學士(數碼電視與廣播) 及文學碩士(整合營銷傳播)  

BA in Digital Television and Broadcasting and MA in Language Studies  
(MA offered by Department of Linguistics and Translation)  
文學士(數碼電視與廣播) 及文學碩士(語言研究)  

BA Digital Television and Broadcasting and MA Creative Media  
(MA offered by School of Creative Media)  
文學士(數碼電視與廣播) 及 文學碩士(創意媒體)  

BA Digital Television and Broadcasting and MSc Marketing  
(MSc offered by Department of Marketing in the College of Business)  
文學士(數碼電視與廣播) 及 理學碩士(市場營銷學)

Undergraduate plus   
Overseas Taught Postgraduate  
Degree Programmes

BA Media and Communication and Master of Science in Advertising  
(MS offered by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)  

BA Digital Television and Broadcasting and Master of Science in Advertising  
(MS offered by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

For details, please refer to https://www.cityu.edu.hk/class/ug/bachelor_degree_prog.aspx

Programme Video
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

3442 8677

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Description (For Search Result Only)

Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 4 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

Not required

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

Not required

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
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