1. How do I know whether I am eligible to apply for admission via JUPAS?
Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) is a scheme and the main route of application for local students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination results (past and / or current) to apply for admission to the programmes offered by the participating institutions. JUPAS has specified the eligibility of applicants for application.
2. Can non-local applicants holding HKDSE results apply for admission via JUPAS?
Persons holding the following documents issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department are classified as non-local students:
- student visa / entry permit; or
- visa / entry permit under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates; or
- dependent visa / entry permit (for students who were 18 years old or above when they were issued with such visa / entry permit by the Director of Immigration)
In accordance with the HKSAR Government's policy, all non-local applicants, regardless of whether they possess HKDSE Examination results, MUST apply for admission via the non-JUPAS route, and NOT via JUPAS.
3. I have HKDSE results and am currently enrolled in an Associate Degree / Higher Diploma programme. Am I eligible to apply for admission to CityUHK through JUPAS?
You can apply for admission either through JUPAS or directly to the University, but not both. If you want the results of your current Associate Degree / Higher Diploma programme to be considered in addition to your HKDSE results, you should apply for admission directly to the University.
1. What information / documents do I need to provide in my JUPAS application?
Please visit the JUPAS website with a User Guide for the application procedures.
2. How many places are available to non-JUPAS applicants?
The selection of non-JUPAS applicants is based on merit. There is no pre-set quota for non-JUPAS admission, and the number of places varies by programme.
3. Does the University accept Liberal Studies results for meeting the Citizenship and Social Development subject requirement?
Liberal Studies Level 2 or above results are accepted for meeting the Citizenship and Social Development subject requirement in the General Entrance Requirements.
Yet, results obtained in Liberal Studies or Citizenship and Social Development are not counted in the admission score calculation.
4. I retake HKDSE, are repeat HKDSE results counted for meeting the entrance requirements and score calculation? Will there be any penalty?
We accept repeat results and will use your best results to assess your fulfilment of our entrance requirements and to calculate admission scores. No penalty will be imposed.
5. What are the entrance requirements for admission to CityUHK?
Students are expected to fulfil the General Entrance Requirements (GERs) and Programme Entrance Requirements. GERs are 332A33 in 4 core subjects (i.e. Attained in Citizenship and Social Development) plus 2 elective subjects. However, some programmes may have specific subject requirements that are higher than GERs.
Except for some programmes, unspecified electives may include Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1 / M2) and Category C other language subjects. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.
Certain HKDSE Applied Learning subjects may be accepted by some programmes as one elective subject. For non-Chinese speaking students, HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese can replace HKDSE Chinese Language.
6. Other than HKDSE Chinese Language, what Chinese language results can non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students use to meet the entrance requirements?
Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students can use one of the following alternative qualifications in Chinese Language (ACL) to replace HKDSE Chinese Language to meet the entrance requirement:
- HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese "Attained" or above
- GCEAL / AS Chinese grade E or above
- GCSE / IGCSE Chinese grade C / grade 4 or above
- HKDSE other language subjects normally cannot be used to meet the Chinese language entrance requirement. Waivers may be granted only under special circumstances.
Click here for the score conversion of alternative Chinese qualifications for NCS applicants.
7. Can IELTS / TOEFL results be used to meet the English language requirement?
For HKDSE students, only HKDSE English Language meets the University’s minimum English language entrance requirement.
1. When is the deadline for JUPAS applications?
Please refer to the JUPAS website for application procedures and application deadline.
2. Can I submit applications to both JUPAS and non-JUPAS to CityUHK?
Applicants cannot apply for admission via both JUPAS and non-JUPAS routes to any programmes offered under JUPAS. Non-JUPAS applications submitted by JUPAS applicants will not be considered by CityUHK, and any application fee paid will NOT be refunded.
1. How does CityUHK select JUPAS applicants for admission?
CityUHK evaluate applicants holistically, including information on their JUPAS applications, HKDSE examination results, band choices and interview performance (if applicable). We use this information to determine whether applicants meet the entrance requirements of our programmes. Admissions scores are then calculated to facilitate the selection of applicants for admission.
Ranking of applicants on the priority list is primarily based on their HKDSE results and individual programme may consider the following factors for tie-breaking:
- Performance in relevant subjects / extra elective subject(s)
- Band
- Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities
- School Reference Report
- Interview performance / Portfolio
2. Where do I know how the admission score is calculated and admission scores of your JUPAS entrants?
Score calculation and subject weightings vary by programme. For 2025 entry, the main admission score calculation of individual programmes is based on "3 core + best 2 elective subjects", "Best 5 subjects (may include specified subjects) or "Best 4 subjects (may include specified subjects)".
You can make use of our JUPAS score calculator to get more information about the programme admission score calculation and score references of our JUPAS entrants.
3. Does CityUHK consider JUPAS applicants for admission who marginally failed the minimum programme entrance requirements?
CityUHK will continue the flexibility towards the minimum entrance requirements for JUPAS applicants in 2025/26 entry. Applicants who slightly fall short of the programme entrance requirements may still be considered for admission
Click here for details of the flexible admissions arrangement.
4. Does the University know the ranking of my programme choices?
No. JUPAS only provides institutions with information on band choices to aid their selection of applicants. The priority order of programme choices within each band is not known.
In the selection process, preference may be given to students with higher band choices. The selection of applicants for admission is based on the final band choices after the re-prioritisation exercise in July.
5. Will I be invited for an admission interview?
Some programmes may arrange an admission interview. Please click here for details of the interview arrangements. The selection of students for interview is primarily based on the application information (e.g., band choices, exam results [if available], Other Experiences and Achievements in Competitions / Activities [OEA] and School Reference Reports).
1. When will I know the result of my JUPAS application?
JUPAS applicants will be notified of their application results according to the schedule of announcement of Main Round Offer Results.
Applicants offered to CityUHK are not required to accept your offer in person at CityUHK. Please follow the procedures announced by JUPAS to accept your offer and pay the acceptance fee (HK$5,000 payable to JUPAS) during the specified period. The acceptance fee payment is non-refundable and non-transferable, and will be credited to the tuition fee for Semester A.
2. If I have not paid the acceptance fee before the specified deadline, how will my offer be treated?
You will be regarded as having declined your offer. In such an event, you will not be reconsidered for admission to any other study programmes offered under JUPAS in the same academic year.
3. When will enrolment take place?
Enrolment schedule and procedures will be announced on the date of JUPAS Main Round offers. For details of the enrolment of new students, please click here.
To prepare for my studies at CityUHK, please visit the Student Orientation website, which provides useful information for new students.
4. How do I know if I am awarded an entrance scholarship? Is any financial assistance available for my studies at CityUHK?
CityUHK Scholarships for Hong Kong Talents are available for local JUPAS applicants. Recipients of Institutional scholarships / Dean’s scholarships will be notified after their enrolment at CityUHK.
The University offers various types of scholarships and prizes in recognition of students' achievements as well as financial support to students in need. Click here for more details.
1. Can I submit an application now? What is the application procedure?
Applications for undergraduate admissions (Local Non-JUPAS Year1/Senior Year) will be started in late September. You can refer to here for more details about the application period.
In the application, you should provide information of your qualifications including completed / current studies, the most up-to-date results, and upload supporting documents such as transcripts of your high school / post-secondary study, public exam results and course registration record. Click here for more details about the application procedures.
2. How do I apply to CityUHK with a non-HKDSE qualification?
You can apply via “Direct application” which is the non-JUPAS route for local students who hold non-HKDSE qualifications such as GCEAL / IAL, an IB Diploma or sub-degree or overseas qualifications. Local applicants seeking admission on the basis of HKDSE results should apply through JUPAS.
3. Can I submit more than one application? Do I need to prioritise my programme choices?
Each applicant should create one application account in each admissions year. In your application account, you can select more than one programme choice with separate application fee payment. Each programme choice will receive equal priority in our processing admission offers, if any, may be made at different times.
If you receive more than one admission offer from the University, the acceptance of the current offer will supersede and cancel the previous acceptance of any other offer(s). Note that at any one time, you can accept one admission offer only.
1. What are the entrance requirements for admission to CityUHK?
Applicants must meet the General Entrance Requirements. Individual degrees / majors may require specific subject backgrounds. Below are acceptable qualifications other than HKDSE:
- Higher Diploma from the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
- Accredited Associate Degree / Higher Diploma
- Advanced Diploma from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts
- Satisfactory completion of one year of an accredited Associate Degree / Higher Diploma programme with a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or equivalent
- Bachelor’s degree study of one year or more at a recognised university
- Other non-local qualifications
2. If I meet both the General Entrance Requirements and programme-specific entrance requirements, is my admission guaranteed?
The General Entrance Requirements and programme-specific entrance requirements are the minimum requirements that applicants are expected to fulfil. Fulfilment of these requirements does not guarantee admission.
3. What is the English language requirement for admission to CityUHK’s undergraduate programmes?
Applicants whose entrance qualifications were obtained in a language other than English will need a satisfactory TOEFL score (≥ 79 in the Internet-based test), a satisfactory IELTS score (overall band score ≥ 6.5) or another acceptable English qualification. Individual programmes may set higher requirements.
4. Am I a local or non-local applicant?
Please click here for the definitions of local and non-local students.
If you have incorrectly identified yourself as a local or non-local applicant, you should notify the Admissions Office of your correct status in writing as soon as possible. Please provide your name, application number, and a copy of your Hong Kong Identity Card / passport (and visa issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, if any). We will update your status accordingly. Local and non-local applicants are considered under different admission routes. If there are changes to your local / non-local status before admission, any offer made may be affected.
5. I am currently enrolled in a government-funded programme at another institution in Hong Kong. Can I apply for a transfer to CityUHK to study a Bachelor’s degree programme?
Following the guidelines of the University Grants Committee (UGC), transfer applications from students currently enrolled in government-funded Bachelor’s degree programmes at other local institutions are generally discouraged.
6. Can I apply for a Bachelor’s degree programme if I have not completed my Associate Degree programme?
Applicants who have completed one year of study of an accredited Associate Degree / Higher Diploma programme and achieved a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or equivalent are considered to have fulfilled the minimum General Entrance Requirements for the University’s Bachelor’s degree programmes. Applicants may also need to fulfil programme-specific requirements.
7. I am over 25 years old and have some work experience. Can I apply as a mature applicant if I do not fulfil the entrance requirements?
Mature applicants are eligible to apply for admission to first-year studies even if they do not satisfy the minimum academic requirements for entry. Mature applicants must be over the age of 25 by 1 September of the year of admission and be able to demonstrate aptitude and suitability for study.
8. What is the difference between “Admission to First-Year Studies” and “Admission with Advanced Standing”?
Depending on their entry qualifications, applicants may be admitted to first-year studies or with Advanced Standing.
Admission to First-Year Studies
Applicants holding a school-leaving qualification or a partially completed sub-degree qualification may apply for admission to first-year studies in a Bachelor's degree programme. Depending on the programme, students are either admitted directly to a major in their first year or admitted to a college / school / department with an undeclared major (enter a major after one year of study).
Admission with Advanced Standing
Advanced Standing I
Applicants holding a 13-year school-leaving qualification (e.g. IB Diploma or GCEAL / IAL) or degree-transfer students may apply for admission to first-year studies or admission with Advanced Standing I (non-senior year). Students admitted with Advanced Standing I take fewer credits units for graduation (minimum 90 credit units instead of 120 credit units for a four-year degree curriculum, depending on majors).
Click here for details of the curriculum requirements for advanced standing students.
Advanced Standing II
Applicants holding an Associate Degree / Higher Diploma (AD / HD) or equivalent qualification may apply for admission to a major with Advanced Standing I (non-senior year) or Advanced Standing II (senior year). Advanced Standing II is available to majors with senior-year places and to local students only. Applicants are normally expected to have completed an AD / HD with a CGPA ≥ 3.0 or an equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Students admitted with Advanced Standing II must achieve a minimum of 60 credit units for graduation, subject to the requirements of individual degrees / majors.
Students admitted with Advanced Standing I or II will not be entitled to credit transfer on the basis of qualifications attained prior to their admission to the University. Instead, students may be granted exemption from specific courses based on their prior study. Credit units are not earned for exempted courses.
9. Can I apply for both admission to first-year studies and admission with advanced standing?
If you hold the recognized qualification which is acceptable for admission to first-year studies and admission with advancing standing, please submit two separate applications. Your programme choices will receive equal priority in our processing. Admission offers, if any, may be made at different times.
10. Who can apply for senior-year entry with Advanced Standing II?
Final-year graduating students or graduates of AD / HD programmes are eligible to apply for senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission.
There are no CGPA or overall mark requirements for the purpose of application. However, as competition for admission is keen, accepted applicants are normally expected to have completed an AD / HD award with a CGPA ≥ 3.0 or equivalent overall mark, or a credit award. Individual programmes may set higher requirements.
Senior-year (Advanced Standing II) admission is only available to local students.
When you apply for admission with advanced standing, it is not necessary for applicants to indicate their preference at the time of application. The offer of Advanced Standing I or Advanced Standing II entry is decided by the programme-offering unit.
11. I have a disability. Do I need to declare it at the application stage?
The admission of applicants to CityUHK is based on academic criteria and specified entrance requirements. If you have a physical and / or other disability, you are not required to declare this at the application stage. However, if you need assistance regarding your application (e.g. to attend an interview), you may discuss your needs with the Admissions Office to allow special arrangements to be made if practicable.
1. How can I submit an application? When is the deadline for applications?
Please complete the data entry in your application account before the application deadline and submit your application by paying the application fee of HKD200 per programme. The payment is made online by Visa/Mastercard, FPS, China UnionPay, Alipay HK, Alipay China, WeChat Pay, PayMe or Apple Pay via your application account. The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable, and must be paid before your application can be processed.
Please refer to the key dates of applications and the application procedures ("Submit Your Application" section) for more details.
2. Can I submit more than one application? Will the Academic Department know that I have applied for more than one programme?
You can apply for more than one programme in your application account.
Your programme choices will receive equal priority in our processing. Admission offers, if any, may be made at different times.
The information relating to your application will be shared among all of the programmes for which you have applied. However, a given programme-offering department will not know your application results for programmes offered by other units.
If you receive more than one admission offer from the University, the acceptance of the new offer will supersede and cancel the previous acceptance of any other offer(s). The acceptance fee paid for the previous offer will be transferred and no further payment is required if you decide to accept the new offer. Note that at any one time, you can accept one admission offer only.
3. Can I submit applications to both JUPAS and to CityUHK direct?
Applicants cannot apply for admission via both JUPAS and non-JUPAS routes to any programmes offered under JUPAS. Non-JUPAS applications submitted by JUPAS applicants will not be considered by CityUHK, and any application fee paid will NOT be refunded.
4. What documents do I need to submit for undergraduate programmes?
Please click here for a list of documents required for application review. Applicants for School of Creative Media (SCM) programmes should submit a portfolio of creative work via the SCM online system.
Please also note the following:
- Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by an officially certified English translation provided by the awarding body or your school or university.
- Documents that do not show the name of the applicant or with non-matching names will NOT be accepted. However, if the difference in names is due to special reasons, please upload a written explanation along with documentary proof (e.g., deed poll, certificate of name change).
- If you wish to provide additional information after submitting your application, please use the “file upload” function in your application account. Please note that once the selection process has begun, additional / updated information provided to the University may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant programme department.
- If requested by the University, you should present the ORIGINAL certificate / official certification of your qualifications as stated in your application (e.g. transcripts, award certificates, English test results and an officially certified English translation where applicable) for verification before starting your study. The University reserves the right to decide whether the submitted documents are acceptable. If you fail to provide the documentation acceptable to the University for verification, your admission offer will be withdrawn and your enrolment at the University will also be rescinded. Any fees paid will not be refunded.
5. I will complete my current study before September 2025, but I do not yet have a transcript / certificate verifying my expected graduation. Can I submit an application without this transcript / certificate?
Yes. Please submit your application, stating your expected graduation date, any previous results and the latest transcript / course registration record of your current study. Please also enter the IB or GCEAL / IAL grades predicted by your school in the “Public Examination Results” section of your application and upload the relevant supporting document(s). Applicants may receive offers conditional on the satisfactory completion of their current study and the achievement of marks / scores required for admission.
6. Do I need to submit recommendation / reference letters with my application? Where can I download the recommendation / referee form?
Recommendation letters are not required unless specifically requested by individual programmes. There is no standard form for recommendation / reference letters.
If you have such letters, please upload them via your application account.
Your institution / referee can provide the letter to the University by email to ugadm.local@cityu.edu.hk.
Hardcopy letters are not required.
7. Do all programmes require applicants to submit Applicant Statements? What should be covered in an Applicant Statement?
Applicants are required to submit an Applicant Statement for each programme that may include why you wish to study at CityUHK, your career aspirations and other information (e.g. work experience, non-academic achievements, community services) that you think is relevant to the assessment of your application.
8. I received an email from CityUHK reminding me to submit an online application. Please clarify.
If a programme is listed in your application account in the section “Applications under Preparation”, you may receive an email reminding you to complete your application. You may cancel the programme in your application account if you are no longer interested in applying for the programme concerned.
9. How can I cancel or withdraw my online application? I have not paid the application fee.
You may click “Cancel” in your application account for the programmes in which you are no longer interested in applying. Your application will not be processed if you have not paid the application fee.
10. How will the information I provide in the application be used?
The information that you provide in your application, including your HKID card / passport / travel document number, examination results and qualifications, will be used for the following purposes:
- as a basis for various types of processing in relation to your application
- as a basis for the selection of applicants for admission to the programmes offered by the University and for other relevant or related purposes
- to obtain from the relevant examination authority, assessment body or academic institution in Hong Kong or elsewhere information about your examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications if deemed appropriate
- to carry out checks on your application and any records of studies at the University and other institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere if deemed appropriate
- to carry out checks on other information mentioned in your application (e.g. employment records, non-academic awards) with the relevant party / parties if deemed appropriate
- to transfer relevant data to the University’s student record system upon the successful outcome of your application
- for statistical and research purposes (with personal identifiers removed)
- for direct marketing of the University’s programmes and activities (You may opt out of receiving such information via your application account if you wish.)
Please note that by submitting your application, you authorise the University to obtain and the relevant examination authority, academic institution, or organisation to release information on your examination results and records of studies, and participation in activities and the awards obtained. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and correct the personal data contained in the application, and the right to request a copy of such data during the admission exercise. If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the University. You may be charged a fee for each request. Data relating to unsuccessful applications and unenrolled applicants will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise.
1. How are direct applicants selected for admission?
As direct applicants are selected based on a variety of qualifications, which may include GCEAL / IAL, IB Diploma, sub-degree, Bachelor’s degree or other acceptable qualifications, selection is made on an individual basis. The assessment of applications is based on several factors holistically, including academic qualifications, results in relevant subjects, interview performance, portfolios and other criteria as specified by individual programmes.
2. Will departments consider my performance in extracurricular activities and work experience in addition to my academic results?
Extracurricular activities and work experience will be treated as supplementary information and may be considered in the selection process where applicable.
3. Will I be invited to attend an admission interview / take an admission test?
Not all programmes require applicants to attend interviews / take tests. The arrangements also vary from year to year. Interviews, if conducted, are usually arranged during the period from November to May. For more details, click here.
4. Can I correct the information I entered after I have submitted my application?
Once you have submitted your application, the system will not allow you to enter new data except to update the following fields via your application account:
o Postal address, email address and telephone number
o “Pending” grades in the “Public Examinations” section
o Your latest overall GPA / mark in your post-secondary studies in the “Post-Secondary Education” section
For other amendments, please click here.
To provide additional information after submitting your application, please use the “file upload” function under the “Supporting Documents” section in your application account. For revised documents, please add "replacement" or "amendment", as appropriate, to the file name for easy identification. If you encounter problems arising from server space restrictions, please contact us to request an increase in disk space.
Please note that once the selection process has begun, additional/updated information provided to the University may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant programme department.
5. Can I provide additional information after I have submitted my application?
If you wish to provide additional information after submitting your application, please upload the relevant document(s) via the “file upload” function in your application account.
Selection decisions will be based mainly on the qualifications and supporting documents provided at the time of application. Please note that once the selection process has begun, additional/updated information provided to the University may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant programme department.
If requested by the University, you should present the ORIGINAL certificate / official certification of your qualifications as stated in your application (e.g. transcripts, award certificates, English test results and an officially certified English translation where applicable) for verification before starting your study.
1. When will the application results be announced?
Admission offers are mostly made from January to May. Offers will continue when vacancies arise, until the start of Semester A.
If you have applied for more than one programme, your application for each programme will be assessed individually. Notifications about your application results may therefore come at different times.
Applicants who submit applications before the Early Round deadline may receive early offers. Applicants who do not receive offers in the Early Round will be considered with other applicants in the Main Round.
Application results may be announced later under the following circumstances:
- The application was submitted after the application deadline;
- Examination results relevant to the evaluation are still pending; or
- The application is a marginal case for which the selection decision will depend on the enrolment situation nearer the start of term.
2. How can I check the result of my application?
Please check the outcome of your application via your application account. If your application is successful, we will notify you by email. If your application is unsuccessful, no letter/written notification will be sent.
3. What should I do if I receive an offer?
You will be able to retrieve your admission offer letter via your application account. No hardcopy letter will be issued.
Please read the offer letter and “Notes for Applicants” (in your application account) carefully and follow the instructions to accept the offer. Acceptance must be accompanied by the full payment of the acceptance fee (HK$5,000) by the specified deadline.
If you receive more than one admission offer from the University, the acceptance of the new offer will supersede and cancel the previous acceptance of any other offer(s). The acceptance fee paid for the previous offer will be transferred and no further payment is required if you decide to accept the new offer. Note that at any one time, you can accept one admission offer only.
4. I have accepted an offer of admission. What should I do afterwards? When will I receive my student ID card and information on enrolment, class schedule and course registration?
Please see the “Notes for New Students after Accepting Offers".
For applicants who have received a conditional offer, they should supply documentation certifying the fulfilment of conditions before the deadline indicated in the admission offer letter. Once the offer conditions are met, the application account will show “condition(s) met”. Applicants will not receive another notification confirming the offer.
After you have accepted our admission offer and fulfilled its conditions (for conditional offers), the Admissions Office will transfer your record to the Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO). ARRO will contact you from July onwards regarding the arrangements for enrolment, student ID card, class schedule and course registration.
5. Can I apply for credit transfer / course exemption if I am offered admission?
If you have studied similar courses at a recognised post-secondary institution, you may be eligible for credit transfer or course exemption to meet some programme requirements. Credit transfer will not be considered for Advanced Standing I / II entrants.
You may apply for credit transfer / course exemption after you have enrolled at CityUHK. For details and application procedures, please refer to the Academic Regulations and Records Office website.
6. How do I know if I am awarded an entrance scholarship? Is any financial assistance available for my studies at CityUHK?
CityUHK Scholarships for Hong Kong Talents are available for local applicants possessing the specified results. Students eligible for the scholarships will be notified after their enrolment at CityUHK.
The University offers various types of scholarships and prizes in recognition of students' achievements as well as financial support to students in need. Click here for more details.
7. If I am offered a place at CityUHK, can I defer my admission to the following year?
Admission offers are only valid for the admission semester and will lapse if you fail to enrol in the admission semester.
8. If I decline my admission offer this year, will this affect my application next year?
Applications are reviewed based on the information submitted in the year of application. No reference is made to previous applications.
9. Can I appeal if I am denied admission?
We strongly discourage appeals unless you can provide significant new information in writing for our consideration. Our admission decisions are based on a careful and thorough review of each application in comparison with the entire applicant pool. It is unlikely that we will reverse our original decision.
1. When is the application period for 2025 entry?
Application period for Semester A 2025 / 26 admission will start on 26 September 2024. Due to keen competition, early applications are strongly encouraged.
2. What will happen to my application if I am unable to submit the supporting documents before the early application deadline?
Non-local applications will only be reviewed upon receipt of application and the required supporting documents. If you are unable to submit your application with the required supporting documents by the early application deadline, please do so as soon as the documents are available, before the normal application deadline.
3. If I am unable to apply before the early application deadline, will my application still be considered in the main round?
For international applicants, applications are processed on a rolling basis upon receipt of application and the required supporting documents. For mainland applicants holding a non-Gaokao qualification, applications are reviewed in batch after the application deadline. If you are unable to submit your application by the early application deadline, please do so as soon as the documents are available, before the normal application deadline. If you have selected more than one programme, each of your programme choices will receive equal priority in our processing.
4. Where can I obtain a programme list and application information?
For Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the University, please see our list of undergraduate programmes for details.
For research degree, professional doctorate and taught postgraduate degree programmes, please visit the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies website.
5. What are the academic terms and class hours at CityUHK?
Our academic year consists of two 16-week semesters (13 teaching weeks per semester) and an optional 9-week summer term (7 teaching weeks). For details, please visit the Academic Calendar of the Academic Regulations and Records Office.
6. What is the medium of instruction at the University?
Unless otherwise determined by the Senate for a specific course, the medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English.
7. If I transfer from a Bachelor’s degree programme at another university, can my credit units be transferred to CityUHK?
If you have studied for one year or more for a Bachelor’s degree at a recognised university, you may be considered for Advanced Standing I admission. Advanced standing entrants will not receive credit transfer, but may apply for course exemption. Credit units are not earned for exempted courses.
For details of credit transfer and course exemption, please refer to the website of our Academic Regulations and Records Office.
8. I have a disability. Do I need to declare it at the application stage?
The admission of applicants to CityUHK is based on academic criteria and specified entrance requirements. If you have a physical and / or other disability, you are not required to declare this at the application stage. However, if you need assistance regarding your application (e.g. to attend an interview), you may discuss your needs with the Admissions Office to allow special arrangements to be made if practicable.
9. Does the University offer a campus tour?
You may take a Virtual Campus Tour or watch the video Explore CityUHK’s campus on this exciting tour! to explore our campus and get some ideas about the study environment at CityUHK.
10. How to contact CityUHK?
For non-local undergraduate admissions, the contact details are as follows:
Email: | ugadm.intl@cityu.edu.hk |
Phone:: | (852) 3442-9368 |
Fax: | (852) 3442-0266 |
Office Location: | Admissions Office, City University of Hong Kong, 5/F, Fong Yun-wah Building, Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon, Hong Kong |
For information on Research Degree, Professional Doctorate and Taught Postgraduate programmes, please visit the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies website.
11. I am a non-local applicant. Can I take up an internship or part-time job during my study in Hong Kong?
Non-local students enrolled on a full-time, locally accredited programme at degree level or above and whose study period is not less than one academic year may take up an internship subject to the conditions stipulated by the Immigration Department. Please refer to www.immd.gov.hk/eng/faq/imm-policy-study.html for further details.
12. Do I need to get any vaccinations to enter Hong Kong?
For more information on health advice and protection, please visit the Department of Health of HKSAR website.
13. I am a vegetarian, can I get vegetarian food on campus?
The cafeterias on campus offer a variety of food choices including vegetarian meals. You may visit https://www.cityu.edu.hk/directories/catering for more information.
14. What do you mean by “government-funded programme”?
City University of Hong Kong is a publicly-funded institution in Hong Kong and receives government funding for some of its programmes. Click here for the tuition fee of government-funded programmes.
1. What is the difference between “Admission to First-Year Studies” and “Admission with Advanced Standing”?
Admission to First-Year Studies
Applicants holding a school-leaving qualification or a partially completed sub-degree qualification may apply for admission to first-year studies in a Bachelor's degree programme. Depending on the programme, students are either admitted directly to a major in their first year or admitted to a school / department with an undeclared major (enter a major after one year of study).
Admission with Advanced Standing
Non-local students with a recognised qualification may be admitted to the University with advanced standing I. Eligibility for advanced standing is linked to the curriculum and graduation requirements.
Advanced Standing I
Applicants holding a 13-year school-leaving qualification (e.g. IB Diploma or GCEAL / IAL) or degree-transfer students may apply for admission to first-year studies in a Bachelor's degree programme, or admission to a major with Advanced Standing I (non-senior year). Students admitted with Advanced Standing I (non-senior year) must achieve a minimum of 90 credit units for graduation, subject to the requirements of individual degrees / majors. Click here for details on the curriculum requirements for advanced standing students.
Students admitted with Advanced Standing will not be entitled to credit transfer on the basis of qualifications attained prior to their admission to the University. Instead, students may be granted exemption from specific courses based on their prior study. Credit units are not earned for exempted courses.
Advanced standing entry is not available for some programmes, click here for details.
2. What is the maximum duration of study for undergraduate programmes?
The University has set a maximum period of study within which students must complete all of their degree requirements. For details, please click here (Point B11).
3. What is Gateway Education?
Gateway Education (GE) augments and enriches the specialised training students receive in their majors, enabling them to achieve a wide range of knowledge through exposure to multiple disciplines.
For details of our GE courses, please click here.
4. I am a mainland student at an international school in mainland China / overseas. Can I apply for admission to a Bachelor’s degree programme at CityUHK?
Mainland students who will graduate with a non-Gaokao high school qualification (e.g. IB Diploma, GCEAL / IAL or other overseas high school qualification) can apply for admission via our online application system. Places are limited. For details of the admission arrangements, please visit our mainland non-Gaokao admission page.
5. Will IB / GCEAL / IAL students be given credit transfer for advanced standing admission?
Students admitted with advanced standing will not be entitled to any credit transfer on the basis of their previous qualifications attained prior to their admission to the University. Instead, students may be granted exemption from specific courses based on prior study.
Credit units are not earned for an exempted course. Students are required to take other course(s) to make up the credits required for fulfilling the degree requirement.
Students who wish to apply for course exemption must make an application before the start of the first semester of their admission.
2. What should I do if I have incorrectly identified myself in my application as a local or non-local applicant?
Local and non-local applicants are considered under different admission routes.
If you have incorrectly identified yourself as a local or non-local applicant, you should notify the Admissions Office in writing as soon as possible. Please provide your name, application number, and a copy of your Hong Kong Identity Card / passport (and visa issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department, if any). We will update your status accordingly. You may log in to your application account to view your updated status after four working days.
3. What happens if a student who needs a student visa arrives at CityUHK without one? Who should I contact for assistance with my student visa application?
The student will not be allowed to enrol at CityUHK.
For assistance with your student visa application, please contact our Global Engagement Office by telephone [(852) 3442-8089], fax [(852) 3442-0223] or email (geovisa@cityu.edu.hk).
For further information, please consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department website.
1. What non-local qualifications are accepted for admission to the University?
For admission to Bachelor’s degree programmes at the University, applicants must meet the General Entrance Requirements. For non-local applicants, the university entry qualifications of many countries are accepted. Please click here for details of the non-local qualifications accepted as meeting the General Entrance Requirements for Bachelor’s degree programmes. Individual degrees / majors may require specific subject backgrounds.
Click here for details.
2. I can’t find my qualification in the list of non-local qualifications. Can I still apply to an undergraduate programme at CityUHK?
As non-local applicants have a great variety of qualifications, qualifications that are not listed are considered on a case-by-case basis. As a general guideline, university entry qualifications obtained after 12 or 13 years of schooling (primary and secondary) are usually recognised.
3. If I meet both the General Entrance Requirements and programme-specific entrance requirements, is my admission guaranteed?
The General Entrance Requirements and programme-specific entrance requirements are the minimum requirements that applicants are expected to fulfil. Fulfilment of these requirements does not guarantee admission.
4. What is the English language requirement for admission to CityUHK’s Bachelor’s degree programmes?
For Bachelor’s degree programmes, applicants who obtained their entrance qualifications in a language other than English will need a satisfactory TOEFL score (79 in the Internet-based test), a satisfactory IELTS score (overall band score of 6.5) or another acceptable English qualification.
Individual programmes may set higher requirements.
5. What is the English language requirement for students who have completed their secondary education in an English-speaking country?
Applicants whose entrance qualifications were obtained in a language other than English are required to show proof of English language proficiency to meet the English language requirement. Note that individual degrees / majors may require higher English proficiency; please refer to the respective programme webpages for details.
6. Does CityUHK accept IELTS for UKVI (Academic), or only accept IELTS (Academic) to fulfil the English language requirement?
Both the IELTS (Academic) and IELTS for UKVI (Academic) tests are acceptable for meeting our English language requirement.
7. Does CityUHK superscore the SAT? Can SAT ERW scores be used to replace TOEFL / IELTS scores to fulfil the English requirement?
When reviewing SAT scores, we normally do not selectively add up scores from different sittings. To meet our entrance requirements, US high school diploma holders must achieve a minimum of 1190 (out of 1600) in the same SAT sitting. For details of using SAT to meet our English requirements, please click here.
8. Do I need to know Chinese to apply to a CityUHK programme?
The University’s medium of instruction and assessment is English, unless otherwise specified for a particular course or programme. It is not mandatory for international applicants to obtain a Chinese-language qualification before applying to the University.
9. I am over 25 years old and have some working experience. Can I apply as a mature applicant if I do not fulfil the entrance requirements?
Mature applicants are eligible to apply for admission to first-year studies even if they do not satisfy the minimum academic requirements for entry. Mature applicants must be over the age of 25 by 1 September of the year of admission and be able to demonstrate aptitude and suitability for the study.
10. Can I apply for admission based on IGCSE qualifications?
For admission to Bachelor’s degree programmes at the University, applicants must meet the minimum entrance requirements. Individual degrees / majors may require specific subject backgrounds. Please refer to the respective programme webpages for details.
IGCSE qualifications alone do not meet the minimum entrance requirements for CityUHK’s Bachelor’s degree programmes.
11. I am from Hong Kong and am now studying for my high school diploma in Shanghai. I am scheduled to take the JEE examination, but can’t find the JEE on your website, will I be eligible for advanced standing entry?
Applicants taking 港澳台地区学生考试 (the Joint College Entrance Examination [Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan]) can apply for first-year admission only.
12. I am currently studying the NZQA Level 2 curriculum at a New Zealand high school. Can I enter your university with my NZQA Level 2 results? (Note: NZQA is the qualifications authority)
NCEA Level 2 does not meet our minimum entrance requirements. Students need to complete their high-school studies in New Zealand (i.e. achieving NCEA Level 3) to be eligible to apply for admission.
13. Can my SAT score be used as a qualification for admission?
SAT scores alone do not meet any entrance requirements. Click here for the general entrance requirements for students with US qualifications. In addition to the General Entrance Requirements, individual degrees / majors may require specific subject backgrounds. Please refer to the respective programme webpages for details.
For applicants studying other high-school curriculums, SAT results, if available, will serve as a reference for assessment.
14. Am I required to take the essay component of the SAT?
The essay component of SAT is optional. If an applicant’s essay score is available, it will serve as a reference for our assessment.
15. What are the interview arrangements for non-local applicants?
Depending on the programme for which you apply, you may be required to attend an interview. If required, telephone / Skype / Zoom may be used to conduct the interview.
16. What are the selection criteria?
The assessment of applications is based on several factors, including applicants’ academic qualifications, results in relevant subjects, interview performance, portfolios and other criteria as specified by individual programmes.
17. Will my IB Diploma / GCEAL / IAL be considered for both first-year and Advanced Standing I admission if I only submit an application for first-year admission or vice versa?
No. There are specific programme codes for first-year and Advanced Standing admission. If you wish to apply for both first-year and Advanced Standing I entry, please include both codes in your programme choices.
1. How much is the application fee? How should I pay the fee?
The online application fee for non-local applicants is HK$450. Each applicant is allowed to submit one application (with a maximum of three programme choices) only. You can pay the application fee using one of the following methods: Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, FPS, AlipayHK, Alipay, WeChat or PayMe through the application system. The application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable, and must be paid before your application can be processed.
To submit your application for assessment, you are only required to pay the prescribed application fee, not any other fees, to the University.
2. How much is the acceptance fee?
For Bachelor's degree programmes, the acceptance fee for non-local students is HK$10,000.
3. Are there any entrance scholarships for international students? How do I apply for a scholarship as an international student?
The University offers various types of entrance scholarship for outstanding international / non-local students enrolled in Bachelor’s degree programmes at the University. Students are not required to apply for a scholarship. Applicants who receive an entrance scholarship will be notified of the award in the admission offer letter issued by the University.
For more information, please click here.
4. Is the entrance scholarship automatically renewed each year?
For renewable entrance scholarships, they are automatically renewed each year on the condition that the student achieves the required CGPA at the end of Semester B of each academic year. Applicants offered an entrance scholarship are advised to read the terms and conditions of the scholarship carefully before accepting the admission offer.
5. How do I know whether I have received a scholarship or a diversity grant?
Applicants who are awarded an entrance scholarship or a diversity grant will find a “Scholarship / Diversity Grant” section in their admission offer letter. This section will indicate the type of scholarship / diversity grant awarded and the conditions of the award, if applicable.
If you cannot find the “Scholarship / Diversity Grant” section in your letter of admission, you will not be admitted with an entrance scholarship or a diversity grant.
6. Is student accommodation available on campus? Will non-local students be given priority for on-campus student residence?
Non-local students (NLS) admitted to full-time Bachelor’s degree programmes are eligible to apply for accommodation in CityUHK’s Student Halls of Residence (SHR), with higher priority granted during their first two years of study under the current Hall Admission Policy (i.e. Academic Year 2025/26 and 2026/27). Hall application/contract is on annual basis and hence NLS are reminded /required to submit hall application yearly before/by the deadline defined. Late application shall not be entertained with one’s privilege forfeited.
Under the current Hall Admission Policy, newly-admitted NLS during their 1st year of study (2025/26) shall reside in SHR at Choi Sha Street, Ma On Shan, and reside in SHR at Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong for their 2nd year (2026/27). Such privilege is NOT transferrable to any subsequent years of study (3rd year of study onwards). NLS are required to secure their own housing in the market for subsequent years of study (2027/28 onwards) at private fund reserved.
Please note that the finalized info/version shall be uploaded onto Student Residence Office website by mid-April 2025.
7. Can you give me an estimate of the cost of studying for a Bachelor’s degree at CityUHK as a non-local student?
Tuition Fees (subject to annual review)
The tuition fee for non-local students admitted to Bachelor's degree programmes in the 2025/26 academic year is HK$170,000 per annum^ until the end of your studies. This fee may increase in line with changes made by the Hong Kong SAR Government.
^The tuition fee for non-local students admitting in 2025 in the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine programme is $350,000 per annum.
Non-local students admitted to full-time Bachelor’s degree programmes are eligible to apply for Student Halls of Residence (SHR), with higher priority granted during their first two years of study under the current Hall Admission Policy (i.e. Academic Year 2025/26 and 2026/27). Hall application/contract is on an annual basis and hence NLS are reminded /required to submit hall application yearly before/by the deadline defined. Late application shall not be entertained with one’s privilege forfeited.
Under the current Hall Admission Policy, newly-admitted NLS during their 1st year of study (2025/26) shall reside in SHR at Choi Sha Street, Ma On Shan, and reside in SHR at Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong for their 2nd year (2026/27). Such privilege is NOT transferrable to any subsequent years of study (3rd year of study onwards). NLS are required to secure their own housing in the market for subsequent years of study (2027/28 onwards) at private fund reserved. Please note that the finalized info/version shall be uploaded onto Student Residence Office website by mid-April 2025. Please apply within the specified application period. Late applications will not be entertained.
- Hall Lodging Fees
Hall lodging fees vary according to the room type and are subject to annual review. Please visit the website of the Student Residence Office for details. - Off-campus Accommodation
The monthly market rental price for off-campus accommodation varies according to flat size, location and other factors. Please visit the website of our Student Residence Office for details.
Cost of Living
Living costs vary depending on individual lifestyle expectations. For more information, please click here.
1. How can I submit my application?
Please click here to note the steps to submit an online application.
2. I was unable to pay the application fee online. Can I make the payment by another means?
For online applications, payment of the application fee will be made online through the application system. Payments may fail to go through sometimes due to system errors or busy transactions. You may save your data and try again later. Your application will only be processed after the application fee has been paid.
Please contact us if you encounter difficulties in paying the fee online.
3. Do I receive an acknowledgement after paying the application fee and submitting my application for the programme?
When you have successfully paid your application fee, you will see an online acknowledgment of your application. We will also send you an email to acknowledge receipt of your application. The programme name will appear under the “Submitted Applications” section in your application account.
If you think that you have paid the application fee but cannot see the programme(s) for which you have applied in the “Submitted Applications” section of your application account, please do not pay the fee again. Instead, you should contact the Admissions Office to check the status of your application.
4. What is an application account? How can I access it?
An application account is created when you apply online. Through your application account, you can check your application result, update your correspondence information and upload supporting documents.
You can access your application account with the electronic ID and password created at the time of application.
5. I cannot log in to my application account. What should I do?
You can access your application account using the electronic ID and password created at the time of application.
If you have forgotten your electronic ID or password, select “Forgot Electronic ID or Password” on the login page and provide the following information to retrieve your electronic ID or reset your password:
- HKID or ID / travel document number
- Email address
- Date of birth
If you are still unable to access your account, please contact the Admissions Office by telephone or email (please provide your full name, application number, HKID number [if any] and programme choice[s]). For security reasons, you are advised to change your password once you have successfully logged in to your account.
6. Can I submit more than one application? Do I need to prioritise my programme choices?
Non-local applicants are allowed to submit one application only. The application can include a maximum of three programme choices (with no priority assigned). Please note that once your application has been submitted, no additions or changes can be made to your programme choices.
If you have selected more than one programme in your application, all of your choices will be treated equally. Admission offers, if any, may be made at different times. For applicants who have received more than one admission offer from the University, only the latest acceptance will be counted. You can enrol in one programme only.
7. How can I cancel or withdraw my online application? I have not paid the application fee.
You may click “Cancel” in your application account for the programme for which you are no longer interested in applying if you have not yet paid the application fee.
Non-local applicants are allowed to submit one application (max. of three programme choices) only. Please note that once your application has been submitted, no additions or other changes can be made to your programme choices.
8. Can I correct the information I entered after I have submitted my application?
Once you have submitted your application, the system will not allow you to enter new data except to update the following fields via your application account:
- Postal address, email address and telephone number
- “Pending” grades in the “Public Examinations” section
- Your latest overall GPA / mark in your post-secondary studies in the “Post-Secondary Education” section
For other amendments, please click here.
If you wish to provide additional information after submitting your application, please login in your application account and use the "file upload" function in "Supporting Documents" section. For revised documents, please add "replacement" or "amendment", as appropriate, to the file name for easy identification. If you encounter problems arising from server space restrictions, please contact us to request an increase in disk space.
Please note that once the selection process has begun, additional / updated information provided to the University may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant programme department.
9. How can I update my correspondence information after submitting my application?
You can update your correspondence information (telephone, address and e-mail) anytime through your application account.
10. What documents do I need to submit with my completed online application form for undergraduate programmes?
Supporting documents of your qualifications (e.g. transcripts, predicted grades, TOEFL / IELTS scores, public exam results if available) are needed for application review. Please click here for a list of the required documents by qualification type. For programme-specific documentation, please click here for details.
Please also note the following:
- Documents that are not in English must be accompanied by an officially certified English translation provided by the awarding body or your school or university.
- Documents that do not show the name of the applicant or with non-matching names will NOT be accepted. However, if the difference in names is due to special reasons, please upload a written explanation along with the documentary proof (e.g. deed poll, certificate of name change).
- If you wish to provide additional information after submitting your application, please login to your application account and use the "file upload" function in "Supporting Documents" section. Please note that once the selection process has begun, additional / updated information provided to the University may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant programme department.
- If requested by the University, you should present the ORIGINAL certificate / official certification of your qualifications as stated in your application (e.g. transcripts, award certificates, English test results and an officially certified English translation where applicable) for verification before starting your study. The University reserves the right to decide whether the submitted documents are acceptable. If you fail to provide the documentation acceptable to the University for verification, your admission offer will be withdrawn and your enrolment at the University will also be rescinded. Any fees paid will not be refunded.
Scanned copies of required documents should be uploaded via your application account before submitting your application. Please note that applicants (including CityUHK graduates / current students) are responsible for providing full information to facilitate the evaluation of their applications.
11. Can I provide additional information after I have submitted my application?
Please note that documentary proof of your academic qualifications should be uploaded via your application account before submitting your application.
If you wish to provide additional information after submitting your application, please login to your application account and use the "file upload" function in "Supporting Documents" section. Selection decisions will be based mainly on the qualifications and supporting documents provided at the time of application. Please note that once the selection process has begun, additional / updated information provided to the University may not be considered, at the discretion of the relevant programme department. If requested by the University, you should present the ORIGINAL certificate / official certification of your qualifications as stated in your application (e.g. transcripts, award certificates, English test results and an officially certified English translation where applicable) for verification before starting your study. The University reserves the right to decide whether the submitted documents are acceptable. If you fail to provide the documentation acceptable to the University for verification, your admission offer will be withdrawn and your enrolment at the University will also be rescinded. Any fees paid will not be refunded.
12. I will be sitting the IELTS / TOEFL exam in February 2025. I may not receive my result before the application deadline. Can I submit an application without my IELTS / TOEFL score?
If you have the required supporting documents other than your IELTS / TOEFL result at the time of application, you may submit your online application stating the date you expect to obtain your IELTS / TOEFL result. Applicants may receive conditional offers stating a specific test score as a requirement for admission.
13. Do I need to submit recommendation / reference letters with my application? Where can I download the recommendation / referee form?
Recommendation letters are not required unless specifically requested by individual programmes. There is no standard form for recommendation / reference letters.
If you would like to provide such letters, please upload them via your application account or ask your institution / referee to send the letter to the University by email to admdoc@cityu.edu.hk. Hardcopy letters are not required.
14. Will the Academic Department know that I have applied for more than one programme?
The information relating to your application will be shared among all programmes you have applied for. However, the programme-offering department will not know your application results for programmes offered by other units.
15. How will the information I provide in the application be used?
The information that you provide in your application, including your HKID card / passport / travel document number, examination results and qualifications, will be used for the following purposes:
- As a basis for various types of processing in relation to your application
- As a basis for the selection of applicants for admission to the programmes offered by the University and for other relevant or related purposes
- To obtain from the relevant examination authority, assessment body or academic institution in Hong Kong or elsewhere information about your examination results, records of studies or professional qualifications if deemed appropriate
- To carry out checks on your application and any records of studies at the University and other institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere if deemed appropriate
- To carry out checks on other information mentioned in your application (e.g. employment records, non-academic awards) with the relevant party / parties if deemed appropriate
- To transfer relevant data to the University’s student record system upon the successful outcome of your application
- For statistical and research purposes (with personal identifiers removed)
- Direct marketing of the University’s programmes and activities (personal data)
You may opt out of receiving such information via your application account if you wish.
Please note that by submitting your application, you authorise the University to obtain and the relevant examination authority, academic institution or organisation to release information on your examination results and records of studies, and participation in activities and the awards obtained. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to access and correct the personal data contained in the application, and the right to request a copy of such data during the admission exercise. If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the University. You may be charged a fee for each request. Data relating to unsuccessful applications and unenrolled applicants will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise.
16. I am a final-year high school student. My ACT and SAT results will not be available before the application deadline. Can I submit my application first and provide the supporting documents later?
Your latest high-school transcript should be included when submitting your application. If you have not received your ACT / SAT result or other examination results such as IELTS / TOEFL results at the time of application, you may still submit your application. Please state the expected date of obtaining the results in the “Public Examinations” section of your online application account, and upload the relevant documents via your application account as soon as the results become available. Final-year high school graduating students may receive conditional offers stipulating the satisfactory completion of their current study and required marks / scores as conditions for admission.
17. I intend to apply to the SCM. Will my portfolio be considered for admission?
If you are interested in applying for the Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the School of Creative Media (SCM), it is highly recommended that you submit a portfolio to the SCM. Please refer to the SCM’s webpage at www.scm.cityu.edu.hk/portfolio for details of the portfolio submission period and specifications.
18. How should I send my SAT / AP test results to CityUHK?
SAT / AP test results must be received directly from the College Board (CityUHK registered institution code is 7903).
19. I wish to ask the ACT test centre to send you my official results, but I cannot find the code for your university. Please advise.
CityUHK’s ACT code is 7062. Please ask the testing authority to send your ACT results to CityUHK directly.
20. The exam body is unable to send CityUHK my public GSAT exam results. Can the results be sent by my high school along with other supporting documents?
If the exam body cannot send your GSAT results to us, you can ask your school to certify your GSAT results and send the documentation directly to the Admissions Office in a sealed school envelope with an authorised signature and an official stamp on the back flap.
21. How should I send my IB results to CityUHK?
Please upload a copy of your IB results to your application account first, then ask the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) (via https://rrs.ibo.org/) to release your IB results to City University of Hong Kong to allow us to verify your results directly via the IBO official website. For more information, please visit IBO official website.
1. When will the application results be announced?
Admission offers for Semester A entry are normally made from December to next July. Application results may be announced late under the following circumstances:
- the required supporting documentation is not available; or
- the application was submitted after the application deadline; or
- examination results relevant to the evaluation are still pending.
2. How can I find out the progress of my application?
You can check the progress of your application by logging into your application account.
If your application is successful, we will send you an email notification. If your application is unsuccessful, no letter / other written notification will be sent.
3. My account indicates that my application is "under review", what does this mean?
If your application status shows "under review", the review of your application is still ongoing.
You can check the outcome of your application by logging into your application account at a later date. If your application is successful, we will notify you by email, and you can retrieve your admission offer letter via your application account. No hardcopy letter will be issued.
4. I am a non-local applicant. What should I do if my application account shows “Firm Offer” under “Application Result”?
“Firm Offer” means that you have been offered admission to the programme concerned. Please read the offer letter and “Notes for Applicants” carefully via your application account and follow the instructions to accept the offer. Acceptance must be accompanied by the full payment of the acceptance fee by the specified deadline. An acknowledgement of your acceptance will appear immediately after your successful online payment of the acceptance fee. You may also check your acceptance status under “Applicant Reply”.
5. I received an offer of admission from the University and I need to submit my application for a student visa. Who should I contact to find out whether the University will sponsor my visa application?
Our Global Engagement Office coordinates matters relating to student visa / entry permit applications. Please contact them for assistance.
Contact the Global Engagement Office (International and Non-local Students)
Telephone: (852) 3442-8089
Fax: (852) 3442-0223
Email: geovisa@cityu.edu.hk
Website: www.cityu.edu.hk/geo/
Please note that non-local students are normally required to obtain a student visa / entry permit to study full-time in Hong Kong. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a valid student visa / entry permit before arrival, and to comply with the terms and conditions of the visa / permit. If you are unable to produce a student visa / entry permit, you will not be allowed to enrol at CityUHK.
6. Can I apply for credit transfer / course exemption if I am offered admission?
If you have studied similar courses at a recognised post-secondary institution, you may be eligible for credit transfer or course exemption to meet some programme requirements. Credit transfer will not be considered for advanced standing entrants.
For details of credit transfer and course exemption, please refer to the website of our Academic Regulations and Records Office.
7. I have received a conditional offer from the University. Will I receive a further notification confirming my admission offer after I have fulfilled the offer conditions?
Applicants who have received a conditional offer should supply documentation certifying the fulfilment of conditions before the deadline indicated in the admission offer letter. Once applicants have met the offer conditions, their application accounts will be updated to show “condition(s) met” in the relevant section. Applicants will not receive another notification confirming the offer.
8. If I am offered a place at CityUHK, can I defer my admission to the following year?
Admission offers are only valid for the admission semester and will lapse if you fail to enrol in the admission semester.
9. If I decline the admission offer this year, will it affect my application next year?
Applications are reviewed based on the information submitted in the year of application. No reference will be made to previous applications.
10. Can I appeal if I am denied admission?
We strongly discourage appeals unless you can provide significant new information in writing for our consideration. Our admission decisions are based on a careful and thorough review of each application in comparison to the entire applicant pool. It is unlikely that we will reverse our original decision.
11. If I receive several offers from CityUHK, can I accept them all and decide which one I really want later?
If you have applied for more than one programme, your applications will be processed individually by the respective programme-offering units. You may therefore receive notifications of the results of your application at different times.
If you have received more than one admission offer from the University, your acceptance of a later admission offer will automatically supersede and cancel your previous acceptance of any other offer(s). Note that at any one time, you can accept one admission offer only.
12. Will I receive a confirmation letter after paying the acceptance fee?
After successful payment of the acceptance fee, you will receive an acknowledgement by email and the reply status for the programme will be changed to “Offer Accepted” in your application account. No hardcopy confirmation letter will be sent.
13. Are hostel facilities available? How far are they from the university campus and food vendors?
Non-local students admitted to a full-time Bachelor’s degree programme are eligible to apply for student accommodation, with higher priority granted during their first two years of study under the current Hall Admission Policy. For subsequent years of study, non-local students are expected to secure their own housing in the market, for which they are advised to have prepared sufficient funds. Further information can be obtained from the Student Residence Office.
Our residence halls are located very close to CityUHK’s main campus. For details of food vendors, health services, and other facilities near the halls, please click here.
14. When can I perform the online pre-enrolment?
After you have accepted the admission offer and fulfilled the conditions of the offer (if applicable), the Academic Regulations and Records Office will send you an enrolment notification. The enrolment of new non-local students usually will begin one week before the commencement of new semester.
15. When will I receive my student ID card and information on enrolment, class schedule and course registration?
After you have accepted our admission offer and fulfilled the offer condition(s) of the offer (if applicable), the Admissions Office will transfer your records to the Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO). ARRO will contact you in August regarding the arrangements for enrolment, student ID card, class schedule and course registration.
1. How should I apply for your exchange programme?
The University welcomes applications from exchange students. Before you apply as an exchange student, please check with your home institution that CityUHK is among its exchange partners. If an agreement has been established and you are selected by your home institution, please consult your university about the relevant application procedure and study plan.
2. What is the difference between an institutional-level exchange programme and a college / school / departmental-level exchange programme?
Institutional-level exchange programmes are based on exchange agreements signed between your home institution and CityUHK. Individual colleges / schools / departments of CityUHK also establish exchange agreements with partner institutions, sometimes with restrictions on the discipline of study. To view a list of our partner institutions, click here.
3. How will you know that I have been selected by my home institution to join a CityUHK exchange programme? How do I submit an exchange application?
The names of the students nominated for exchange programmes will be provided by our partner universities. We will then follow up on the relevant exchange applications.
For institutional-level exchange programmes, you can apply online.
For college / school / departmental-level exchange programmes, applications should be sent directly to the respective academic units of CityUHK. Online application may be available for some academic units. Please check the application method with the exchange coordinator at your home institution before submitting your application.
4. What is the online application period?
The online application periods for institutional-level exchange programmes at CityUHK are tentatively scheduled as follows.
Institutional-level exchange programmes | Online application period |
Semester A (September entry) | 8 April – 15 May |
Semester B (January entry) | 1 September – 15 October |
Summer Term (June entry) | 15 January – 15 February |
Please visit the Admissions Office website nearer to the time for more up-to-date information.
College / school / departmental-level exchange programmes may have their own application procedures and deadlines.
1. What are the entrance requirements for admission to the University as an exchange student?
Prospective exchange students are first selected by their home institutions prior to the approval of their exchange study by the relevant academic departments of CityUHK. Successful applicants are required to do the following:
- Meet CityUHK’s minimum academic requirements and be in good academic standing with their home institutions; AND
- achieve a TOEFL score ≥ 79 (in the Internet-based test), an IELTS overall band score ≥ 6.5 or Band 6 in mainland China’s College English Test (total score ≥ 450) or hold an equivalent English qualification if English is not the medium of instruction at their home institutions.
(Students who wish to apply for law courses must meet the School of Law’s minimum CGPA requirement of 3.0 [out of 4.3] AND its English-language requirement of TOEFL 100 [Internet-based test] or IELTS 7. The TOEFL / IELTS score should have been obtained no more than 3 years before admission.)
2. My home institution does not have an official exchange agreement with CityUHK. Can I still join you as an exchange student?
You can participate in a CityUHK exchange programme only if your home institution is one of CityUHK’s exchange partners. Check with your institution to confirm. Alternatively, you can apply as a fee-paying Visiting Student.
1. Do I need to pay an application fee to CityUHK?
We do not charge a fee for applications for exchange studies at CityUHK.
1. What supporting documents are needed to apply for an exchange programme?
You will need to provide the following supporting documents when applying for exchange studies at CityUHK:
- A scanned copy of your academic transcript issued by your home institution.
- Any of the following English test results if English is not the medium of instruction at your home institution.
- TOEFL score of 79 or above (Internet-based test)
- IELTS score of 6.5 or above
- Band 6 in mainland China’s College English Test (total score ≥ 450)
- Other acceptable English qualifications
2. If I cannot apply online, is there another way to apply for the exchange programme?
You are strongly encouraged to use the online application system to apply for institutional-level exchange programmes. If you are unable to use the online application system, contact the Admissions Office to obtain a paper form.
3. Where can I find the courses available for my exchange study?
Click here to find the undergraduate courses available to exchange students. Course offerings may change without notice. The updated course list will usually be available near the start of the respective application period.
1. What will happen after I have applied for an exchange programme?
Upon receiving your university’s nomination, the Admissions Office will process your student exchange application and consult the departments offering the courses listed in your initial study plan. A letter of acceptance will normally be sent to you by early April (for June entry), early July (for September entry) or early December (for January entry). The Global Engagement Office can assist you in matters relating to student visa applications.
2. Can I correct information and upload document after I have submitted my application?
If you wish to upload additional document after submitting your application, please login into online application system and upload document under "Upload Doc" section.
Please contact us if you wish to amend other data.
3. What should I do if I decide not to proceed with my student exchange application?
If you decide to withdraw your student exchange application, please inform our Global Engagement Office (for institutional-level exchange) or the academic department concerned (for departmental-level exchange) via your home institution.
4. What will happen if not all of the courses that I plan to take are approved before I come to Hong Kong?
We will endeavour to seek approval from the relevant academic department(s) for your initial course plan. If it is not possible to pre-register for all of your desired courses (due to a timetabling clash, for example, or if course registration is full), you can still add / drop courses when the University’s class schedule and course registration information become available through the Student Portal, usually two weeks before the start of the semester / term.
1. Can I apply for admission as a visiting student?
Applicants who do not wish to pursue a full programme of study at the University may apply for admission as visiting students to attend selected course(s) and take the assessment(s) as defined in the programme scheme. Visiting students will only be admitted if the relevant course-offering units are satisfied with their academic suitability for the course(s) applied for, and if there are places available on the course(s). Acceptance as a visiting student does not guarantee subsequent admission to a specific programme. For details, please refer to the Visiting Undergraduate Students website.
2. When can I submit an application as a visiting student?
Our academic year comprises Semester A, Semester B and a summer term. Local and non-local applicants have different application periods. For details, please refer to our Visiting Undergraduate Students website.
1. What is the entrance requirement for visiting undergraduate students?
The assessment of applications for visiting students is based on academic criteria. Visiting students will only be admitted if the relevant schools / departments are satisfied with their academic suitability for the courses applied for, and if places are available in the lecture groups for the course(s) concerned.
2. If I cannot meet the prerequisite conditions for a course, can I still apply for it?
Students taking courses that specify a prerequisite are expected to have relevant academic experience. You are advised not to apply for a course if you cannot meet its prerequisite conditions.
1. When should I pay the tuition fee?
Applicants will be required to pay the full course fee upon their acceptance of an offer of admission. All tuition fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
1. How can I apply for undergraduate visiting studies?
Download the application form from our Visiting Undergraduate Students website. Complete the form and send it to the Admissions Office (City University of Hong Kong, 5/F, Fong Yun-wah Building, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong) with your supporting documents, such as certified true copies of academic transcripts and / or certificates.
2. Can I submit scanned copies of my academic transcripts / certificates as supporting documents for my visiting student application?
You will need to provide certified true copies of your transcripts and award certificates (if applicable) when completing your visiting student application. The certified true copies of your qualifications should be provided by the awarding body or your school or university.
Local applicants who cannot get certified true copies from the awarding body or home institution can take the required qualification documents to the Home Affairs Department and make a true copies declaration / affirmation. For more details, please visit the Home Affairs Department website.
The University reserves the right to decide whether your submitted documents are acceptable. If requested, you will need to provide the original documents for further verification.
3. How many credit units does a non-local applicant have to take?
Due to visa restrictions, non-local visiting students are required to take a full-time study load of ≥ 12 credit units (i.e. at least four courses of three credit units each) in Semester A or B and at least six but no more than seven credit units in the Summer Term (i.e. at least two courses of three credit units each).
1. When will I know the result of my application?
Local Applicants
Admission offers for visiting students are usually made a week before the start of the semester / term.
Non-Local Applicants
Admission offers for non-local applicants are normally made 6 weeks before the start of the semester / term to allow sufficient time to apply for a student visa.
2. What should I do if there is a timetable clash between the courses I have been offered?
The class schedule for courses is available from this website about 3 weeks before the start of each semester / term. Applicants are advised to check the class schedule before making the tuition fee payment. All fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.
If a timetabling problem does arise, please contact the Admissions Office immediately to discuss possible arrangements.
3. I am a non-local applicant. Can I apply for student accommodation?
Visiting students are expected to prepare and arrange their own accommodation before their arrival in Hong Kong. For more information regarding off-campus accommodation options, please visit: www.cityu.edu.hk/sro/StudentHousing/oca.htm.
4. How should I apply for a student visa?
For assistance with your student visa application, please contact our Global Engagement Office by telephone [(852) 3442-8089], fax [(852) 3442-0223] or email (geovisa@cityu.edu.hk). For information on visa requirements, please consult the Hong Kong Immigration Department website.
1. What is the medium of instruction at the University?
Unless otherwise determined by the Senate for a specific course, the medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English.
2. What is the curriculum structure of CityUHK’s Bachelor’s degree programmes?
Please click here for the curriculum structure of our degree programmes.
3. What are the academic terms and class hours at CityUHK?
Our academic year consists of two 16-week semesters (13 teaching weeks per semester) and an optional 9-week summer term (7 teaching weeks). For details, please visit the Academic Calendar of the Academic Regulations and Records Office.
4. How do I contact CityUHK?
For government-funded Bachelor's degree programmes, the contact details are as follows:
Email: | Local Applicants: ugadm.local@cityu.edu.hk Non-Local Applicants: ugadm.intl@cityu.edu.hk |
Phone: | Local Applicants: (852) 3442-7640 Non-Local Applicants: (852) 3442-9368 |
Fax: | (852) 3442-0266 |
Office Location: | Admissions Office, City University of Hong Kong, 5/F, Fong Yun-wah Building, Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon, Hong Kong |
For information on Research Degree, Professional Doctorate and Taught Postgraduate programmes, please visit the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies website.
5. How can I apply for programmes offered by City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan)?
For enquiries regarding admission matters at City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan), please refer to websites of CityUHK(Dongguan):
Homepage: https://www.cityu-dg.edu.cn/en/home
UG admissions: https://uga.cityu-dg.edu.cn/en
1. Does the University offer a campus tour?
You may take a Virtual Campus Tour to explore City University of Hong Kong online, view 360-degree panoramas and learn more about the University.
2. When is your Undergraduate Information Day for 2025 entry?
Our Information Day for 2025 admission is scheduled to be held on 5 October 2024 (Saturday). Please visit the Admissions Office website nearer the time for more up-to-date information.
1. How can CityUHK undergraduate students apply for exchange study?
CityUHK undergraduate students can apply for exchange programmes. Please refer to Global Engagement Office website for eligibility and application procedure for Outbound Student Exchange.
2. Am I eligible to apply for accommodation in CityUHK’s Student Residence? When can I apply?
Students enrolled in CityUHK’s UGC-funded Bachelor’s degree programmes may submit applications for student accommodation. Please visit the Student Residence website for details.
1. How will my application be affected by unpaid fees from my previous studies at CityUHK?
Applicants with outstanding accounts with the University will be treated the same as other applicants when their applications are considered. However, the University will require such applicants to settle their outstanding balance before they can enrol in the offered programmes.
2. Can I be admitted if my previous studies at CityUHK were terminated?
If your previous studies at CityUHK were terminated by the University for academic reasons, you cannot be readmitted to CityUHK in the academic year following the termination.
Please click here (Point B2) for the academic regulations concerning former CityUHK students who wish to apply for readmission to the University.
The Admission Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes which set out the principles and policies for undergraduate admission are available here.

CityUHK provides abundant interactive, inspirational and innovative learning opportunities. Let’s match your interests with your studies.