Visiting Students

Visiting Students


Applicants who do not wish to pursue a full programme of study at the University may apply for admission as visiting students to attend selected course(s) and take the assessment(s) as defined in the programme scheme. Visiting students will only be admitted if the relevant course-offering units are satisfied with their academic suitability for the course(s) applied for, and if there are places available on the course(s). Acceptance as a visiting student does not guarantee subsequent admission to a specific programme.

Tuition fees are charged on a credit basis, with each course normally carrying three credit units. The fees for courses offered at the Bachelor’s degree level are as follows.

Local Applicants (HK$)Non-Local Applicants (HK$)
HK$2,800 per creditHK$4,000 per credit

Upon acceptance of an offer of admission, applicants will be required to pay the tuition fees in full. Tuition fees are usually non-refundable and non-transferable.

The University reserves the right to cancel any course, in which case any tuition fees paid will be refunded.

Key Dates


Application Period for Non-local Applicants*

15 April - 15 May 2024 


Semester A, 2024/2025           
(September - December 2024)


1 September - 15 October 2024


Semester B, 2024/25           
(January - May 2025)


15 January - 15 February 2025


Summer Term 2025           
(June - August 2025)


* Please read the "Points to Note for Non-local Applicants” before submitting an application.


Application Period for Local Applicants

15 April - 15 July 2024


Semester A, 2024/2025           
(September - December 2024)


1 September - 1 December 2024


Semester B, 2024/25           
(January - May 2025)


15 January - 3 April 2025


Summer Term 2025           
(June - August 2025)


[Block] Application Procedures

Application Procedures

Prepare for Your Application

Non-local students are persons who require a student visa/entry permit issued by the Hong Kong Immigration Department to study in Hong Kong. Students who were issued a dependant visa/entry permit at age 18 or above are also regarded as non-local students.

Each applicant is allowed to submit one application with a maximum of 10 courses in the application.

Course List for visiting students

Here are the course offering by semester for reference and selection:

Due to visa restrictions, non-local visiting students are required to undertake a full-time study load ≥ 12 credits (i.e., at least four courses of three credit units each) in Semester A or B and at least six but no more than seven credit units in the Summer Term (i.e., at least two courses of three credit units each). Non-local applicants are encouraged to select more courses to seek for course approval (e.g. six courses) on the application form in order to meet the full-time study load requirement.

Please note that regular students will be given priority in course registration. There is no guarantee that applications from visiting students will be considered for the courses listed, particularly for professional courses such as accountancy and law.

Course offerings may change due to under-enrolment, staff changes and other factors. The University reserves the right to alter the published course list without prior notice.

Please download and complete the application form (requires Adobe Reader).

Applicants are required to provide certified true copies of your transcripts and award certificates (if applicable) when completing your visiting student application. The certified true copies of your qualifications should be provided by the awarding body or your school or university.

Local applicants who cannot get certified true copies from the awarding body or home institution can take the required qualification documents to the Home Affairs Department and make a true copies declaration/affirmation. For more details, please visit the Home Affairs Department website.

The University reserves the right to decide whether your submitted documents are acceptable. If requested, you will need to provide the original documents for further verification.

Submit Your Application
Submit Your Application
  • Please download and complete the application form with applicant’s signature.
  • Select your payment method and complete the application fee payment (refer to below section).
  • Application forms, payment proof (if applicable) and the certified true copies of academic transcripts or certificates should be sent to the Admissions Office (5/F, Fong Yun-wah Building, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong) before the application deadline.

The application fee is HKD400 per application.

Methods of Application Fee Payment

Local applicants:

  • by ATM transfer to CityUHK's Hang Seng Bank account (account number 293-318028-003); or
  • by Visa or MasterCard (complete the "Application Fee" section of the application form); or

Applicants residing outside Hong Kong:

  • by Visa or MasterCard (complete the "Application Fee" section of the application form)

Please DO NOT send personal cheques or cash.

Before submitting your application, please check if you have:

  • filled in Sections 1 to 10
  • entered the correct course codes and titles
  • attached the proof of application fee payment (Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable)
  • supplied certified true copies issued by issuing authority of transcripts / certificates / supporting documents for Sections 4 - 6
  • signed and dated the application form
After Submission of Your Application
After Submission of Your Application

Upon receiving your application form and relevant documents by mail, you will receive an email from the Admissions Office regarding to the acknowledgement on receipt of the visiting student application and relevant documents.

Your application will be passed to the course offering unit(s) for review and assessment. Please note that visiting students will only be admitted if the relevant course-offering units are satisfied with their academic suitability for the course(s) applied for, and if there are places available on the course(s).

Local ApplicantsNon-Local Applicants
Admission offers for visiting students are usually made a week before the start of the semester/term.Admission offers for non-local applicants are normally made 6 weeks before the start of the semester/term to allow sufficient time to apply for a student visa.

If your application is successful, we will notify you and send the admission offer letter by email. No hardcopy letter will be issued.

For unsuccessful application, we will send you an email notification.

Successful applicants will receive the admission offer letter by email. Details of the pre-registered courses, tuition fee amount and the acceptance deadline will be listed on the admission offer letter. 

To confirm the offer acceptance, the full tuition fee payment must be paid by the specified deadline and before the enrolment in the University. All fees paid are NOT refundable or transferrable even if you decide, for whatever reasons, not to enrol at CityUHK.

Non-local students must obtain a student visa/entry permit to take up studies in Hong Kong. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain a valid student visa/entry permit before arrival, and to comply with the terms and conditions of the visa/permit. If you are unable to produce a student visa/entry permit, you will not be allowed to enrol as a visiting student.

It normally takes 6 weeks or longer to process a student visa application. You are advised to apply well in advance to ensure that your visa is issued before the start of your visiting study. For assistance with student visa sponsorship and information on applying for student visa, please visit the website of the Global Engagement Office.

Visiting students are expected to prepare and arrange their own accommodation before their arrival in Hong Kong. For more information regarding off-campus accommodation options, please visit:

The enrolment notice will be sent to you along with the admission offer letter by email. Successful applicants should complete the pre-enrolment procedures online before the arrival at CityUHK for enrolment. 

The enrolment period will normally take place one week before the start of semester. If you fail to complete the enrolment procedure by the specified date, the offer will lapse. All fees paid are NOT refundable or transferrable even if you decide, for whatever reasons, not to enrol at CityUHK.

More Information

CityUHK Academic Calendar
CityUHK Academic Calendar
Class Schedule
Class Schedule

Use of Application Information

Application information, including your HKID card/passport number, will be used in the admission evaluation process. Upon your enrolment in the University, such information will become part of your student record and may be used for any purposes relating to your study in accordance with University procedures.

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right of access to and correction of the information contained in your application, as well as the right to request a copy of such data. If you wish to obtain more information, please write to the Admissions Office. You may be charged a fee for each request.

The application data of unsuccessful applications and unenrolled applicants will be destroyed at the end of the admission exercise.

Please note that the European Union and the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy Notice which may apply to you, where applicable.