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Poetic Heritage Translation Awards

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Dr. Jennifer Cheung Chui-yiu, JP - LT Poetic Heritage Translation Award

With the generous support of Dr. Jennifer Cheung Chui-yiu, JP, the Department of Linguistics and Translation and Preserving and Appraising Traditional Cultural Heritage (PATCH) of the University have jointly established the Dr. Jennifer Cheung Chui-yiu, JP, Poetic Heritage Translation Award (張伍翠瑤博士 “古詩新解新譯” 獎學金). Purposes of the Award are:

  1. to promote innovative and creative work in translating Chinese classic poems that were historically significant but have not been translated into English;
  2. to revive the literary beauty and cultural significance of the forgotten poems and retell the meaningful stories behind them; and
  3. to enable capacity building by LT students in exploring, transforming, and transmitting the Chinese poetic heritage to the world through translation.

The Awards mark a remarkable learning outcome of multidisciplinary collaboration to integrate history, architecture, media and language, for cultural awareness and enhancement. The Awards have been established with effect from the 2017/18 academic year for 5 consecutive years under the following regulations:

  1. There shall be 3 awards per annum and the value of the awards shall be $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000.
  2. The Awards shall be granted to LT students of full-time majors (BA and MA).
  3. Awardees shall demonstrate competent language ability in both English and Chinese.
  4. Awardees shall demonstrate appreciation of Chinese classical poems.

2017/18 Awards

2018/19 Awards

2019/20 Awards

2020/21 Awards

2021/22 Awards

2022/23 Awards