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Dr. Jennifer Cheung Chui-yiu, JP – Poetic Heritage Translation Award (2017/18)
張伍翠瑤博士 “古詩新解新譯” 獎學金 (2017/18)

Call for Participation

2017/18 Translation Project: 《西嶼塔燈》


(1) 小謝指謝維祺,於乾隆43年(1778年)任澎湖通判始建
(2) 道光3年(1823年),陳提督化成上任水師協副將時與通判蔣鏞重修


周凱 (2000)。〈西嶼塔燈〉。載林豪(主撰),《澎湖廳志》,卷十四 藝文下,頁 500。台北: 大通書局。(原著出版年: 清光緒18年(1892年)。

book image

燈塔古蹟背景 Background of Xiyu lighthouse Pagoda:


西元1874-75年,舊燈塔已近百年(97年),於是清庭政府聘用英國工程師David Marr Handerson設計11公尺高的白色燈塔新西洋燈塔,即今日所見漁翁島燈塔。

Xiyu Ta Deng (西嶼燈塔), in English translation Fisher Island Pagoda Light, was completed in 1778 (43rd year of Emperor Qianglong), funded by donations raised by Jiang Yuanshu (蔣元樞), Taiwan Prefectural Magistrate, and Xie Weiqi (謝維祺), local Penghu Magistrate. We learn from a stele commemorating the construction of the pagoda, that there had been an earlier structure:

That seven-level pagoda, suffering from lack of maintenance and bad management, was significantly damaged by a typhoon in 1823 (3rd year of Emperor Daoguang), though it is not known what the extent of the damage may have been. Funds were raised from officials, merchants, store- and ship owners – the record says a total of 500 silver taels – to repair and upgrade the light by the then Penghu magistrate Jiang Yong (蔣鏞) and the local navy commander Chén Huà Chéng (陳化成).

The history of the Xiyu Pagoda Light ended in the summer of 1875. As part of the second lighthouse programme of the Chinese Imperial Maritime Customs Service (CIMCS) it was planned to construct a modern lighthouse where the old pagoda light was standing. The new light, a prefabricated cast iron structure designed by the CIMCS Chief Engineer David Marr Henderson.

圖一、創建西嶼塔燈碑記 圖二、建修西嶼塔院落成碑記 圖三、續修西嶼塔廟記
圖一、創建西嶼塔燈碑記 圖二、建修西嶼塔院落成碑記 圖三、續修西嶼塔廟記

Awards List

1st Prize
Daniel Yau Sheung Chu
MA Language Studies (MALS)

2nd Prize
CHAN Tsz Ching Rachel
BA Translation & Interpretation (BATI)

3rd Prize
MA Language Studies (MALS)

Honorable Mention
ZHENG Yuqiong
MA Language Studies (MALS)

Honorable Mention
LAM Wing Yin
BA Translation & Interpretation (BATI)

Honorable Mention
BA Translation & Interpretation (BATI)

Honorable Mention
LIN Zhaorui
MA Language Studies (MALS)

Dr Jennifer Cheung Chui-yiu Poetic Heritage Translation Awards - A Poetic Feast at LT

The poem “Xiyu Lighthouse” (西嶼塔燈)by late-Qing poet Zhou Kai in 1879 to honour the lighthouse builder and guardian of seafarers in the Penghu islands has attracted 19 English translations by students of the Department of Linguistics and Translation (LT), competing for the Dr Jennifer Cheung Chui-yiu Poetic Heritage Translation Awards.

As well as officiating at the prize presentation ceremony, Dr Jennifer Cheung gave a gracious recital of her poem which she composed specifically for the occasion, praising LT students for their efforts to “ingeniously translate classical poetry for a modern audience” (外文巧譯古成今). The poem reads:

Old Xiyu Ta Deng

翻譯頒獎典禮和詩 - 張伍翠瑤博士


The Awards are funded by Dr Cheung’s generous donation of $50,000 for LT, from 2018 for five years, to promote through innovative translation poetic masterpieces in Chinese that are yet unknown to the world. The Awards also mark a remarkable debut of multidisciplinary collaboration, initiated by Dr. Steven Ching, to integrate history, architecture, media and language, for cultural awareness and enhancement. Thanks to the project, the inspiring lighthouse has been restored and its rich history and significance to the Chinese people are now available in English translation.

New Xiyu Ta Deng

“Translation is a powerful means to promote Chinese poetic heritage worldwide,” stressed Professor Liu Meichun in her opening remarks. The passion and power of translation were also touchingly demonstrated in the recital by College Secretary of CLASS, Ms Geraldine Mak, with her melodic and engaging voice, of three celebrated Tang poems as beautifully and meaningfully translated by her father, Mr. Chi Kwong Mak, a scholar of English and Chinese literature.

More recitals followed of the winning entries in the competition by the participating translators to the enjoyment of over 50 guests, faculty, and students.

The winners of the first, second and third prizes were Yau Sheung Chu Daniel, Chan Tsz Ching Rachel and Jin Jun respectively. Four students received Certificates of Honourable Mention, namely, Zheng Yuqiong, Lam Wing Yin, Chan Ka Lam and Lin Zhaorui.

All 19 entries were meticulously adjudicated by Professor Perng Ching-hsi with the assistance of Dr Richard Sheung, programme leader of the MA in Language Studies.

The prize presentation ceremony was held at the Department of Linguistics and Translation on 9 April 2018. It concluded with a heart-felt appreciation of the original poem and its various renditions in English, notably this one by the first prize winner:

《西嶼塔燈》周凱 (1879) Mr. Yau Sheung Chu’s translation: Xiyu Lighthouse

Towering in the night a flare so bright,
Pierces through darkness at Xiyu's height.
Foils are the fishing lanterns,
Dim and scattering,
A pledge to lead merchants home,
From waters unending.

In the briny deep,
Leviathan quivers at its blazing power.
On the isle are silhouettes,
Well into the small hours.
Alas! Xi’s toil and sweat.
No longer in its weathering do we abet.

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