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Events Archive

event poster

Joint Seminar on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research – Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian (2017)

Date: 22 June 2017
Venue: Shanxi

event poster

2017 Summer Study Trip to Shanxi - Discovery Shanxi Merchants Culture and Preserving Wooden Architectural Heritage

Date: 16-23 June 2017
Venue: Shanxi

event poster

Sharing the Experience of Chinese Calligraphy: An Exhibition of Student Artworks from a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop

Date: 8 May-31 August 2017
Venue: Exhibition Area, 2/F, Library

event poster

To the Lighthouse

Date: 10-13 April 2017
Venue: CAVE at Information Space, Library

event poster

The Coastwise Lights of Penghu - The Fisher Island (Yuwengdao) Lighthouse : Hong Kong Film Premiere

Date: 10 April 2017
Venue: Jennifer and Haywood Cheung Lecture Theatre (LT13), Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, CityU

event poster

Seminar on Understanding Lighthouse Heritage Sites along South China Sea Coast in 19th Century

Date: 10 April 2017
Venue: Jennifer and Haywood Cheung Lecture Theatre (LT13), Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, CityU

event poster

《燈塔的記憶 - 澳門》紀錄片首映禮暨《澳門燈塔古蹟保育與傳承塵談會

Date: 20 April 2017
Venue: 澳門城市大學文化中心展覽廳

event poster

Inside the Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple (The Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian)
古蹟科學保護調查與研究 – 走進釋迦塔(應縣木塔)

Date: 8-9 February 2017
Venue: CAVE at Information Space, Library

event poster

Togetherness: Season’s Greetings with Traditional Brush Writing – 2017 Chinese New Year Hui Chun Workshop

Date: 20 January 2017
Venue: Y5-205, AC1, CityU

event poster

Sharing the Experience of Chinese Calligraphy: An Exhibition of Student Artwork from a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop

Date: 14 December 2016 - 30 March 2017
Venue: Exhibition Area, 2/F, Library

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The 2nd Conference on High-Resolution Imaging Technology for the Preservation of Cultural Artifacts - Cultural Heritage and Academic Sharing

Date: 14-18 April 2016
Venue: International Conference Center, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University


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Sharing the Experience of Chinese Calligraphy: An Exhibition of Student Artwork from a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop

Date: 1 December 2015 - 30 June 2016
Venue: Exhibition Area, 2/F, Library


event poster

科學與藝術 書寫、詩吟 — 知名院士學者書法聯展
Science and Art·Brushstroke and Shigin - Calligraphy Exhibition by Renowned Academicians and Scholars

Date: 25 June - 14 August 2015
Venue: Multi-purpose Lobby, Library


event poster

韓中青年書法大賞” 與“科學與人文書藝國際知名院士學者高峰論壇(首爾),2018
Science and Art·Korea and Chinese Student Calligraphy Competition & International Academic Forum, Souel, 2018

Date: 6-16 November 2018
Venue: Cultural Exhibition Hall(73號樓)
