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Research Papers

  • Ching, S., & New, B. (2021). Touching History: Activating historical materials and enhancing inclusivity in the library. College and Research Libraries News, 82(2), 62-65, 69 & 79. https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.2.62
  • Ching, S. H., & New, B. (2021). Information Literacy and Transcultural Learning: How Chinese Calligraphy and Historical Korean Poetry Were Turned into a Library Co-Curricular Initiative. International Information and Library Review, 53(2), 142-156. https://doi.org/10.1080/10572317.2020.1805275
  • Ching, S. H., Wong, R. W. L., & New, B. C. (2020). The calligraphy connections project: Engaged scholarship of historical East Asian texts. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 46(5), [102194]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102194
  • Wong, R. W. L., Leung, K. H. A., New, B. C., & Ching, S. H. (2020). Digital Forensic Investigation of the Xiyu Pagoda Lighthouse: A Library-Led Interdisciplinary Research Project. International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies, 9(2), 31-44. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJACDT.2020070103
  • 魏海燕、 景祥祜 (2020)。信息素养的 ”研习实践” 教育方式与大学图书馆基础服务的变革: 香港城市大学图书馆特别顾问景祥祜教授访谈与启示。 图书馆杂志, 39(2),36-42。
  • 鄭培凱、景祥祜編 (2019) 。科學與藝術:中韓青年書法大賞作品集。香港: 香港城市大學。
  • 梁嘉豪、 戴偉思、景祥祜 (2019) 。 虛擬重建西嶼塔燈 (續) 。 在張美惠編, 澎湖研究國際學術研討會論文輯第18屆 (頁338-342) 。 澎湖:澎縣文化局。
  • 謝鶯興、景祥祜、陳惠美、王瑋樂 (2019) 。 西嶼塔燈中日古籍文獻的追尋與校勘 - 鑑識圖書資訊科學員的探索發現。在張美惠編, 澎湖研究國際學術研討會論文輯第18屆 (頁 148-180) 。澎湖:澎縣文化局。
  • Ching, S. H. (2018). Turning a Service Learning Experience into a Model of Student Engagement: The Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections (LHRC) Project in Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(2), 196-206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2018.02.007
  • Leung, A. K. H., Davies, S., & Ching, S. H. (2018). When new technology joins old documents and east meets west: Virtually reconstructing the Fisher Island Pagoda Lighthouse (China). Virtual Archaeology Review, 9(18), 12-27. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2018.7982