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Date Topics Location
6 Sept-6 Oct 2016 2016 The Science and Art - Brushstroke and Shigin - Calligraphy Exhibition by Renowned Academicians and Scholars, Tsinghua University Li Wen Zheng Guan, Tsinghua University Library, Beijing, PRC
24 Sept-24 Oct 2016 2016 City University of Hong Kong/Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) "Si Ku Quan Shu" Joint Calligraphy Exhibition 1/F, Dao Yuan Building, Chinese University of Hong Kong (SZ), PRC
26 Dec 2016-26 Jan 2017 2016 Zhejiang University / City University of Hong Kong Joint Exhibition of Student Calligraphy Works (2016 年浙江大學、香港城市大學 "四庫全書" 主題書法展 2/F Ji Chu Guan, Zi Jin Gang Xiao Qu, Zhejiang University (浙江大學紫金港校區基礎館2樓), PRC
1 Jan-31 Mar 2017 Sharing the Experience of Chinese Exhibition of Students Artworks from Chinese Calligraphy Practising Workshops (書法藝術實踐分享- 香港城市大學學生書法作品展) Exhibition Area, 2/F, Library
8-9 Feb 2017 Exhibition Guided Tours of Inside the Sakyamuni Pagoda of Fogong Temple (The Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian) (古蹟科學保護調查與研究 - 走進釋迦塔(應縣木塔)) CAVE, Library
10-13 Apr 2017 To the Lighthouses - VR Experience CAVE, Library
15 Apr-24 May 2017 "科學與藝術"知名院士學者書法展暨"四庫全書"主題書法展 中南大學本部圖書館
8 May-31 Aug 2017 Sharing the Experience of Chinese Calligraphy – An Exhibition of Student Artworks from Chinese Calligraphy Practising Exhibition Area, 2/F, Library
6-16 Nov 2018 Science and Arts: Korean and Chinese Studnet Calligraphy Competition & International Academic Forum, 2018 Cultural Exhibition Hall(73號樓), Seoul National University
7 July – 14 August 2021 千載毗鄰:由書法看文字古籍 Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong
6-7/F, Block B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, HK
17-21 Jan 2022 科學與藝術: 春墨無極 2022年中日青年學生書法聯展(香港) AC1 4F Purple Zone, City University of Hong Kong