Page 13 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 13

Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming
                                      delivered his welcome address
                                      at the dinner.

                 yes on the world, immersing students in a multicultural experience

               CityU Foundation annual dinner raises over            城大基金周年晚宴籌款逾千萬
               HK$10 million for overseas student exchange           資助學生海外交流實習
               and internship programmes
               An enjoyable  annual dinner for  the CityU Foundation   城大基金於2016年11月22日舉行周年
               on 22 November 2016 provided an opportunity for the   晚宴,以感謝基金會員、校友、城大友好
               University to thank Foundation members, alumni, friends   及贊助人一直以來對城大的支持。晚宴
               and donors for their staunch support over the years.   以「城大飛躍之旅」為主題,逾400位嘉賓                         Annual Report 2016–2017 年報
               The dinner, themed “Fly with CityU”, attended by more   穿上別具特色的服飾出席。晚宴共籌得
               than 400 guests dressed in unique costumes, raised over    一千多萬港元,創同類晚宴高峰。籌得之
               HK$10 million for overseas exchange and internship    款項將用於資助城大學生的海外交流和
               programmes, a CityU record for such events.           實習等活動。
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