Page 17 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 17

Mr Lau Ming-wai (centered) with
               CityU representatives (from left)
               Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on,
               Mr Hermen Hu Shao-ming,
               Professor Way Kuo and
               Ms Kathy Chan Yin-ling in front of
               Lau Ming Wai Academic Building.

               Donations from Mr Lau Ming Wai and family             劉鳴煒先生及家人捐款豐富學生的
               enhances student learning experiences                 學習體驗
               Academic 3 was named “Lau Ming Wai Academic Building”   城大將學術樓(三)命名為「劉鳴煒學術
               in appreciation of the support that Mr Lau Ming-wai and   樓」,以表彰劉鳴煒先生及其家人多年來
               his family have contributed to CityU over the years.  對大學的支持和貢獻。

               Mr Lau is an Honorary Fellow of the Foundation and has   劉先生是城大榮譽院士,並自2014年起
               been a member of the University Council since 2014.    一直擔任大學校董會成員。他與家人對
               He and his family made a generous donation to set up   大學作出慷慨捐贈,以成立學生交流、
               student  exchanges  and  non-local  internship  awards  and
               bursaries. The donation will also help sponsor CityU’s   的策略性發展。
               strategic initiatives.

               Mr Lau said he was happy to witness the rapid growth of
               CityU in recent years and appreciated the opportunities   經驗及擴闊國際視野表示讚賞。
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2016–2017 年報
               CityU created to enrich the learning experience on
               campus and help CityU students develop an international

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