Page 15 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 15

Report on the Foundation

               University President Professor Way Kuo said CityU focused   城大校長郭位教授指出,城大注重硬件
               on the development of hardware and software, and      和軟件的發展,學術表現及國際排名連年
               noted that the University’s academic performance and   攀升,學生畢業後的聘用率也不斷提升。
               ranking were rising steadily. He said the University also   他表示城大也發展「心件」,例如大學以
               emphasised “soulware”, using the new media exhibition   新媒體藝術展出郎世寧畫作和客家功夫。
               on Castiglione’s paintings and Hakka kung fu as examples.   他亦感謝基金成員和眾多贊助人的支持,
               He thanked the Foundation members and patrons for their   令城大飛躍得更高更遠。
               support in making these achievements possible.

               Dr Yeung Kin-man, SBS, JP, Chairman of the organising   楊建文博士,SBS,JP致謝辭時,感激一
               committee for the dinner, thanked all the committee   眾籌委的協助,令晚宴圓滿舉行。他期望
               members involved in organising the event for making it   晚宴籌到的款項能讓城大學生不論背景,
               such a success. He said that the funds raised at the dinner   均有到外地學習交流的平等機會,從而
               would benefit students from different backgrounds by   提升他們的國際視野,畢業後貢獻社會。
               giving them overseas learning experience and expanding
               their international exposure, thus enabling them to make a
               better contribution to society after graduation.

                          Chairman of the 2016 annual dinner organising committee
                          Dr Yeung Kin-man, SBS, JP (right) presented a model airplane
                          that signified the annual dinner to Mr Winfred Chan Hon-pun,
                          Chairman of the next organising committee.

                   “Each donor deserves much of the credit for what CityU is today, and every
                   gift to CityU represents a belief and vote of confidence in its mission.
                   We are heavily indebted to all of you for your support in promoting the
                   CityU brand.”
                  「各位贊助人的支持造就今日的城大,每一份捐獻都代表着對城大使命的認同                                                               Annual Report 2016–2017 年報
                                                       Dr Yeung Kin-man, SBS, JP
                                               Co-Chairperson of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
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