Page 16 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 16

Dr Yeung Kin Man supports University research         楊建文博士支持大學研究及教學
               and teaching

               CityU named Academic 1 “Yeung Kin Man Academic        城大將學術樓(一)命名為「楊建文學術
               Building” to show appreciation for the staunch support   樓」,以表彰楊建文博士,SBS,JP對大學
               and generous donations from Dr Yeung Kin-man, SBS, JP.   和學生的支持及慷慨捐助。

               Dr Yeung was conferred an Honorary Doctorate from     楊博士是城大榮譽博士及城大基金理事會
               CityU, and is the Co-Chairperson of the Board of Governors   聯席主席。他對城大作出慷慨捐贈,支持
               of the CityU Foundation. He has been a strong supporter   大學多項策略性發展和學生發展項目。
               of the University’s various strategic initiatives and student
               development.                                          楊博士讚揚城大充滿活力、成就超卓。

               Dr Yeung described CityU as a dynamic university with   更不斷上升,是一所值得支持的大學。
               remarkable achievements. He said the University is well-
               deserving of his support, especially in
               light of its strong performance in recent
               international rankings and its dedication
               to nurturing it students.

       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金
                                                         Dr and Mrs Yeung Kin-man (right) received a University souvenir from
                                                         Professor Way Kuo and Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming (left).

                                  “It  has  been  my  honour  to  witness  the  sterling  work  of  the  CityU  Foundation,
                                  which plays a crucial role in the University. I sincerely hope that business leaders
                                  from all sectors will continue to support the University’s quest for academic and
                                  research excellence by joining the CityU Foundation.”
                                                                               Mr Winfred Chan Hon-pun
                                                                         Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
     12                                                                                     城大基金理事會成員
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