Page 18 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 18

Mr Wong Tin-chee supports elite CityU students        黃天賜先生資助城大精英學生

               Lecture Theatre 401 in the Bank of China (Hong Kong)   城大將中國銀行(香港)綜合樓 401 號演
               Complex was named “Herbalgy Lecture Theatre”, and     講廳冠名為「健絡通演講廳」;另將楊建文
               Lecture Theatre 17 in the Yeung Kin Man Academic      學術樓17號演講廳冠名為「黃道益堂演講
               Building was named “Wong To Yick Tong Lecture Theatre”   廳」,以答謝黃天賜先生及其家族對城大
               in gratitude for the support and generous donations from    的支持及熱心捐贈。黃先生給予城大的
               Mr Wong Tin-chee and his family. Their gift has helped   慷慨捐款,讓成績優異但有經濟困難的
               the University set up scholarships for outstanding students   學生得以到海外交流學習。
               with limited financial means to join overseas exchange
               In his address at the naming ceremony, Mr Wong said it
               was wonderful to help students to achieve their dreams,   有需要的人提供幫助。」
               adding “I hope my actions will inspire students to be more
               caring, empathetic and helpful.”

               Thanks to the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association      香港中華廠商聯合會慷慨捐助支持交
               for support of exchange scholarships and non-local    流獎學金及環球工作實習獎
               internship awards
               In recognition of the support and generous donations from   城大將學術樓(一)15號演講廳命名為「香
               the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong   港中華廠商聯合會演講廳」,以表彰香港
               (CMA), Lecture Theatre 15 in Yeung Kin Man Academic   中華廠商聯合會(廠商會)對大學的支持及
               Building was named the “CMA Lecture Theatre”.         慷慨捐助。

       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金

                                                                      Dr Eddy Li Sau-hung, CMA President (right) and Professor
                                                                      Way Kuo (left) took photo in front of the motto inside the
                                                                      CMA Lecture Theatre.
                                                               Professor Way Kuo (right) and Professor Matthew
                                                               Lee Kwok-on (left) presented a souvenir to
                                                               Mr Wong Tin-chee.
     14                                                        郭位教授(右)及李國安教授(左)致送紀念品予
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