Advanced Standing II
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Marketing
Normal Period of Study
2 years
Maximum Period of Study
5 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
63 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (12 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
GE University Requirements GE2402 English for Business Communication 3
GE Distributional Requirements Take 1 course from any one of the three distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
College-specified Courses CB2203 Data-driven Business Modeling 3
CB2240 Introduction to Business Programming in Python 3

College / School Requirements (21 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. College Core Courses (15 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CB2101Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
CB2200Business Statistics3
CB3043Business Case Analysis and Communication3
CB4303Strategic Management3

2. College Electives (6 credit units) #
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
AC3202Corporate Accounting I3
CB2041Applications of Game Theory to Business3
CB3021Business Discovery Methods3
CB3041Financial Statement Analysis3
CB3044Introduction to Financial Markets3
CB3045Advanced Seminar on Business Case Analysis3
CB3800Business Practice Internship3
CB3810Start-up Technology Entrepreneur Programme I3
CB3820Start-up Technology Entrepreneur Programme II6
CB3830 (subject to approval)Business Consultancy Internship in Greater Bay Area3
CB4605Business Consultancy Project6
CS1102Introduction to Computer Studies3
IS2021Big Data Management3
IS2023Mobile Applications for Business3
MA1006Calculus and Linear Algebra for Business3
MGT3306Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management3
MKT3601China Business Environment3
MS3124Global Supply Chain Management3
MS3252Regression Analysis3
LW2903Business and Law3

# For BBA students, in the case that the same course being offered in the Major and in College Electives, the credit units earned will count only once, for fulfilling the Major requirement, then for fulfilling the College requirement. Students have to take another College elective course to make up for the freed credit units. Students are responsible for ensuring the College and Major requirements are fulfilled to obtain graduation qualification.

For ASII students declaring BBA double major, 6 credits of College Elective will be exempted.

Major Requirements (30 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. Core Courses (15 credit units)

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MKT3602Marketing Research3
MKT3603Consumer Behaviour3
MKT4606Strategic Marketing3
MKT4611Advanced Marketing Seminar I 31.Or MKT4613 Dissertation, subject to the approval by programme leader. 2.The course MKT4611 can be used to fulfil the internship/ consultancy project/research project requirement.
MKT4628Digital Marketing Strategy3
MKT4613 Dissertation61.Or MKT4611 Advanced Marketing Seminar, subject to the approval by programme leader. 2.Students taking MKT4613 will be exempted from one major elective course.
One of the following courses:  
MKT2643AActive Learning for Professional Marketing0
MKT1641Exchange Learning and Reflection0
MKT1671Internship I0
MKT2672Internship II0
MKT3673Internship III0

B. Electives (15 credit units)

Students who have not declared a stream must choose at least 2 electives from Group A.  Students taking the course MKT4613 Dissertation can be waived from this requirement and be exempted from one major elective courses.

Group A
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MKT3607Design Thinking and Creativity in Marketing3
MKT3608Marketing Intelligence and Applications of Analytics3
MKT4636Customer Analytics3
MKT4650Designing Brand and Customer Experience3
MKT4652Designing and Developing Innovative Products3
MKT4680Digital Marketing Tools & Analytics3
MKT4681Data Strategy for Marketing3

 Group B
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MKT4623Selling and Sales Management3
MKT4625Advertising Management and Integrated Marketing Communications3
MKT4634Fundamentals of Public Relations3
MKT4637Event Marketing3
MKT4610Customer Relationship Management3
MKT3600China Business Workshop3
MKT3638Marketing Internship3Either one of (MKT3638 or CB3800), Subject to the approval by programme leader. This course can be used to fulfil the internship/ consultancy project/research project requirement.
CB3800Business Practice Internship3Either one of (MKT3638 or CB3800), Subject to the approval by programme leader. This course can be used to fulfil the internship/ consultancy project/research project requirement.
MKT4604Marketing in China3
MKT4605International Marketing3
MKT4622Services Marketing3
MKT4624Retail Management3
MKT4629Social Media Marketing3
MKT4633Cultural Advertising3
MKT4639Marketing Diagnostic Residential Trip3Subject to the approval by programme leader
MKT4651Advanced Marketing Seminar II3Subject to the approval by programme leader
MKT4674Advanced Internship6Subject to the approval by the programme leader. This course can be used to fulfil the internship/ consultancy project/research project requirement.
Any ONE Major Core and Elective course from other BBA majors3

Student can apply to take the electives of one of the following steams instead of the groups of electives above.  The application is subject to the approval by programme leader.

B1. Global Marketing Stream

Students taking the course MKT4613 Dissertation can be exempted from one of the stream courses.

Stream Core Courses (12 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MKT4605International Marketing3
MKT3601China Business Environment3
MKT4633Cultural Advertising3
MGT4227International Business3

Stream Elective (3 credits)
Students are required to take ONE course from the list below.
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
LC2930Japanese Language - Level 13Subject to the approval by programme leader
LC2973Korean I3Subject to the approval by programme leader
LC2956Mandarin for Non-Chinese Speakers I3Subject to the approval by programme leader
LC2401French 13Subject to the approval by programme leader
LC2501German 13Subject to the approval by programme leader
LC2601Spanish 13Subject to the approval by programme leader

B2. Marketing Analytics Stream

Students taking the course MKT4613 Dissertation can be exempted from one of the stream courses.
Students take any 5 of the following courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MKT3608Marketing Intelligence and Applications of Analytics3
MKT4636Customer Analytics3
MKT4681Data Strategy for Marketing3
MKT4680Digital Marketing Tools & Analytics3
IS2502Social Media and Social Networks3
IS3100Techniques for Big Data3
Any ONE Major Core and Elective course from BBA IFMG (Only those courses that are offered to CB students), BBA BANL, BBA BDAN,BBA MKT3