- Any -

Pathway for Research, Innovation, and Multinational Engineering (PRIME) (any major in College of Engineering + Overseas Experience / Interdisciplinary / Entrepreneurial Training)

研究、創新和環球工程課程 (特點: 工學院任何一個主修 + 海外經驗 / 跨學科 / 創業培訓)
Default image_flagship
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1217 (JS1217)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

15 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Pathway for Research, Innovation, and Multinational Engineering (PRIME)?

The Pathway for Research, Innovation, and Multinational Engineering (PRIME) programme is a flagship programme of the College of Engineering designed to provide exceptional students with a comprehensive education in engineering and opportunities to gain valuable experience through research internships and work placements in top universities and companies worldwide. This programme is intended to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of engineering and to prepare them for successful careers in the global engineering industry. The PRIME programme is open to talented and motivated students with a passion for engineering and a commitment to excellence.

Key features

Students accepted into the programme receive a range of benefits, including:

  • Free Choice of Major: Students admitted to the PRIME programme are free to choose any major in the College of Engineering upon accepting the offer. They will be enrolled in one of the departments before starting their first year of study. For departments offering a single major, students will be enrolled in the major in the first year. In the case of departments offering more than one major, students will be admitted to the department in their first year and enrolled in their pre-selected major in subsequent years.
  • One-on-One Mentorship: Each student will be paired with a faculty member who will provide personalized guidance and support throughout the programme. The faculty mentor will help the student identify their academic and professional goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and provide feedback and guidance along the way.
  • Overseas Experience in Year 3 or Year 4

    a) Research Internship: Selected students will have the opportunity to work with leading researchers in their field at one of the top overseas universities. This will provide students with hands-on experience in cutting-edge research and will help them develop essential skills in data analysis, experimental design, and scientific communication.

    b) Global Work Placement: Selected students may also have the opportunity to be placed in an international company in North America (US, Canada), Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.), and other developed countries (Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc.) to gain work experience and apply their engineering skills in a real-world setting. This will enable students to build their professional network, develop communication skills, and gain invaluable industry experience.

  • Interdisciplinary Final-year Project: With the collaborative culture that the College fosters, the experienced faculty with expertise in a diverse range of research areas, and the state-of-the-art research facilities, students will be aided in conducting interdisciplinary research in their final-year projects. An interdisciplinary final-year project will offer an excellent opportunity for students to explore and integrate knowledge from multiple fields, which will be a valuable experience for their future careers.  
  • Guaranteed admission to CityUHK PhD programme#, providing a clear pathway for students interested in furthering their academic and research careers.

#Upon meeting the entrance requirements for PhD programme when the student graduates from PRIME.

Other features

With the mission to foster the career development of students and promote impactful innovations, students of the College of Engineering will also benefit from the following optional schemes.

  • Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programmes: Students in an “Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programme” will receive a conditional offer for a Master's degree programme when they join CityUHK as undergraduate students. They can benefit from higher-level courses, such as those with research elements and normally taught at the postgraduate level, during their undergraduate study. On completion of their study at CityUHK, students will be awarded two degrees (Bachelor's degree + Master's degree).
  • Entrepreneurial Training: The College offers a Minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship, which aims to provide entrepreneurial training to help students develop the skills and knowledge needed to start and operate their engineering businesses. It also helps students broaden their multi-disciplinary perspectives, integrating management, marketing, finance, and engineering.
  • Global Challenges: CityUHK X Sino Grand Challenges Scholars Program (CityUHK X Sino GCSP) is a combined curricular and extracurricular element to prepare students to be the future engineers and scientists that address and solve the global challenges facing the world in this century. CityUHK X Sino GCSP would give students a sense of purpose and enable them to positively impact the world through their engineering work.
  • Cross-Cultural Competence: Through student exchange programmes, study tours and the Cultural & Language Immersion Scheme (CALIS), students are provided with opportunities to develop cross-cultural competence through activities such as language training, cultural immersion experiences, or international service projects. This would help students to become global citizens and to develop the skills needed to work effectively in diverse and multicultural environments.
Flagship Scholarships to Local Students

Local JUPAS students admitted to the Flagship Programmes with outstanding HKDSE examination results shall be automatically considered for the Flagship Scholarships. The Flagship Scholarships include:

  • Tuition and hall fees incurred at CityUHK and are tenable for the normal duration of the programmes concerned
    • Full Scholarship: 100% tuition and hall fees (double room occupancy) 
    • Half Scholarship: 50% tuition and hall fees (double room occupancy)
  • Guaranteed berth in the Halls of Residence
  • A one-off special sponsorship of a maximum amount of HK$500,000 for an overseas exchange of up to one year at a top-ranked university

Please click here for details.

Admission Arrangements

Students admitted to the PRIME programme are free to choose their majors upon accepting the offer. They will be enrolled in one of the departments before starting their first year of study. For departments offering a single major, students will be enrolled in the major in the first year. In the case of departments offering more than one major, students will be admitted to the department in their first year and enrolled in their pre-selected major in subsequent years.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1217 Pathway for Research, Innovation, and Multinational Engineering (PRIME) (any major in College of Engineering + Overseas Experience / Interdisciplinary / Entrepreneurial Training)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective SubjectsLevel 3 in two elective subjects from: 
- Biology 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Entrance Requirements for Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Student Exchange / Internship

Recognising the importance of nurturing students with a global perspective, the College encourages students to undertake academic exchange, believing that these experiences can enhance students' personal and career development. Currently, the College has an extensive network of exchange partners in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Macau, mainland China, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the Netherlands, the UK, the US and Turkey. Please visit for more information on student exchange.

The College operates the Co-operative Education Centre with a mission is to work with industry, local and overseas, to provide co-operative education for students. The Centre aims to nurture a new generation of engineering professionals and industrial leaders with a global outlook who are capable of meeting the challenges in this fast-changing world. The Centre currently offers three major internship programmes for students:

Co-operative Education Scheme (CES)

Industrial Attachment Scheme (IAS)

Overseas Internship Scheme (OIS)

Professional Recognition

All undergraduate engineering programmes* of the College of Engineering are accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).

* Aerospace Engineering and Microelectronics Engineering will seek accreditation from the HKIE in late 2025, while Innovation and Enterprise Engineering will seek accreditation in late 2028.

Flagship Programme

This is one of the CityUHK’s Flagship Programmes, which equip students with essential knowledge and skills, cultivate their global leadership abilities, and connect them with leading professionals. The Flagship Scholarships, which cover tuition and hall fees, a guaranteed berth, and a one-off exchange sponsorship of up to HK$500,000, will be awarded to local JUPAS talents who meet the criteria.

CityU College of Engineering
【工學院】 新旗艦課程 孕育頂尖環球工程專才
【工學院】 工程畢業生出路廣 機遇處處
【工學院】 發揮創意 實現創業夢
【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.1】 AREIX Analytics Limited
【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.2】 Air Button Technology Limited
【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.3】 Albacastor Robotics Limited
【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.4】 Portalyze Point of Care Limited
【創業不是夢 - 畢業生初創故事 EP.5】 Laso Technology Limited
Programme Leaflet
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 4133

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0293

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Elective)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

When necessary
- Individual interview
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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BEng Innovation and Enterprise Engineering (Features: Engineering / Technology / Innovation / Enterprise / Entrepreneurship)

工學士(創新與企業工程學) (特點: 工程學 / 科技 / 創新 / 企業 / 創業)
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1219 (JS1219)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

16 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places 
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme Leader
Prof. Andy CHOW


+852 3442 2155

Admissions Tutor
Dr. Sherman NGAN

BSc(California), MSc(Minnesota), PhD(Minnesota)

+852 3442 8400


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

*This programme is subject to approval

Why BEng Innovation and Enterprise Engineering?

This programme is an unique undergraduate programme in Hong Kong which covers elements of systems design and process, engineering innovation and entrepreneurship, which are not offered by other local or overseas institutions. The programme prepares our students for successful careers in engineering innovation and enterprise which are identified as a key component for Hong Kong’s future planning and growth.  Our curriculum allows students to further specialize in different areas of expertise including industrial Internet-of-Things, smart city, logistics and supply chain, robotics and automation. Our programme also has a placement component that allows students to gain real world experience, which will provide a significant edge when students look for employment after graduation.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1219 BEng Innovation and Enterprise Engineering (Features: Engineering / Technology / Innovation / Enterprise / Entrepreneurship)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- Economics 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’.

Department of Systems Engineering

The Department of Systems Engineering (SYE) offers the BEng in Innovation and Enterprise Engineering. The proposed programme consists of a two-year block delivered by the College of Engineering and College of Science, leveraging our strength and industrial connections. This programme will cover the following components over the first two-year span:

•    Understanding of the scientific principles and applications of innovation and enterprise engineering.
•    A solid foundation in science subjects for the preparation of engineering exploration.
•    Basic knowledge in relevant areas, including engineering enterprise, logistics and supply chain management, management science, technology innovation, optimisation, statistics and reliability.
•    Ability to formulate and solve real intelligent system and enterprise engineering problems and provide high-quality solutions.
•    Work-related experience and effective communication skills.

Upon completing the initial two-year period, students have the option to complete the remaining required courses in the programme or select other BEng programmes or obtain double major degrees in the College of Engineering if the student wishes to specialise in other engineering disciplines.

Our Target

The proposed BEng in Innovation and Enterprise Engineering (IEEG) programme is to nurture a new generation of engineers with a mindset of innovation and entrepreneurship, facilitate opportunities for tech start-ups for young entrepreneurs, and promote university-industry collaboration.

What You Will Be Studying

This programme will cover the following components over the first two-year span:

  • Understanding of the scientific principles and applications of innovation and enterprise engineering.
  • A solid foundation in science subjects for the preparation of engineering exploration. 
  • Basic knowledge in relevant areas, including engineering enterprise, logistics and supply chain management, management science, technology innovation, optimisation, statistics and reliability.
  • Ability to formulate and solve real intelligent system and enterprise engineering problems and provide high-quality solutions.
  • Work-related experience and effective communication skills.

Upon completing the initial two-year period, students have the option to pursue one of the following paths:

  1. to complete the remaining required courses of the IEEG, offered by SYE and other departments in the College of Engineering (CENG) and graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering degree in IEEG
  2. to select other BEng programmes or obtain double major degrees in the College of Engineering if the student wishes to specialise in other engineering disciplines.

There will be an academic advisor mentoring each student in the programme on selecting required elective courses for achieving their goals upon completion of the programme. 

Career Placements

Our graduates are actively engaged in improving the operations of various enterprises in Hong Kong. Among their roles are:

  • manufacturing and engineering in major corporations (e.g. assistant/senior engineers, quality assurance engineers);
  • management/technology consulting/entrepreneurship in Big-4 and other major management consulting firms;
  • operations management/business analysis in business enterprises (e.g. management trainees, business associates, business operation trainees)
  • data science and business process automation in major corporations.

View Career Profiles of our recent graduates.

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

As part of the CityUHK Talents Programme to attract high caliber students and inspire existing Year 1 students to raise their academic performance, the University introduced “Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programmes”, where students will be awarded a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree together upon completion of their study. For details of the programme’s details, please visit our website:

Student Exchange / Internship

International Academic Exchange Programmes

For students to broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures, the Department, College and University offer over 110 credit-bearing exchange programmes with various partner institutions around the world including universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

Please visit the University's website and the Department's website for details of our outbound exchange programmes.

Industrial Placements

The College of Engineering and the Department offer work placement opportunities through various internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments in firms not only in Hong Kong, but also in the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • gain valuable experience in a real world work environment;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and
  • enhance their employability.

For details, please visit the website.

Did You Know?
  • Every year, over 90% of our graduates find jobs within six months of graduation.
  • Department graduates are versatile and well sought-after, with about 50% finding their first jobs in the Engineering/Technical sectors and the rest in a variety of disciplines.
  • Both industrial and non-industrial enterprises in Hong Kong and manufacturing companies in the Pearl River Delta region are very enthusiastic about offering jobs to our graduates.
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 9321

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0173

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

When necessary
- Group or individual interviews
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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BEng Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering (Features: Industrial Internet-of-Things / Industrial Big Data / Robotics and Automation / Logistics and Supply Chain / Smart City Engineering)

工學士(智能製造工程學) (特點: 物聯網 / 工業大數據 / 機器人技術與自動化 / 物流與供應鏈 / 智慧城市工程)
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1216 (JS1216)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

24 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places 
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme Leader
Prof. Xiaohan DU

BEng(HKUST), BBA(HKUST), PhD(Princeton)

+852 3442 0173

Admissions Tutor
Dr. Sherman NGAN

BSc(California), MSc(Minnesota), PhD(Minnesota)
+852 3442 8400


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

About Programme

The major aims to nurture students' cutting-edge engineering knowledge, computational, experimental and analytical techniques to plan, design, implement and improve technology-based manufacturing and operations systems. It emphasizes the technological, analytical and managerial skills of integrating different technologies in intelligent manufacturing systems.

BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering students are trained to become analytical and versatile engineering graduates with the right skill-sets to adapt to the rapid technological advancements in the world of modern enterprises, intelligent production, and boundary-less information flow and integration.

BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering graduates

  • have a good understanding of today’s science, engineering and technology;
  • are knowledgeable about the high-end technology and managerial skills of manufacturing system fitting the Industry 4.0;
  • use systems concepts and tools to analyse processes and operational problems in enterprises, and to improve processes, operations and qualities in enterprises; and
  • are equipped with analytic and quantitative skill sets to grapple with real-world problems that are associated with massive amounts of data and information in enterprises.
Why BEng Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering?

The programme aims to provide the best possible undergraduate education with cutting-edge engineering knowledge and techniques to plan and build technology-based manufacturing and operations systems. The programme prepares our students for successful careers in intelligent production and Industry 4.0 which are identified as a key component for Hong Kong’s future planning and growth.  Our curriculum allows students to further specialize in different areas of expertise including industrial Internet-of-Things, smart city, logistics and supply chain, robotics and automation. Our programme also has a placement component that allows students to gain real world experience, which will provide a significant edge when students look for employment after graduation.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1216 BEng Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering (Features: Industrial Internet-of-Things / Industrial Big Data / Robotics and Automation / Logistics and Supply Chain / Smart City Engineering)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- Economics 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’.

Department of Systems Engineering

The Department of Systems Engineering (SYE) offers the BEng in Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering. This major aims to develop the abilities of our students in integrating intelligent manufacturing systems with:

  1. Industrial Internet of Things,
  2. Automation and Robotics,
  3. Management Analytics,Artificial Intelligence, and
  4. Industrial Big Data

As an outcome, our graduates will possess the practical skills in engineering sciences, design innovations, automation and data analytics, so that:

  1. Our graduates can apply these skills to improve and innovate various operations of modern manufacturing enterprises in the Industry 4.0 setting;
  2. Our graduates can also apply these skills to service industries and commercial enterprises, in automating their various business operations, to push for ever higher efficiency.
What You Will Be Studying

1. Our curriculum provides the students with systematic training in engineering sciences, design innovations, automation and data analytics, with a focus on intelligent manufacturing. Specifically:

2. The General Education and College required courses equip students with the necessary background in English, basic sciences and computer programming.The major core courses are divided into three blocks, namely, the Core Technology Block, Integration Block and Application Block –

  • The Core Technology Block includes the scientific principles and applications in industrial engineering and management science, electronics and semiconductor, and advanced manufacturing technologies.
  • The Integration Block emphasizes the integration of cutting-edge knowledge and applications, particularly in data analytics, intelligent manufacturing systems, automation and robotics, Internet-of-Things, and Industry 4.0.
  • The Application Block provides practical opportunities and industrial experience to the students with the Engineering Workshop, Final-Year Project, Industrial Attachment and Internship.

3. Our curriculum also offers elective courses for students with choices to broaden/deepen their knowledge in areas such as electronics, manufacturing technology, and industrial systems engineering.

Career Placements

Our graduates are actively engaged in improving the operations of various enterprises in Hong Kong. Among their roles are:

  • manufacturing and engineering in major corporations (e.g. assistant/senior engineers, quality assurance engineers);
  • management/technology consulting/entrepreneurship in Big-4 and other major management consulting firms;
  • operations management/business analysis in business enterprises (e.g. management trainees, business associates, business operation trainees)
  • data science and business process automation in major corporations.

View Career Profiles of our recent graduates.

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

As part of the CityUHK Talents Programme to attract high caliber students and inspire existing Year 1 students to raise their academic performance, the University introduced “Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programmes”, where students will be awarded a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree together upon completion of their study. For details of the programme’s details, please visit our website:

Student Exchange / Internship

International Academic Exchange Programmes

For students to broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures, the Department, College and University offer over 110 credit-bearing exchange programmes with various partner institutions around the world including universities in Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and the Asia-Pacific region.

Please visit the University's website and the Department's website for details of our outbound exchange programmes.

Industrial Placements

The College of Engineering and the Department offer work placement opportunities through various internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments in firms not only in Hong Kong, but also in the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • gain valuable experience in a real world work environment;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and
  • enhance their employability.

For details, please visit the website.

Professional Recognition

This programme has been granted provisional accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).

Did You Know?
  • Every year, over 90% of our graduates find jobs within six months of graduation.
  • Department graduates are versatile and well sought-after, with about 50% finding their first jobs in the Engineering/Technical sectors and the rest in a variety of disciplines.
  • Both industrial and non-industrial enterprises in Hong Kong and manufacturing companies in the Pearl River Delta region are very enthusiastic about offering jobs to our graduates.
Programme Brochure
Programme Video
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 9321

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0173

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

When necessary
- Group or individual interviews
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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BEng Biomedical Engineering (Features: Medical Technology / Bioinstrumentation / Cell and Tissue Engineering / Healthcare Robotics)

工學士(生物醫學工程) (特點: 醫療技術 / 生物儀器 / 細胞和組織工程 / 醫療機器人)
programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1211 (JS1211)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

44 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places 
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Admissions Tutor
Prof. Chung TIN
Deputy Admissions Tutor

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Department of Biomedical Engineering

The Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME) aims to provide world-class education and to conduct research in emerging fields of engineering. To achieve these aims, the Department adopts an interdisciplinary approach and includes subject areas that ensure our graduates are equipped to meet Hong Kong's current and future needs. The Department ranked 29th in the world in the subject of biomedical engineering in the Academic Ranking of World Universities in 2022.

The Department currently offers a major in Biomedical Engineering. The Department’s faculty members have interdisciplinary backgrounds with academic strengths in areas including (a) biomedical imaging and bioinstrumentation; (b) cell/tissue engineering and biomechanics; (c) robotics and artificial intelligence for biomedical applications; and (d) biosensors and health informatics.

Please refer to the Department's website for more information about the BME Department.

生物醫學工程學系旨在提供世界級的跨學科課程和教育,以培養可綜合工程技術與生命科學從而促進人類健康的卓越人才。本學系在世界大學學術排名 (Academic Ranking of World Universities) 當中的生物醫學工程學科排名位於全球第29名。因應香港和世界各地日益增加的人才需求,本系畢業生能夠應用跨學科知識服務於多個領域,如醫療器械、醫學診斷與治療技術、醫藥開發、公共健康、食物安全、生物安全測量、以及各類與生物醫學工程技術有關的行業。學系課程按社會發展設計,包括4大範疇,分別是生物醫學成像與生物醫學儀器、細胞與組織工程、應用於生物醫學的機器人開發與人工智能、以及生物傳感器與健康信息學。

Why BEng Biomedical Engineering?

Healthcare is one of the fastest-developing fields. Air and chemical pollution in modern city, fast spreading of infectious diseases, cancer, aging-related obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer disease, all impose enormous pressure threating our health and quality of life. However, because of many challenges ahead in this dynamic field, it requires a discipline which can integrate the knowledge of engineering and life sciences at the intersection for medical solutions and innovations.

Hong Kong government clearly identifies medical and testing/certification services being among the six industries which Hong Kong has clear advantages for further development. Considerable amount of job opportunities will be created locally and globally. Aligned with this, Biomedical Engineering will serve to educate the future professionals, ultimately positioning Hong Kong to become a major centre in the following areas:

  • New biomedical devices for diseases diagnosis, monitoring, surveillance, and therapeutic treatment
  • Food safety and bio-security
  • New drug discovery
Our Target

This major aims to pursue excellence in education, research and innovation through the fusion of engineering with life sciences for the advancement of human health. The objectives of the major are to provide integrative educational opportunities that allow students to learn passionately, think critically and independently and innovate creatively so that they are:

  1. able to apply their skills to a variety of challenges in their chosen field;
  2. equipped with the spirit of innovation, creativity, adaptability and critical thinking to solve problems in biomedical engineering-related professions;
  3. able to function effectively in multidisciplinary team environments and communicate with a variety of audiences;
  4. able to demonstrate competency in their chosen fields, and make decisions that are socially and ethically responsible; and
  5. able to build and expand upon their undergraduate foundations by engaging in learning opportunities throughout their careers.
Start Your Career Here

As a graduate, you will find career opportunities in the medical device industry, engineering services in hospitals, consultation for public health, regulation and management in government departments and laboratories, and research and development in the commercial and educational sectors. Alternatively, you might choose to pursue postgraduate studies locally or overseas. This major will provide you with the expertise required to meet the needs of increasing public concern and demands on medical diagnostics and therapeutic treatments, biomedical instruments, food safety and quality, advancement in pharmaceutical and health maintenance products, as well as an awareness of human health and wellness.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1211 BEng Biomedical Engineering (Features: Medical Technology / Bioinstrumentation / Cell and Tissue Engineering / Healthcare Robotics)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Chemistry 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements. Applicants are also expected to have a science or engineering background.

Local applicants with HKDSE English Language below Level 3 are required to have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based test) or 79 (Internet-based test), an IELTS overall band score of 6.5, or equivalent.

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the 'Undergraduate Catalogue'.

What You Will Be Studying

The curriculum has been categorised into four main areas:

Technical Foundation courses

Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering, Mathematics for Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Principles, Biological Thermofluids, Biomechanics, Materials for Biomedical Engineering, Electromagnetics, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Computing

Medical Devices and Systems

Medical Biotechnology in Imaging and Measurement, Biomedical Signals and Systems, Micro and Nanotechnology, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Biomedical Instrumentation, Bio-sensors and Bio-devices, Biomedical Systems and Control, Robotics and Machine Vision

Cell and Molecular Engineering

Cellular and Biomolecular Engineering, Cell Transport and Signalling, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Gene Therapy

Health and Wellness Technology

Human Quantitative Physiology, Robotic Technology in Healthcare, Bio-safety and Risk Assessment, Technology for Drug Discovery, Radiotherapy Physics

Industrial Training and International Exchange

The University and the Department offer work placement opportunities through various internship schemes, which provide students with full-time job attachments not only in Hong Kong hospitals and firms, but also in those of the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

  • gain solid experience in real-world work environments;
  • develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills;
  • learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and
  • broaden their experience and enhance their employability.

Students in the department can also opt for technical final year projects offered by companies, under the joint supervision of a BME faculty member and a company mentor.

The University offers a number of credit-bearing exchange programmes for students with various partner institutions all around the world. Through these, students can broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures.

Please visit CityUHK's website for details of outbound exchange programmes.

Professional Recognition

This major has been granted accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), a signatory member of the Washington Accord under which all members agree to recognise each other’s accredited Engineering degree programmes.

Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programme

Eligible students will be invited to apply for the “Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programme” offered by the Department. Students in an “Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programme” will receive a conditional offer for a Master's degree programme when they join CityUHK as undergraduate students. They can benefit from higher-level courses, including those with research elements and normally taught at the postgraduate level, during their undergraduate study. They will be awarded the Bachelor of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering (BEngBME) and Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering (MSBME) degrees upon completion of the programme.

Please visit CityUHK’s website and the Department’s website for details of the Programme.

Did You Know?

The world is currently suffering from the effects of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Biomedical engineering is a major player in the fight against COVID-19, including the development of biomaterials for vaccines, devices for rapid tests, and image technology for diagnosis and treatment.

Over 400 million people in China, 31% of the population, will be over 60 years old by 2050 ( In addition, air and chemical pollution, threats to bio-security, obesity and the rapid spread of infectious diseases will continue to impose enormous pressures on the provision of trained professionals in the field of biomedical engineering.

The Hong Kong government has clearly identified medical and testing/certification services as among the six industries with clear advantages for further development. The Biomedical Engineering major will educate future professionals in these industries.


Interview Articles and Publications
CityUHK BOLD Magazine Issue No. 1
Education Media
Programme Video
Programme Brochure
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

When necessary
- March to July 2025
- Individual interview
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
Reduce the font size?

BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Features: HKIE Accredited / Industrial and Research Internships / Overseas Double-degrees / Knowledge Transfer / World-leading Research)

工學士(材料科學及工程) (特點: 香港工程師學會認可 / 工業和科研實習 / 海外雙學位課程 / 知識到應用遷移 / 世界領先的研究
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1210 (JS1210)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

24 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places 
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme / Major Leader
Prof. Stephen TSANG

PhD University of Toronto, Canada

+852 3442 4618


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BEng Materials Science and Engineering?

The comfort and convenience of modern life are intimately associated with the discovery, manipulation, and selection of natural and synthetic materials. Advancements in materials science and engineering (MSE) have led to a better understanding and manipulation of materials, which is a prerequisite for future technological processes.  

Our MSE program aims to nurture students to become material experts and contribute to the fast-growing high-tech industry. Besides a broad selection of expertise in construction materials, bio-materials, and energy materials, our program also offers training for students on Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted material development. There are also various opportunities where the students can gain hands-on experience through research and industrial internship schemes and strengthen their portfolios during their studies.

Join us to Make Something Extraordinary!

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1210 BEng Materials Science and Engineering (Features: HKIE Accredited / Industrial and Research Internships / Overseas Double-degrees / Knowledge Transfer / World-leading Research)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements. Applicants are also expected to have a science or engineering background.

Curriculum Structure
Gateway Education

GE English/EAP (6 credit units) *

  • GE English (1): GE 1401 University English (3 credit units)
  • GE English (2): GE 2410 English for Engineering (3 credit units)

*Students scoring below Level 4 in HKDSE English Language or Grade D in HKALE AS-level Use of English or students who do not possess an equivalent qualification are required to complete two 3-credit unit courses, prior to taking the GE English courses. Students who demonstrate that they have achieved a grade B or above in their overall course results for ELA0200A will achieve 3 credits and also be considered to have satisfied the pre-requisite for entry to the GE English courses without needing to take ELA0200B.

College Specified GE Courses (9 credit units)

  • MA1200/MA1300 (3 credit units) 
    Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I/ 
    Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I
  • MA1201/MA1301 (3 credit units) 
    Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II/ 
    Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II
  • MSE2006 Materials Engineers in Society

Any GE Courses (3 credit units)

  • GE1501 Chinese Civilization – History and Philosophy and/or GE courses from the distributional areas
College Required Courses

College Required Science Courses (6 credit units)

Choose two from the following science courses:

  • PHY1201 General Physics I (3 credit units)
  • CHEM1300 Principles of General Chemistry(3 credit units)
Department Required Courses

Department Required Courses (6 credit units)

  • CS1302 Introduction to Computer Programming
  • PHY1202 General Physics II
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

As the first of its kind in Hong Kong, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering was established to develop internationally competitive and cutting-edge research and provide a professional curriculum that equips graduates to contribute to various materials related sectors in Hong Kong, for the fast-growing high-tech industries.

The Department serves as a collaboration platform for developing cross-disciplinary academic programmes and interdisciplinary research projects with other academic units in the University. Further, it aspires to become a world-leading department in research and professional education with a focus on the following four target areas:

  • Biomaterials
  • Computational materials science 
  • Functional materials
  • Structural materials

The Department also serves as an international platform to encourage collaboration among the leading institutes in the world and to enhance our global research reputation.

BEng Materials Science and Engineering

In the Materials Science and Engineering major, students acquire knowledge that can be used to solve materials problems in engineering processes. Graduates of this major can seek jobs in engineering companies and join the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers as graduate members. They can become professional engineers after receiving the relevant on-the-job training and completing the professional assessment.


Our Target

The Materials Science and Engineering major aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to meet local and regional needs in the industrial, commercial, government and education sectors.

In particular, graduates of this major understand the production, fabrication and service performance of engineering materials, including conventional bulk materials, advanced thin film and nanostructured materials. Working with other engineering specialists, our graduates contribute to the design, manufacture, maintenance, safety enhancement and testing of engineering components, devices, structures and processing plants.

Start Your Career Here

Materials Science and Engineering is an exciting and fascinating subject. Many of the novel materials invented over the past few decades significantly influence the way we live.

Materials Science and Engineering has permeated all industrial sectors. Graduates may choose to work in many different areas such as the electronics, toy, plastic, metal, ceramic and construction industries, or in testing laboratories. Graduates may also be employed as quality control engineers, production engineers, testing engineers or technical sales engineers for equipment, machinery and materials.

A materials science and engineering education predisposes students to a life enriched by the ability to understand technical information and analyse problems using scientific reasoning. In the past, materials science and engineering graduates have pursued successful careers in other diverse fields such as finance, business and education.

Industrial Training and International Exchange

The College of Engineering and the Department offer work placement opportunities through different internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments in firms in Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta region, and overseas. Through such placements, students will:

Gain solid experience in a real-world work environment; develop problem-solving abilities and interpersonal skills; learn the right attitudes towards work and professionalism; and broaden their experience and enhance their employability.

For details, please visit the College’s Co-operative Education website.

To help students broaden their educational horizons, gain language experience and enhance their awareness of different cultures, the Department, College, and University offer over 110 credit-bearing exchange programmes with various partner universities around the world, including Australia, Canada, Europe, the US and others in the Asia-Pacific region.

For details, please visit the University’s outbound exchange programme website.

Professional Recognition

The Materials Science and Engineering major is the first and currently the only Materials Science and Engineering degree accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

Bonus Features

Graduates of the Materials Science and Engineering major are all-round materials engineers who can participate in design, manufacturing and quality assurance teams in high-tech industries.

Programme Video
Alumni Sharing
Materials Science in Our Daily Lives
Programme Brochure
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

On a selective basis
- When necessary
- Group interview
- English

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

On a selective basis
- Early/Mid-June 2025 
- Group interview 
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
Reduce the font size?

Mechanical Engineering (Majors: BEng Aerospace Engineering / BEng Mechanical Engineering / BEng Nuclear and Risk Engineering)

機械工程學 [主修: 工學士(航空航天工程) / 工學士(機械工程) / 工學士(核子及風險工程)]
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1207 (JS1207)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

87 (For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Admissions Tutor
Prof. Wei Yin MA
Deputy Admissions Tutor
Prof. Penghao DUAN

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering is a highly popular degree programme that offers students a wide range of career opportunities. At City University of Hong Kong, we provide a comprehensive Mechanical Engineering programme designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge necessary to excel in any technology-related field. Our programme includes three majors, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Nuclear and Risk Engineering, offering students a range of options based on their interests. With an almost 100% employment rate, a degree in Mechanical Engineering from City University of Hong Kong ensures you a promising future with excellent job opportunities. Join us today and embark on your journey towards a successful career in Mechanical Engineering.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1207 Mechanical Engineering (Majors: BEng Aerospace Engineering / BEng Mechanical Engineering / BEng Nuclear and Risk Engineering)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 2
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Chemistry 
- Design and Applied Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements. Applicants are also expected to have a science or engineering background.

Admission Arrangements

Applicants to this programme (admission code: 1207) will be considered for admission to first-year studies at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Students will enter a major (current major options: Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear and Risk Engineering) after one year of study. The top 40% of students# will have a free choice of majors offered by the Department. The other 60% of students will be allocated a major within the Department, subject to the availability of places and the selection criteria set by individual majors.

# based on CGPA with no failed grades and completion of at least 30 credit units including College/Department required courses

Applicants seeking advanced standing entry can submit an application for the following programmes:

Curriculum Structure

Subject Area

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Units

Gateway Education (12 credit units)


GE1401 & GE2410

LC0200A and/or LC0200B

(a) University English &  
Discipline Specific English  
- English for Engineering

OREnglish for Academic Purposes 1 and/or English for Academic Purposes 2     
(depending on students' language background)



(b) Chinese Civilization - History and Philosophy



(c) Gateway Education courses


College-specified Courses (9 credit units)


MA1200 / MA1300

Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I / 
Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I


MA1201 / MA1301

Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II / 
Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II




Engineers in Society


College Requirement (6 credit units)



Introduction to Computer Programming




Introductory Classical Mechanics


Department-specified Courses (3 credit units)



Engineering Graphics




General Physics II







Remark: The above First-Year Curriculum is only applicable for students admitted into the four-year programme (1207).     

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (MNE) aims to educate and train students to be professional engineers, providing them with broad-based knowledge and the fundamentals of mechanical and nuclear engineering, and the capability to integrate the diverse disciplines of mechanical, electronic and computer engineering. To achieve these aims, the Department takes an interdisciplinary approach and includes subject areas that ensure our graduates are equipped to meet Hong Kong's current and future needs.

The Department currently offers majors in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear and Risk Engineering. It has over 25 faculty members, with academic strengths in four specific areas: (1) thermal-fluids; (2) design, mechanics and materials; (3) robotics, automation and control; and (4) nuclear and risk engineering.

Please refer to the Department's website for more information about the MNE Department.


1. 航空航天工程: 課程旨在為學生提供廣泛的工程技能基礎。學生將能附合當前和不斷變化的航空航天工業的需求,例如智能製造, 智能檢測, 超音速飛行, 太空飛行,下一代飛機(例如無人飛行器, 仿生飛行器, 電動飛機等)。此外,跨學科教育亦促進畢業生在技術服務、諮詢、製造和金融等領域的就業機會,以配合香港的人力需求。

2. 機械工程: 課程旨在提供一個集教育、創新科技與研究的全面課程。畢業生能夠應用機械工程知識作出專業剖析和判斷,應用於廣泛領域如材料開發、系統分析、自動化工程和微納米科技等。

3. 核子及風險工程: 課程旨在為核子和風險工程領域培養出具備多門學科知識的卓越人才,包括低碳發電、醫療和風險工程。畢業生可從事核電行業、材料工程、核醫學、輻射防護、環境保護、核放射設備、金融業風險評估和災害管理等相關專業工作。

Programme Video
Brief Introduction of BEng Aerospace Engineering Programme 工學士(航空航天工程)課程簡介
Brief Introduction of BEng Mechanical Engineering Programme 工學士(機械工程)課程簡介
Brief Introduction of BEng Nuclear and Risk Engineering Programme 工學士(核子及風險工程)課程簡介
Climate Change and Nuclear ​氣候變化與核能
MNE Laboratories
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

When necessary
- January to May 2025
- Individual interview
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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Electrical Engineering (Majors: BEng Computer and Data Engineering / BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering / BEng Information Engineering / BEng Microelectronics Engineering)

電機工程學 [主修: 工學士(電子計算機及數據工程學) /工學士(電子及電機工程學) / 工學士(資訊工程學) / 工學士(微電子工程學)]
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1205 (JS1205)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

163(For First-Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places 
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years

* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Electrical Engineering?

Explore electronics, electrical systems, computing, artificial intelligence, and beyond. Design the world's future - from smart devices to groundbreaking applications. Join us to be a technology trailblazer! For more information, please click here.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1205 Electrical Engineering (Majors: BEng Computer and Data Engineering / BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering / BEng Information Engineering / BEng Microelectronics Engineering)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3 in one elective subject from: 
- Biology 
- Chemistry 
- Information and Communication Technology 
- M1/M2 
- Physics
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” (at grade E or above) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements and have studied an engineering-related or a science-related discipline at a high school or post-secondary institution.

Admission Arrangements

Applicants to this programme (admission code: 1205) will be considered for admission to first-year studies in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Students will enter a major (major options: Computer and Data Engineering; Electronic and Electrical Engineering; Information Engineering; Microelectronics Engineering) by the end of Semester B.

For students admitted in Semester A, the top 40% of students# will have a free choice of majors offered by the Department. The other 60% of students will be allocated a major within the Department, subject to the availability of places and the selection criteria set by individual majors.

# based on CGPA with no failed grades, completion of at least 30 credit units including College/Department required courses and no academic dishonesty record for the year

Applicants seeking advanced standing entry can submit an application for the following programmes:

Curriculum Structure

First-year Curriculum Requirement (30 credit units) 

Subject Area

Course Code

Course Title

Units (CU)

Gateway Education (12 credit units)


GE1401 &


University English (3CUs)

English for Engineering (3CUs)




LC0200A &


English for Academic Purposes 1 & 2 (6CUs)


GE courses



Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I/

Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I




Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II/

Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II


EE2066 *

Engineers in Society


College Requirements (6 credit units: Science subjects)

Computer Science


Introduction to Computer Programming




Introductory Classical Mechanics


Major Requirements (12 credit units)



Programme Induction


EE1001 &

Foundations of Digital Techniques


EE1002 &

Principles of Electrical Engineering


EE1004 &

Foundations of Information Systems and Data  



Introduction to Electronic Design


CUs - credit units 

* Students will take EE2066 Engineers in Society in their final year of studies

Department of Electrical Engineering

The world today is interconnected via a myriad of communication channels that may be either wired or wireless and with ever increasing amounts of data. Whether you are walking in the streets or travelling on the bus, nearly everyone can be seen checking emails, viewing the latest news, interconnecting socially, or playing games. Everyone expects connectivity at any place and any time, but very few recognize the technologies used or the complexity involved in both the hardware and the software. The Department of Electrical Engineering offers majors that allow these technologies to function seamlessly across continents whether for work or for play. We offer four majors that have sufficient depth to prepare students to succeed in their technology-driven career path and beyond, and yet are broad enough to allow them to pursue other career paths. Most of the required courses in the first and second years are common to all four majors, covering mathematics, physics, electronics devices and circuits, computer programming, and information technology. These courses set a solid foundation to prepare students for their third and final years.  Strong links with industry have made our majors more applicable to Hong Kong. 

The department offers majors in:

  • BEng Computer and Data Engineering
  • BEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering
  • BEng Information Engineering
  • BEng Microelectronics Engineering
Our Target

Computer and Data Engineering major provides a strong foundation in computer systems, emphasizing data-driven technologies and AI. Covering software and hardware design, data science, machine learning, and IoT security, graduates gain proficiency in diverse areas including AI systems, data analytics, and cloud computing. This comprehensive skill set prepares students for various engineering roles, postgraduate studies, and lifelong learning in this rapidly evolving field.


Electronic and Electrical Engineering major provides students with a solid education in advanced electronic and electrical technologies. Students will be exposed to the latest developments in:

        1. Wireless communications & data technology
        2. Microwave, terahertz & optical technologies
        3. Photonic, electronic, & sensor devices
        4. Smart control & electrical power systems
        5. Bioelectronics & bioinformatics

Our programme will transform students into well-trained professional engineers, ready to thrive in a rapidly changing, knowledge-based economy. Throughout their training, students will be equipped with the skills, vision, and opportunities needed to advance in their career paths.

科技發展一日千里,隨著各類電子產品及機電建設的迅速發展,香港特區政府已將「第五代流動技術」和「智慧城市」定為其中兩個重點支持項目。本課程旨在為電子、通訊、機電及能源工程業培育專業工程師,學生將具備專業技術和視野,並能設計及應用不同電子、通訊、機電及能源系統,迎接新科技帶來的挑戰。內容主要教授電子及通訊科技知識,重點有(1) 無線通訊及數據技術;(2) 微波,太赫兹與光學科技;(3) 光電子及電子器件、感應器;(4) 智能管理及電機能源系統;及 (5) 生物電子及生物信息技術。

Information Engineering major equips students a balanced understanding of the theory and applications of information engineering, which encompasses networking and communications, algorithms and optimization, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and signal processing. It offers all-round education, which nurtures independent thinking, creativity, and various soft skills. Upon completion of the major, graduates will be sufficiently prepared for further studies or employment in a wide range of economic sectors, mainly technology, but also business, banking, finance and trading in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.


Microelectronics Engineering major provides students with sound knowledge of the fundamental principles involved in the design and fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs), and a comprehensive understanding of electronics and information technologies. The curriculum includes application specific IC (ASIC) design for novel applications, nanotechnologies for high-performance devices and microsystems, new designs and materials for ICs, digital processor, system-on-chip, wireless and optical communications, and embedded system design. Upon completion of the major, students will be sufficiently prepared for employment in various sectors of the microelectronics and electronics industry, and well equipped with fundamental knowledge for pursuing postgraduate studies.

微電子工程學工學士課程為學生提供有關集成電路(IC)設計和製造的基本原理,以及對電子和信息技術的全面理解。課程包括特定應用積體電路(ASIC) 設計、用於高性能設備和微系統的納米技術、用於IC的新設計和材料、數字電路處理器、單晶片系統、無線及光學通訊,以及嵌入式系統設計。完成專業後,學生將為微電子和電子行業各個領域的就業做好充分的準備,並具備攻讀研究生的基礎知識。

Undergraduate plus Master’s Degree Programmes

As part of the CityUHK Tiger Programme to attract high caliber students and inspire existing Year 1 students to raise their academic performance, EE Department introduces “Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programmes”, where students will be awarded a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree together upon completion of their studies.

Normally, a Bachelor’s degree at CityUHK requires students to complete 120 credit units in 4 years, and a Master’s degree requires full-time students to complete 30 credit units in 1 year. Students in an “Undergraduate plus Master's Degree Programmes” will receive a conditional offer for a Master's degree programme when they join CityUHK as undergraduate students. They can be engaged in more advanced courses such as those with research elements taught normally at the postgraduate level, during their undergraduate studies. Upon completion of their studies in CityUHK, students will be awarded two degrees (Bachelor's degree + Master's degree).

Please refer here for details.

Co-curricular Activities and Learning Support

Placement Schemes

In collaboration with industry, the Department aims to equip students early with real work experience before graduation through different placement schemes. We have Professional Internship Programme (PIP) of different durations (one-semester/two-semester/one-year), and two local and overseas summer placement opportunities namely Industrial Attachment Scheme (IAS) and Overseas Internship Scheme (OIS).

Global Outreach

Uplifting students’ global outreach and international competitiveness through student exchange is one of the Department’s goals. Since 2015, around 380 students have been sent out to top universities in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, mainland China, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, the UK and the USA for semester-long exchange and summer exchange. Unfortunately, due to COVID, the exchange programmes have been affected for years.

Student Tutoring Scheme

Student learning is always the Department's top priority, facilitated by the long-established Student Tutoring Scheme. The scheme aims to nurture good learning skills in our students, particularly during their first and second year with EE. Outstanding senior year students are selected to coach students on their studies through in-class or out-of-classroom support. The Scheme has successfully created a positive learning ambience among peers and has been well received among students.  

Professional Recognition

This Department offers four majors in Computer and Data Engineering, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering, and Microelectronics Engineering. All the long-established majors have been accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), while the design of Microelectronics Engineering curriculum is intended to obtain accreditation by HKIE. Based on the Washington Accord, graduates will receive reciprocal recognition from equivalent bodies in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Costa Rica, Hong Kong-China, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the UK and the US.

Department's Highlights

Largest EE department among local universities with 46 professors.

Ranked 20th worldwide and 1st in Hong Kong by subject in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings 2023); 11th worldwide and 1st in Hong Kong by subject in Electrical Engineering (Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities, National Taiwan University Ranking 2023).

Six EE professors have been awarded the Teaching Excellence Award for eight times by the University.

A caring department emphasizing students' well-roundedness apart from their technical know-how through ample co-curricular activities.

Offering four undergraduate programmes, two taught master's programmes and two research degree programmes (currently around 1,400 students in total).

With the support from the Ministry of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves established in 2008 is the first such laboratory in engineering discipline in Hong Kong.

Laboratory space about 5,000 sq. meters.

工學士(微電子工程學) BEng MEE
明報升學網 - 認識電機工程學成為科創人才第一步
城大電子&電機工程 / 資訊工程 / 電子計算機&數據工程/ 微電子工程(利申: 工程神科 )
又實習又Exchange 忙到氣咳為啲乜?
Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 7740

Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 0562

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
Best 5 Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Included Subjects for calculation first
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

On a selective basis
- November 2024 to July 2025
- Group and individual interviews
- English and Chinese

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

On a selective basis 
- Early July 2025 
- Group interview 
- English and Chinese

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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BSc Data and Systems Engineering (Features: Data Science / FinTech / Industrial AI / Smart City / Internet of Things)

理學士(數據與系統工程) (特點: 數據科學 / 金融科技 / 工業人工智能 / 智慧城市 / 物聯網)
programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1074 (JS1074)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

17 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme Leader and Admissions Tutor
Prof Lishuai LI

BEng (Fudan U), MSc & PhD (MIT)

Deputy Programme Leader
Prof Clint HO

BSc (UCLA), MSc (U of Oxford), PhD (Imperial College London)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Data and Systems Engineering?

Data Science PLUS 

The programme offers solid foundation in data science and intelligent systems, where students will learn to analyse, manage and improve enterprise­ class systems using big data. Graduates will be equipped with necessary tools and skills to solve emerging real-world application problems and become big data professionals in the following fields:

• FinTech

• Industrial Al

• Internet of Things (loT)

• Smart City

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1074 BSc Data and Systems Engineering
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” (at grade E or above) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Curriculum Structure

First Year Curriculum

First-Year Curriculum

CoursesNo. of Credit Units
General EducationUniversity Requirements• GE1401 University English; and  
• Discipline-specific English; and  
• GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History & Philosophy
School Specified Requirements

School Specified GE courses for normative four-year degree:  

CS2311Computer Programming
SDSC1001Introduction to Data Science



Distributional Requirements

At least one course from each of the three areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities  
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations  
Area 3: Science and Technology

School Requirement / Major RequirementMA1503 Linear Algebra with Applications4
Major RequirementSDSC2004 Data Visualization3
Total No. of Credit Units:37

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’.

What You Will be Studying

Offering a solid foundation in data science and intelligent systems, the BSc Data and Systems Engineering programme equips students with strong analytical and decision-making skills, enabling them to analyse, manage and improve enterprise-class systems. The enterprises considered may be businesses, governmental institutions or service-oriented engineering organisations. Main data science application subjects in this program covers data-driven financial technologies, smart city, artificial intelligence, and industrial internet of things.

BSc Data and Systems Engineering students are nurtured to become analytically minded and versatile graduates capable of collecting, analysing and interpreting big data. With such skills, they are proficient at transforming vast amounts of information into actionable insights, enhancing decision-making in their organisations.

The programme provides four flexible categories of advanced knowledge:
a) FinTech
b) Industrial AI
c) Smart City
d) Internet of Things (IoT)


1) 金融科技
2) 工業人工智能
3) 智慧城市
4) 物聯網

Career Prospects

The unique power of data science knowledge and technology is gaining unprecedented attention in the job market, as big data analytics, data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence become more and more relevant to mainstream industries. It is no wonder that data science has been heralded by the Harvard Business Review as one of the hottest fields in the 21st century. Data scientists solve some of the hardest problems that businesses face, and their work is relevant to almost all realms of business.

CityUHK’s BSc Data and Systems Engineering is a unique programme to offer students a solid foundation in data science analytics, fostering their ability to apply emerging data science knowledge and technologies to produce advanced solutions to real emerging system-level business and industrial problems. Graduates with such solid theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience capable of working alongside domain experts are in great demand in virtually all fields, including but not limited to the following.

• Finance and Banking
• Innovative Industry
• E-commerce
• IT and Software Companies
• Smart City
• Logistics and Transportation Systems
• Retail and Digital Marketing
• Power and Energy
• Healthcare and Medical Research
• Government and Public Organisations
• Consultancy
• Education and Research
• Small Business, Start-ups, Multi-industry Opportunities

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Scholarships are available, please refer to the details at

Student Exchange / Internship

The Department provides student exchange and internship opportunities to our students to gain international perspectives, global engagement and industry experience.

Students may choose between the overseas student exchange opportunities at world-leading institutions provided by the Department or the University. Paying the tuition at CityUHK, students will spend a study semester abroad and may transfer the academic credits earned at the host institution to fulfil the graduation requirement.

The Department also partners with premier corporates in a wide range of sectors to offer internship opportunities relevant to our majors. With these placements, students are expected to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in real-world applications.

Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 7887

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
3 Core + 2 Elective Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

On a selective basis
- From December 2024 onwards
- Group interview 
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary 
- June/July 2025 
- Group interview 
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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BSc Data Science (Features: Data Science / Machine Learning / Data Mining / Big Data Analysis)

理學士(數據科學) (特點: 數據科學 / 機器學習 / 數據挖掘 / 大數據分析)
programme default img
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1072 (JS1072)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

27 (For First Year and Advanced Standing I Entries; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme Leader and Admissions Tutor
Prof Xiang ZHOU

PhD – Princeton University, USA

Deputy Programme Leader
Prof Yu YANG

PhD - Simon Fraser University


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why BSc Data Science?

Data Science DEEP

The programme provides essential trainings like quantitative knowledge, statistics, data mining technology and computing tools for emerging real­ world applications.  

In an inter-professional setting, students are given the tools to build theoretical and methodological knowledge in data science, communication skills and ethic awareness. There are three flexible modules of advanced knowledge:

  • Artificial  Intelligence (Al)
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Statistical Learning
Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements 

JS1072 BSc Data Science
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” (at grade E or above) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.     
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.     
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

Direct/ Non-JUPAS Applicants Entrance Requirements

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Curriculum Structure

First-Year Curriculum

First-Year Curriculum

CoursesNo. of Credit Units
General EducationUniversity Requirements• GE1401 University English; and   
• Discipline-specific English; and   
• GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History & Philosophy
School Specified Requirements

School Specified GE courses for normative four-year degree:   

CS2311Computer Programming
SDSC1001Introduction to Data Science



Distributional Requirements

At least one course from each of the three areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities   
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations   
Area 3: Science and Technology

School Requirement / Major RequirementMA Linear Algebra with Applications4
Major RequirementSDSC2004 Data Visualization3
Total No. of Credit Units:37

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the ‘Undergraduate Catalogue’ 

What You Will be Studying

The BSc Data Science aims to provide data science graduates with essential training in the quantitative methods, statistical analysis techniques, data mining technology and computing tools required for the effective use and analysis of big and complex data for real-world applications that involve making sense of complex data to realize planning and decision making. The programme develops strong and interdisciplinary training in the ability to build data analysis reasoning, communication skills and ethic awareness in realistic inter-professional settings for commercial or public policy problems in various disciplines.

The programme provides three flexible modules of advanced knowledge:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Social Media Analytics
  3. Statistical Learning


  1. 人工智能
  2. 社交媒體分析
  3. 統計學習
Career Prospects

The unique power of data science knowledge and technology is gaining unprecedented attention in the job market, as big data analytics, data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence become more and more relevant to mainstream industries. It is no wonder that data science has been heralded by the Harvard Business Review as one of the hottest fields in the 21st century. Data scientists solve some of the hardest problems that businesses face, and their work is relevant to almost all realms of business.

CityUHK’s BSc Data Science is a unique programme to offer students a rigorous theoretical and methodological knowledge of data science along with in-depth analysis and evaluation for applied problems. Graduates with such solid theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience capable of working alongside domain experts are in great demand in virtually all fields, including but not limited to the following.

• Finance and Banking
• Innovative Industry
• E-commerce
• IT and Software Companies
• Smart City
• Logistics and Transportation Systems
• Retail and Digital Marketing
• Power and Energy
• Healthcare and Medical Research
• Government and Public Organisations
• Consultancy
• Education and Research
• Small Business, Start-ups, Multi-industry Opportunities

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Scholarships are available, please refer to the details at

Student Exchange / Internship

The Department provides student exchange and internship opportunities to our students to gain international perspectives, global engagement and industry experience.

Students may choose between the overseas student exchange opportunities at world-leading institutions provided by the Department or the University. Paying the tuition at CityUHK, students will spend a study semester abroad and may transfer the academic credits earned at the host institution to fulfil the graduation requirement.

The Department also partners with premier corporates in a wide range of sectors to offer internship opportunities relevant to our majors. With these placements, students are expected to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in real-world applications.

Programme Brochure
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 7887

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
3 Core + 2 Elective Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

On a selective basis
- From December 2024 onwards
- Group interview 
- English 

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary 
- June/July 2025 
- Group interview 
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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Data Empowerment: Learn, Transform and Achieve (DELTA) (Features: Free Choice of Major / One-to-One Advisor / Elite Work Placement / Executive Mentor Scheme / Premium Overseas Exchange / Internship Exchange)

數據賦能: 學習・突破・成就課程 (特點: 自由選擇學院專業學科 / 一對一專業導師 / 精英學生實習培訓 / 專業導師指導計劃 / 頂尖海外大學交流)
Default image_flagship
Academic Year of Entry
Admission Code

1070 (JS1070)

Indicative Intake Target

Local Places:

15 (For First Year Entry; Tentative)*

Non-Local Places  
(For Overall Direct Applications):

Around 400

Normal Duration of Programme
4 years
Programme Leader and Admissions Tutor
Prof Lishuai LI

BEng (Fudan U), MSc & PhD (MIT)

Deputy Programme Leader
Prof Xiao QIAO

BSc (The Wharton School), BEng (U of Pennsylvania), PhD (U of Chicago)


* for JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions

Why Data Empowerment: Learn, Transform and Achieve (DELTA)?

Data Empowerment: Learn, Transform and Achieve (DELTA) is one of the Flagship Programmes offered by CityUHK. The DELTA option stands as a pioneering approach initiative in data science, computer science and AI education. It aims to offer exceptional students a comprehensive education in these fields, and unparalleled opportunities to gain valuable international exposure and practical experience through overseas exchanges and elite work placements at renowned universities and leading worldwide companies.


Key features

Students admitted to the DELTA programme will enjoy the exclusive features, including:


Free choice of majors: Admitted students will have the flexibility to select their preferred major upon accepting the offer. The available majors for the DELTA stream option are:

  • BSc Computer Science (DELTA stream)
  • BSc Cybersecurity (DELTA stream)
  • BSc Data Science (DELTA stream)
  • BSc Data and Systems Engineering (DELTA stream)


1. Personalized one-to-one advising: Each admitted student will be assigned a dedicated faculty member who will provide personalized guidance and support throughout the academic studies.

2. Cross cultural exposure: Students will be given priority to participate in the Cultural and Language Immersion Scheme organized by the College of Computing. This scheme aims to foster cross-cultural competence and preparing students for future international exchanges, enhancing their global perspectives.

3. Elite work placement: Students will have the opportunity to gain practical experience and expand their professional network through placement at reputable companies. During these placements, they will be exposed to high level tasks and supervised by senior level staff.

4. Executive Mentor Scheme: Each student will be paired with a senior professional who will serve as their executive mentor. This programme aims to deepen the understanding of the industry and enhancing the entrepreneurship skills.

5. Premium overseas exchange/Internship exchange: Students will be arranged to pursue an attachment at a prestigious overseas university such as MIT and Imperial College London, for exchange or engage in a summer programme.

Entrance Requirements
JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Entrance Requirements

JS1070 Data Empowerment: Learn, Transform and Achieve (DELTA) (Features: Free Choice of Major / One-to-One Advisor / Elite Work Placement / Executive Mentor Scheme / Premium Overseas Exchange / Internship Exchange)
HKDSE SubjectMinimum Level Required
English LanguageLevel 3
Chinese LanguageLevel 3
MathematicsLevel 3
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
Elective 1Level 3
Elective 2Level 3

- Besides Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and “other languages” (at grade E or above) can also be used to meet the elective requirement. If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.  
- Applied Learning subjects are not counted as elective subjects.  
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please click here.

Direct/Non-JUPAS Applicants

To be considered for admission, you must satisfy the General Entrance Requirements.

Admission Arrangements

Applicants to this programme will have a free choice of majors offered by the Department of Computer Science, and the Department of Data Science. The major options are:

  • BSc Computer Science (DELTA stream)
  • BSc Cybersecurity (DELTA stream)
  • BSc Data Science (DELTA stream)
  • BSc Data and Systems Engineering (DELTA stream)


Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme curriculum structure, please visit the “Undergraduate Catalogue”.

College of Computing

College of Computing
The College of Computing, comprising the Department of Biostatistics, Department of Computer Science and the Department of Data Science, aspires to serve as a centre of excellence in the integrated study of computer science, data science, and statistics, harnessing the synergies among these disciplines to conduct cutting-edge, collaborative research that develops advanced analytical tools and AI-powered solutions to tackle complex global challenges. We are committed to nurturing a diverse community of international learners, equipping them with the technical expertise, analytical skills, and interdisciplinary mindset needed to drive impactful change in various industries and sectors. The undergraduate programmes are offered by the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Data Science.

Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science was established in 1984, and has evolved from a teaching-oriented department into one that excels in both teaching and research.

In addition to offering traditional courses such as foundations of computer science, computer architecture and software engineering, the curriculum exposes students to the latest advances in cloud computing, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Students have the opportunity to undertake a major design and development project in areas such as electronic commerce, virtual reality, multimedia, computer vision, cloud computing, information security and cybersecurity.

Department of Data Science
The Department of Data Science, the first department in the region to focus on data science and its applications, aims to nurture future data science talent, which is urgently needed in numerous industries and by society at large. Boasting world-class faculty and an outstanding infrastructure and vision, the department aspires to become a trailblazer in data science in Hong Kong and beyond.  

The department offers interdisciplinary curricula for undergraduate students. These curricula not only provide a solid foundation in data science and a state-of-the-art spectra of data science subjects, but also offer students the chance to undertake projects and courses connected with promising application areas in data science, such as systems analytics, social media analysis, the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart City, Artificial Intelligence and statistical learning approaches. Fostering intellectual curiosity and autonomy, the department provides students with ample opportunities to participate in open-ended projects and realise their dream data science products. Through its extensive industrial partnerships and networks, the department will prepare a new breed of data science professionals to excel in inter-disciplinary and cross-functional collaboration.

What You Will be Studying

Data Empowerment: Learn, Transform and Achieve (DELTA) programme will prepare students to become professionals with solid theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience. The programmes will offer you a solid foundation in the following areas.

BSc Computer Science (DELTA stream)
•    Computer Systems
•    Algorithm Design and Analysis and Mathematics
•    Software Engineering

BSc Cybersecurity (DELTA stream):
•    Operating Systems
•    Problem Solving and Analysis
•    Programming and Modelling
•    Data Structures
•    Software Security and Design

BSc Data Science (DELTA stream):
•    Artificial Intelligence (AI)
•    Social Media Analytics
•    Statistical Learning

BSc Data and Systems Engineering (DELTA stream):
•    FinTech
•    Industrial AI
•    Smart City
•    Internet of Things (IoT)

Programme Mission

BSc Computer Science (DELTA stream)

The major provides students with a thorough grounding in the theoretical and practical aspects of the computer science discipline necessary for successful careers as professional software developers, system architects/analysts, technology officers, etc., in the continually developing information technology environment.


BSc Cybersecurity (DELTA stream)

The major provides a comprehensive undergraduate education with a balanced emphasis on both foundational computer science and systematic cybersecurity training. The curriculum is designed to ensure that students gain a solid understanding of the cybersecurity principles, practical skills in various security domains, and the managerial knowledge required to oversee or contribute to a cybersecurity team, all built upon a solid foundation of computer science education.


BSc Data Science (DELTA stream)

The major cultivates data scientists and data science professionals with rigorous theoretical and methodological knowledge of data science along with in-depth analysis and evaluation for applied problems.


BSc Data and Systems Engineering (DELTA stream)

The major cultivates data scientists and advanced data engineers with a solid understanding of the tools and techniques, with a focus on managing data and applying data science techniques to solve social and economic problems.

Career Prospects

BSc Computer Science (DELTA stream)
Graduates of this major will have good employment opportunities in the field of information technology. They will be equipped for jobs which involve state-of-the-art technology and design and construction of large software systems. The provision of study streams allows students to pursue specializations in state-of-the-art technology such as data science, cloud computing and mobile applications, further enhancing their career prospect in these areas.

BSc Cybersecurity (DELTA stream)
Cybersecurity is a rapidly expanding field that presents numerous employment prospects for qualified professionals. Graduates specializing in cybersecurity have a wide array of career paths to explore.
•    Entry-level Cybersecurity Personnel: Help Desk Technicians, Network Administrators, Software Developers
•    Specialized Cybersecurity Analyst: Security Architects, Cybersecurity Managers, Chief Information Security Officers, Security Consultant

BSc Data Science (DELTA stream)
A unique programme to offer students a rigorous theoretical and methodological knowledge of data science along with in-depth analysis and evaluation for applied problems.

BSc Data and Systems Engineering (DELTA stream)
A unique programme to offer students a solid foundation in data science analytics, fostering their ability to apply emerging data science knowledge and technologies to produce advanced solutions to real emerging system-level business and industrial problems.

Graduates of the above two programmes with such solid theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience capable of working alongside domain experts are in great demand in virtually all fields, including but not limited to the following.
•    Finance and Banking
•    Innovative Industry
•    E-commerce
•    IT and Software Companies
•    Smart City
•    Logistics and Transportation Systems
•    Retail and Digital Marketing
•    Power and Energy
•    Healthcare and Medical Research
•    Government and Public Organisations
•    Consultancy
•    Education and Research
•    Small Business, Start-ups, Multi-industry Opportunities

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Eligible students admitted to the DELTA programme shall be considered for the Flagship Scholarships, including:
1.    Tuition fees and hall fees incurred at CityUHK and is tenable for the normal duration of the programmes concerned.
•    Full Scholarship: 100% tuition and hall fee
•    Half Scholarship: 50% tuition and hall fee
2.    Guaranteed berth in the Halls of Residence.
3.    A one-off special sponsorship of a maximum amount of HK$500,000 for an overseas exchange of up to one year at a top-ranked university.

Besides the Flagship Scholarships, various types of CityUHK scholarships are also available for eligible students. Please refer to details at

Student Exchange / Internship

Both the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Data Science provide student exchange and internship opportunities to their students to gain international perspectives, global engagement and industry experience.

Students may choose between the overseas student exchange opportunities at world-leading institutions provided by the Departments, the College or the University. Paying the tuition at CityUHK, students will spend a study semester abroad and may transfer the academic credits earned at the host institution to fulfil the graduation requirements.

The Departments also partner with premier corporates in a wide range of sectors to offer internship opportunities (1-semester Advanced Data Science Internship/ 9-month IT Professional Internship) relevant to the majors. With these placements, students will be exposed to high-level tasks and supervised by senior-level staff, and are expected to gain practical knowledge as well as hands-on experience in real-word applications.

Flagship Programme

This is one of the CityUHK’s Flagship Programmes, which equip students with essential knowledge and skills, cultivate their global leadership abilities, and connect them with leading professionals. The Flagship Scholarships, which cover tuition and hall fees, a guaranteed berth, and a one-off exchange sponsorship of up to HK$500,000, will be awarded to local JUPAS talents who meet the criteria.

College of Computing
BSc Computer Science
BSc Cybersecurity
BSc Data Science/ BSc Data and Systems Engineering
Data Empowerment: Learn, Transform and Achieve (DELTA)
Contact Type
Contact Value

+852 3442 8719

Contact Type
Contact Value
Admission Year
Programe A-Z
Title (For sorting)
Programme Calculation Method
3 Core + 2 Elective Subjects
Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission
Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission
International Admission
Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission
Deadline applicable to all types of Admission
Historical Data
Interview Arrangement - Direct Yr1

On a selective basis 
- From December 2024 onwards
- Group interview 
- English

Interview Arrangement - JUPAS

When necessary 
- June/July 2025
- Group interview 
- English

Late Application (Deadline applicable to all types)
Late Application (International Admission)
Late Application (Mainland Non-Gaokao Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Senior Year Admission)
Late Application (Non-JUPAS Year 1 Admission)
Maths Core / M1 / M2 Calculation as one Subject
Minimum Entrance Requirement (Core)
Historical Data Display
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