New Media
Advanced Standing I
New Media
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media
Offering Academic Unit
School of Creative Media
Normal Period of Study
3 years
Maximum Period of Study
6 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
93 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (21 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
GE University Requirements GE1401 University English 3
GE2413 Word, Sound and Image: Writing for Creative Media 3
GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy 3
GE Distributional Requirements Take 2 courses from two different distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
School-specified Courses SM1103A Introduction to Media Computing 3
SM1701 New Media Art 3

College / School Requirements (12 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM1702Creative Media Studio I6
SM4712CGraduation Thesis/Project6

Major Requirements (60 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. Core Courses (12 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM2704Creative Media Studio II3
SM2706Critical Theory and Socially Engaged Practices3
SM2715Creative Coding3
SM2716Physical Computing and Tangible Media3

2. Art and Science Studios (12 credit units)

Choose two from the following courses. Extra course credits earned from the Art and Science Studio courses will be counted towards fulfilment of Major Electives.

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM3804Materials and Fabrication Studio6
SM3805Imaging Science Studio6
SM3806Special Topics in Art and Science Studio I6
SM3807Machine Learning and Robotics Studio6
SM3808Special Topics in Art and Science Studio II6
SM3809Software Art Studio6

3. Major Electives (36 credit units)

Group 1: Animation
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM2228Understanding Animation3
SM22313D Animation I - Basic3
SM2277Life Drawing3
SM2278Web Animation3
SM27132D Animation I - Basic3
SM2714Fundamentals of Animation3
SM2717Abstract and Experimental Animation3
SM3122Computer Programming for Animators3
SM31462D Animation II - Intermediate3
SM36053D Contents Production in Maya3
SM3701Digital Composition3
SM4123Procedural Animation3
SM4124Character Animation3
SM4125Computer Animation for Interactive Content3
SM4128Digital Lighting and Texturing3

Group 2: Cinema and Photography
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM1013Introduction to Photography3
SM1201Studio Photography3
SM2002The Art of Editing3
SM2253Digital Photography3
SM2266Graphic Communication3
SM2272Cinematography II3
SM2274History of Cinema3
SM2719Documentary I3
SM2720Black and White Photography3
SM3115Chinese Scriptwriting6
SM3131Art Direction3
SM3151Visualizing Literature3
SM3721Theories of Photography and Imaging3
SM3734Art Photography3
SM3735Alternative Process in Photography3
SM3736Image and Object: Beyond Photography3
SM3737Expanded Photography3
SM3739Documentary Photography3
SM4121Directing for Hong Kong Cinema6
SM4154Screen Acting Workshop3
SM4713Documentary II3

Group 3: Critical Theory and Practices
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM1012BWriting and Creativity (Chinese)3
SM3711Arts Administration and Cultural Management3
SM3729Relational Aesthetics and Participatory Media3
SM3751Art, Technology and Wellbeing3

Group 4: Game and Playable Media
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM2259Game and Play Studies3
SM2260Interactive Narrative3
SM26032D Game Production3
SM2723Psychology of Interaction and Games: Testing and Evaluation3
SM3120Game Level Design3
SM3601Game Prototyping and Design3
SM36083D Game Production3
SM4704Art Game Workshop3

Group 5: New Media
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
JC2002Artists in the Labs3
SM2220Generative Art3
SM2289Writing Digital Media3
SM2291Theories and Phenomena of Human-Computer Interaction3
SM2702Interdisciplinary Practices in Art, Science and the Humanities3
SM2712Perception, Cognition, Art, and Design3
SM2718Object Art Production3
SM3123Image Processing and Augmented Reality3
SM36033D Natural Interaction3
SM3607Mobile Media3
SM3610Hardware Hacking3
SM3611New Media for Installation, Events and Performance3
SM3612Augmented Reality3
SM3709Art and Technology in New Media Performance3
SM3732Site and Space: Installation Workshop3
SM3750Machine Learning for Artists3
SM3801Understanding Data3
SM4159New Media Art in the Technological Lifeworld3

Group 6: Sound
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
SM2276Music Studio Production3
SM2722Sound Objects3
SM3130Sound Installation and Sound Spatialisation3
SM3150Location Sound Recording3
SM3153Sound Design for Cinema3
SM3722Live Sound Production3
SM4143Sonic Arts and the History of Sounds and Noises3

Group 7: Cross-cluster
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
SM1700AProfessional Internship I0
SM1700BProfessional Internship II0
SM1700CProfessional Internship III0
SM1700DProfessional Internship IV0
SM3744Special Topics in Creative Media (I)3*
SM3745Special Topics in Creative Media (II)3*
SM3746Special Topics in Creative Media (III)3*
SM3747Special Topics in Creative Media (IV)3*
SM3748Special Topics in Creative Media (V)3*
SM3749Special Topics in Creative Media (VI)3*
SM4709Internship and Practicum3
SM4711Industry Internship3

* Enrollment of SM3744, SM3745, SM3746, SM3747, SM3748 and SM3749 are subject to approval which will only be granted if the topic is essentially different from the completed Special Topics course(s), if any.

Additional Information

Bachelor of Arts and Science in New Media students are required to complete at least one Art and Science Studio before taking SM4712C Graduation Thesis/Project.

Suggested Study Plan