Laser Safety

Ensuring the safe use of laser equipment protects both the users and those around them from potential hazards. High-power lasers, whether they operate with closed or open beams, pose significant risks, including eye injuries and skin burns. Therefore, it is mandatory that all high-power laser equipment be registered with the Laboratory Safety Unit. This registration process is essential for maintaining accurate records and ensuring that all safety protocols are followed.

One of the most vulnerable parts of the body when working with lasers is the eyes. Even brief exposure to laser beams can cause severe damage, leading to permanent vision loss. This is why regular eyesight tests are crucial for individuals who frequently work with lasers. These tests help in early detection of any vision impairment, ensuring that corrective measures can be taken promptly. Additionally, they serve as a preventive measure, ensuring that only individuals with optimal vision are allowed to operate laser equipment.

By adhering to these safety measures, CityUHK aims to create a safe working environment for all its staff and students, minimizing the risks associated with laser use and promoting a culture of safety and responsibility.

The list below is the relevant Hong Kong Guidance Note and CityUHK Policies and Guidelines about laser safety.

Hong Kong Guidance Note:

Laser Safety Guidance Notes for Industry, Display and Entertainment

CityUHK Policies and Guidelines:

Policy on eyesight testing for users of class 3B and 4 lasers
Laser Safety Guidelines