LSU Services
Emergency Showers and Eyewashes Inspection
Emergency showers and eyewashes are essential for all laboratory users working with chemicals and hazardous substances. These emergency facilities serve as first aid tools to rinse off any contaminants in the event of chemical splashes or exposure to dangerous substances on the face, eyes, or other body parts. Thus, it is critical to regularly inspect these facilities to ensure they are prepared for immediate use.

A proper test kit and gauge should be used to check the performance of the emergency showers and eyewashes. The LSU can provide the necessary equipment for you to test your emergency showers and eyewashes. If you require any assistance with the above, please contact Mr. Kelvin Wong at 3442 7120/ or LSU at

A shower test kit and an eyewash test gauge
Departmental Emergency Shower and Eyewash Test Record
Departmental Emergency Shower and Eyewash Compliance Report

A shower test kit and an eyewash test gauge
Related Documents:
Guide Note For Testing Emergency Shower and EyewashDepartmental Emergency Shower and Eyewash Test Record
Departmental Emergency Shower and Eyewash Compliance Report