LSU Services

Personal Alarm System (PAS)

The Personal Alarm System (PAS) is an LSU tailor-made device for anyone nearby who has an emergency issue at a laboratory to call for help and alert security. It contains a remote control and a main control unit. The main control unit can receive the signal transmitted by the remote control through radiofrequency (AM418; AM433 MHz). The PAS is activated either by pushing the button on the remote control or the main control unit. When the PAS is activated, it shall connect and call the FMO security office for assistance. It also activates the visual and audible alarm in the vicinity to alert others.

The LSU provides services on
  1. Fabrication,
  2. Installation,
  3. Annual checkup,
  4. Maintenance and,
  5. Battery replacement.

If you have any enquires on the PAS, please contact Dr Oscar CHAN at 3442 7120 or email