Chemical Control System (CCS)

With the Chemical Control Team (CCT) moving to LSU on 1 Jan 2022, the CCS operation also moved to LSU on the same day.

The University-wide Chemical Control System (CCS) was developed and launched by FMO in July 2020 to help user departments assure legal compliance in purchasing, using, storing and disposing of chemicals. The original design of the CCS was to control controlled chemicals that regulate under local regulations and hazardous chemicals that carry Globally Harmonized System (GHS) hazard symbols/pictograms.
Please click here to access the Chemical Control System.

LSU has developed two chemical search engines:
1. CCS - Chemical Search Engine: This engine relies on existing chemicals in the CCS database. Users can check whether the chemicals exist in our system by inputting various criteria, such as Chemical Name, Shipping Name, CAS Number or UN Number.
Please click here to access the CCS - Chemical Search Engine.

2. Law-Related Chemicals Engine: This engine provides information about the laws in Hong Kong relevant to chemicals.
Please click here to access the Law-related Chemicals Search Engine.

There are five broad categories of order requests in CCS:

  1. Blanket order >>
  2. Non-blanket order >>
  3. Gas order
  4. Mini-store order >>
  5. Liquid nitrogen (LN2) order

Decoding list of local legislative regulations >>

Under the CCS, only authorised users and their nominated chemical purchasing delegates are eligible to raise order requests. All academic staff are authorised users, including Deans, Heads, Directors, and Principal Investigators (PIs). Authorised users could nominate chemical purchasing delegate(s) to raise order requests to the CCS on their behalf. The nomination of full-time staff is highly recommended. An additional undertaking form is required to nominate research students as chemical purchasing delegates.

Nomination Form >>
Undertaking Form >>

CCS user guide describes the operating procedures of each order request in detail. All CCS users must go through the guide.

CCS User Guide >>

A representative is nominated by Deans, Heads or Directors to handle the CCS vetting operation. For anyone who would like to purchase new chemicals that are not listed in the CCS, you may complete the Statement of the Purchase of New Chemicals and submit it to DCPO for approval. After the approval is granted, please return it to G1415 for our process.

A list of non-controlled chemicals is prepared, and these chemicals can be purchased directly without going through the CCS, but the payments have to be recommended and endorsed by the Dept CCS Delegate/Deputy for CCS vetting. Failure to obtain the required recommendation and endorsements will lead to no payments being processed.

Non-Controlled Chemical Purchase Guideline >>

If you have any questions or need any technical support on the CCS, please do not hesitate to contact us at or contact Dr Peter CHAN at 3442 6034 or Dr Wai Man Cheung at 3442 6705.

Frequently Asked Questions >>