Page 33 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 33

Recent University Developments

               At the opening ceremony, University President Professor   校長郭位教授在開幕禮上表示,城大以
               Way Kuo said the twin themes of discovery and innovation   探索及創新為兩大綱領,推動大學的研究
               were core drivers of the University’s research. “We believe   發展。他說:「我們深信,要回饋社會、
               that the best way to give back to society, improve people’s   改善生活、促進經濟,最好的方法就是
               lives and boost economic development is to make new   積極探索、致力創新。」
               discoveries and to innovate,” he said.

               CityU Chengdu Research Institute officially opens     香港城市大學成都研究院落成啟用

               The inauguration of the CityU Chengdu Research Institute   城大成都研究院(城研院)落成典禮於
               (CityUCRI) in May 2017 was a milestone in CityU’s strategic   2017年5月舉行,為城大在中國內地建立
               development on the Mainland.                          策略發展平台奠立里程碑。

               CityUCRI, the University’s first research institute in western   城研院是城大在中國西部的第一個產學研
               China, was jointly developed by CityU and the Shuangliu   合作平台,由城大與四川省成都市雙流區
               Government. CityU is the first university in Hong Kong to   人民政府共同建設;而城大是香港第一所
               establish a base in Chengdu.

               Using CityU’s technology and human resources, CityUCRI
               will focus on applied research and industry service,   依託城大作為國際一流學府的科技和人才
               targeting demand for societal development and industry
               advancement on the Mainland.  CityU’s quality research   需求,將城大優質的科研成果,以及與城
               outcomes, and the patented technology and intellectual
               property of global universities partnering with CityU,
               can then be integrated into building an internationalised   財產權,與內地快速發展的經濟相結合,
               technology-transfer platform in the context of the rapidly
               growing China economy. CityUCRI will  also complement   與設於南部的城大深圳研究院互相補足、
               the CityU Shenzhen Research Institute by strengthening its
               research capability regionally and nationally.        實力。

                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2016–2017 年報

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