Page 28 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 28

The Providence Foundation’s ongoing Elderly          「老」吾老 — 悟宿基金會長者探訪服務
               Home Visit Programme
               A generous donation from Providence Foundation Limited   過去四年,城青優權計劃獲悟宿基金會
               for the City-Youth Empowerment Project has allowed    慷慨捐款支持,推行「老」吾老 — 悟宿
               the ongoing Elderly Home Visit Programme to continue   基金會長者探訪服務,經培訓的學生義工
               for  the  fourth  consecutive  year.  The  programme  trains   透過定期家訪及戶外活動,幫助缺乏家庭
               student volunteers to serve the hidden elderly who lack   照顧及社區支援的獨居長者重建與社區的
               family care and community support through regular     聯繫,並為長者們提供寶貴資源,改善
               home visits  and outdoor activities  to establish long-term   生活。城大鼓勵學生透過參與義務工作
               relationships. The funding enables the volunteers to   進行學習和提升公民意識,並將服務經驗
               organise regular gatherings to fulfil the social needs of
               the elderly and provides crucial resources to address their
               various everyday needs. Providing these services also helps
               enhance the students’ understanding of social issues and
               civic commitment. They can apply what they learn from
               the training to communication with the elderly for the
               betterment of the community.
       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金

                                  “Today’s achievements are the seeds of yesterday’s efforts. CityU continues to
                                  flourish and grow as we travel down the road to success, thanks to the hard work
                                  of its staff, students, alumni and supporters. We will continue to uphold the spirit
                                  of innovation and nurture the leaders of tomorrow.”
                                                                                  Mr James Liu Ying-yin
                                                                         Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
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