Page 34 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 34

CityU Shenzhen Research Institute receives            城大深圳研究院獲6,620萬元研究撥款
               funding of RMB66.2 million, a surge of 66%            大增66%

               The City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research    城大深圳研究院(深研院)在2016年共獲得
               Institute (CityUSRI) received a record grant of nearly   研究撥款近人民幣6,620萬元,較2015年
               RMB66.2 million from the Shenzhen Municipal Government   增加達66%,獲撥款額創下歷年之冠。
               (SMG) in 2016, a 66% increase over that in 2015.

               The SMG provided a funding of RMB32 million for 24    訊、先進製造等領域的24項研究計劃,共
               projects in materials, marine, biomedical, communication
               and advanced manufacturing studies. This was the largest   位居香港院校深圳研究院之首,反映城大
               grant among all research institutes set up in Shenzhen
               by  Hong  Kong  universities,  reflecting  CityU’s  excellent   工作與內地高新技術產業的緊密合作。
               research capability and its close collaboration with the
               Mainland’s hi-tech industry for research projects.
               The SMG also provided a grant of RMB4 million for
               the CityUSRI to set up the Shenzhen Key Laboratory    預應力與表面工程技術重點實驗室。至今
               for Prestressed and Surface  Engineering of Aerospace
               Materials and Components, which is CityUSRI’s fifth key   深圳市重點實驗室。
               laboratory to be sponsored by the SMG.

                                                                                         CityUSRI has received record
                                                                                         research funding in 2016.

       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金

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