Page 32 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 32

Advancing Excellence in Education and Research


               Research exhibition at CityU highlights one           城大展示「健康一體化」、「數碼社會」
               health, digital society and smart city                及「智能城市」三大領域科研成果
               CityU held a three-day exhibition titled “Frontier Research   城大一連三日舉行的「科研展覽2017」,
               and  Innovation@CityU”  to  showcase  and  share  the   主題是「前沿研究與創新@城大」,展示
               University’s research achievements, product development   城大的卓越研究、產品開發及先進科技
               and advanced technology. This was the third research   成果。城大自2013年開始舉辦這項科研
               showcase organised at CityU since 2013.               匯展,至今已是第三屆。

               Over 30 CityU research centres, including two State Key   城大有30多個研究中心參與展覽,包括轄
               Laboratories and one Chinese National Engineering
               Research  Centre,  participated  in  the  exhibition,  which   研究分中心。內容包括展覽及科技論壇,
               comprised an exhibition and technology forums, focusing
               on One Health, Digital Society, and Smart City.       及「智能城市」三大領域的研究成果。

                                                    Guests officiated at the opening ceremony.

     28 City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金
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