Page 35 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 35

Recent University Developments

               CityU boosts veterinary medicine in Hong Kong         城大推動本地動物醫學發展

               The six-year bachelor of veterinary medicine programme   城大推出香港首個六年制獸醫學學士
               (BVM) at CityU represents a milestone in the development   課程,標誌着香港及區內動物醫學教育
               of  veterinary  education  in  Hong  Kong  and  the  region.    發展的一個重要里程碑。城大動物醫學
               The BVM at CityU’s College of Veterinary Medicine and    及生命科學院開辦的獸醫學學士課程,
               Life Sciences (CVMLS) will promote One Health and     旨在推動「健康一體化」及可持續發展,
               sustainable development, and expand educational choice   為年輕一代提供更多升學和就業選擇。
               and career paths for youth. The programme commences in
               the 2017-18 academic year.
               The vision for developing a centre of excellence in veterinary   構想始於2008年,該構想其後成為大學
               education at CityU was initiated in 2008. The University
               established a long-term strategic partnership with Cornell   之一。城大與美國康奈爾大學動物醫學院
               University’s College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) in 2009,
               and it was a core initiative in the University’s 2010-15
               Strategic Plan. This led to the establishment of CityU’s   以推展這項突破性舉措。城大於2014年
               CVMLS in collaboration  with Cornell University  in 2014,
               and a collaborative PhD programme in 2015.            在康奈爾大學協助下開辦博士課程。

               In 2016, the University acquired the prestigious Peace Avenue   城大於2016年購置的太平道寵物診所,
               Veterinary Clinic, a leading veterinary clinic in Hong Kong,   將成為城大動物醫學診所的重要部分;並
               which will form a significant part of the CVMLS animal clinic,   將設立一所動物疾病研究及診斷化驗所。
               and set up a veterinary disease research diagnostic laboratory.
               CityU’s vision is to build a university clinic similar to those   獸醫學院一樣,建設一所兼具卓越教育與
               at top veterinary schools in Australia and the US, where   優質服務的大學動物醫學診所。
               excellence in veterinary education goes hand in hand with
               first-rate customer service.

                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2016–2017 年報

                                                   The Peace Avenue Veterinary Clinic is equipped
                                                   with a wide array of advanced medical equipment
                                                   such as C-ARM fluoroscopy x-ray imaging (left)
                                                   and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (right).
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