Page 31 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 31

CityU made great strides in realizing its strategic  年內,城大在實現策略性計劃方面
               plans during the year. Among the major events during   取得長足進展,主要活動包括舉辦有逾
               the year were a research exhibition, in which over 30   30個城大研究中心參與的研究展覽、城大
               CityU research centres participated, the opening of   成都研究院的落成典禮。此外,還有城大
               a CityU research institute in Chengdu, the continued   深圳研究院持續獲得佳績、城大各研究
               success  of  the  CityU  Shenzhen  Research  Institute,   團隊取得多項科研成果,以及實現八年
               numerous scientific advances by CityU research        規劃目標,成功在香港建立世界級獸醫學
               teams,  and  the  fulfilment  of  CityU’s  eight-year   課程。
               plan to establish a world-class veterinary medicine
               programme in Hong Kong.                                                                             Annual Report 2016–2017 年報

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