Page 38 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 38

Strengthening Internationalisation


               CityU’s Rising Status in Global Rankings              排名節節上升

               CityU’s rise in the global university rankings highlights the   城大在全球大學排名上持續上升,反映
               strength of its research, internationalisation,  reputation,   大學在研究、國際化、聲譽、學系、
               faculty, students and programmes. We started the year   學生及學科方面的卓越成就。本年度
               strongly, rising two places to be ranked 55th in the world,   伊始,城大即傳捷報。根據Quacquarelli
               according to Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), and 7th in Asia,   Symonds(QS)公佈的2016 -17年排名,
               while we have maintained our position as the 4th best   城大在世界大學排名中上升兩級,位居第
               university in the world under 50 years of age in 2016 -17.   55位;在亞洲最佳大學排名中位列第七;
               The QS Asian University Rankings also put CityU in 3rd   在建校未滿50年的全球50所最佳大學排名
               place in Hong Kong.

     34 City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金
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