Page 36 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 36

Highlights of other research achievements             其他研究成果摘要

               CityU scholars’ efforts have been recognised and      城大學者在研究及發展的努力在過去一年
               applauded over the past 12 months. The spirit of discovery   廣獲各界讚許,展現出探索新知識和創新
               and innovation has been alive and well in the research   的精神。以下是其他研究成果摘要:
               and development activities. Below are highlights of other
                                                                            40-year mystery solved by research group led by CityU, is
               research achievements:                                       expected to lead to the development of new and better alloys.
               CityU develops the world’s
               strongest magnesium alloy.

               Ground-breaking typhoon-prediction system
               wins local and European funding.
       City University of Hong Kong Foundation  香港城市大學基金
                                                 Terahertz research receives HK$28m in funding, which can be used to detect contaminants
                                                 in food and drugs, as well as cancerous cells and tumours.

                                  “Today, CityU stands as one of the top institutions in  Asia, and its continued
                                  success is very much due to your generous contributions. I am proud to say
                                  the CityU Foundation has been an integral part of that success.”
                                                                      Professor Cliff Sun Kai-lit, BBS, JP
                                                                         Member of Board of Governors, CityU Foundation
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