Page 27 - Annual Report 2016-2017
P. 27

Report on the Foundation

                 roviding community-based support for the elderly

               Fostering aging-in-community:                         推動社區安老 —「社區護士‧衛星
               Improving elderly medical care through                分佈」先導計劃提升長者醫療服務
               Community Nurse – Satellite Distribution Project

               Mr Lau Tat Chuen, Director of the Sino International Industrial   管理科學系系主任陳友華教授及他的研究
               (Group) HK Ltd, made a donation to support a community   團隊獲香港華創國際實業(集團)有限
               service project of Professor Chen You-hua Frank, Head   公司董事長劉達泉先生支持,開展「社區
               of the Department of Management Sciences. Partnering   護士•衛星分佈」先導計劃。該計劃與
               with the Hong Kong Christian Service and the Salvation   香港基督教服務處及香港救世軍合作,
               Army, the Community Nurse – Satellite Distribution Project   旨在推動社區安老,透過「熱圖」方式,
               promotes aging in the community by identifying high-risk   呈現九龍中各區域有健康風險的長者分佈
               elderly people in the Kowloon Central cluster to provide   情況,協助伊利沙伯醫院有效規劃其衛星
               planning data for Queen Elizabeth Hospital to help it   式社區醫護站點的分配,以充分利用有限
               allocate satellite nursing stations to cope with limited   的醫護資源。
               healthcare resources.

               The project aims to help minimize hospital admissions,
               readmissions and long-term care responsibilities by   推行「周全性老年醫學評估」,聘請護士、
               conducting a Community-based Comprehensive Geriatric
               Assessment of high-risk older people through home visits                                            Annual Report 2016–2017 年報
               by nurses, social workers, and mental health professionals.   長者進行上門探訪。計劃預期可令1,500名
               Some 1,500 elderly residents in the Kowloon Central cluster
               are expected to benefit from the project.

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