1. Core Courses (18 credit units) |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
CAI6001 | GRIT (Graduate Research and Innovation Trek) Integrated Study | 6 | CAI6002 | Venture Creation Seminar | 3 | CAI6003 | Innovation Project | 6 | AC5511 | Financial and Management Accounting | 3 |
2. Core Elective (choose one from below; 3 credit units) |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
MGT6325 | Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship | 3 | IS5940 | Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship | 3 |
3. Electives (at least 15 credit units) In addition to the courses listed below, students may also take up to two 3-credit unit free electives (any courses, subject to the approval from Programme Leader and the course offering department). |
Course Code | Course Title | Credit Units |
MGT5507 | Decision-Making in Management and Innovation | 3 | MGT6066 | Business Ethics & Social Responsibility | 3 | MGT5205 | Strategic Management | 3 | MGT6202 | Entrepreneurial Leadership | 3 | MGT6324 | Doing Business in Asia | 3 | MGT6310 | People Analytics | 3 | MGT6314 | Global Human Resources Management | 3 | AC5690 | Corporate Governance | 3 | AC6533 | Corporate Finance and Policies | 3 | MKT5648 | Social Media Marketing | 3 | MKT5645 | Customer Relationship Management | 3 | MKT5646 | Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communications | 3 | MKT5641 | Chinese Business Culture and Marketing | 3 | MKT5643 | Global Marketing | 3 | IS5010 | Introduction to Financial Technologies | 3 | IS6200 | Blockchain Technology and Business Applications | 3 | SEE5114 | Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development | 3 | SEE6115 | Carbon Audit and Management | 3 | SEE6225 | Environmental Assessment | 3 | SEE6125 | Carbon Capture Use and Storage | 3 | PIA5057 | Collaborative Governance for Sustainability | 3 | PIA6505 | Financing Sustainability: Policy and Mechanisms | 3 | SS5753 | Advanced Social Psychology | 3 | SYE5009 | Industrial Marketing Management for Engineers | 3 | SYE6047 | Quality Improvement: Systems and Methodologies | 3 | SYE6053 | Business Process Improvement and Innovation | 3 | SYE6103 | Financial Engineering for Engineering Managers | 3 | SYE6110 | Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence for Systems Engineering | 3 | SYE6012 | Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship | 3 |