Support for SEN students
We are committed to pursuing a proactive approach to equality and promoting an inclusive culture. We value student diversity and strive to create a learning environment for all students, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Working with all units, we offer a barrier-free campus for SEN students with support in all aspects.

Technology Support
We provide free software and tools to help SEN students with computers and mobile devices (i.e., Window-Eyes, NVDA, iPhone Be My Eyes). Rollators and PC Workstation are available, too.

Peer Support
Buddies assist SEN students in taking classes, accessing campus facilities and providing other support.

Campus Accessibility
Our barrier-free campus includes services for people with disabilities, including automatic doors, washrooms, drinking facilities, parking space, elevating platforms and shuttle bus services.

Financial Support
We help SEN students apply for financial assistance schemes and bursaries exclusively for this group.

Accommodation Support
SEN students have access to student accommodation to facilitate their life on campus.