Campus Greening
FMO continues making great efforts on improving greenery / landscape to provide a campus ambiance that University community can enjoy with pride.

The Chinese Garden
The Chinese Garden of the University, which stretches along Tat Chee Avenue, is an oasis of the campus. The Garden area together with the Hillside Trail is open to students, staff and the general public for leisure walks and physical exercises.
Tree Inventory and Management System
The Tree Inventory and Management System (TIMS) facilitates the tree management and maintenance, and keeps detailed information of each tree on campus, including its botanical name, size and health condition for green education purpose and public interest.
The first phase of inputting data in the Tree Inventory and Management System (TIMS) for 265 trees in Chinese Garden was finished. The second phase of entering data for the trees on Campus Ground Level at Nam Shan Chuen entrance and along Nam Shan Chuen Road is in progress.

Green Roofs
Advice was rendered to the GROW project funded by the Campus Sustainability Fund and coordinated by Green Connections. The project involves growing permaculture on the roof of LI Building. It helps lowering the temperature and leading to energy and carbon dioxide emission saving.
Use of Eco-fertilizer
The University recycles food waste generated from Senior Staff Quarters into fertilizer and uses the composted food waste on landscaping areas on campus. A total of about 110 kg of fertilizer has been produced and applied in 2012.
Irrigation of Vegetation
In order to achieve conservation of water and effective watering for plants and trees on campus, in addition to regular reviews of irrigation frequency and duration according to weather and species of plants and trees, sprinklers are replaced by drip pipe systems gradually.