Sustainability Committee

To advise the President on:

  1. the direction and priority of sustainability related policies, strategies and initiatives for the University within the context of the University Strategic Plan
  2. a set of measures and indicators to facilitate the University's internal and external reporting on sustainability
  3. the sustainable operation of the University on education, research and knowledge transfer activities

Constitution and Membership

Constitution Membership*
Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy) Prof. LI Wen Jung
Dean of School of Energy and Environment Prof. LEUNG Mei Yee, Kenneth
Deputy Chairperson:
Associate Vice-President (Resources Planning) Prof. Steven WANG
Ex-officio members:
Vice-President (Administration) Ms. Maggie CHAU
Associate Vice-President (Campus Development, Facilities and Sustainability) Prof. NG Siu Tong, Thomas
Director of Facilities Management Ms. Brenda LAI
Director of Campus Development Ms. Catherine SIU
Director of Finance Ms. Maggie CHAU
Director of Student Development Services Prof. TOH Kian-Lam
Student Representative from CityU Research and Investment Club Mr. FENG Zijing, Richard
One academic representative nominated by the Dean of College/School
By the Dean of College of Business Prof. LIU Guangwu
(1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2025)
By the Dean of College of Engineering Prof. TALAMINI Gianni
(20 Sep 2024 to 31 Dec 2026)
By the Dean of College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Prof. LIU Ning
(1 Aug 2023 to 31 Jul 2025)
By the Dean of College of Science Prof. YE Ruquan
(1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2025)
By the Dean of Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences Prof. Wing Ho YUNG
(1 Aug 2023 to 31 Jul 2025)
By the Dean of School of Creative Media Prof. ZHENG Bo
(1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2025)
By the Dean of School of Energy and Environment Prof. Shauhrat CHOPRA
(1 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2024)
By the Dean of School of Law Prof. Virginia HARPER HO
(10 Oct 2022 to 31 Dec 2024)
Co-opted Member:
Principal Investigator of Community of Practice for Sustainability Prof. Xiaowei LUO
(Senior Safety & Administration Manager of FMO)

Notes (*) : Terms of Office for members is 2 years staggered.

Last modified on 26 September 2024