The University provides various training and workshops to students and staff to improve their awareness on Sustainability Development and sense of responsibility to the nature and the society. We also provide mandatory training to staff on orientation and throughout the career.

Environment Sustainability
The University provides a series of training and workshops on Green Living and Sustainable Campus. We have implemented an initiative “Green Living@CityU” to organize talks and workshops for all staff and students. Hands-on training activities like Plantation Day and Recycle Day are also held regularly to engage CityU community in environmental protection.
More importantly, the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection @ CityU ("SHE@CityU") module under General Safety Training is mandatory for all staff and students. Laboratory Safety Training is required for people working in laboratories.
- Safety, Health and Environmental Protection @ CityU ("SHE@CityU")
- Green Living @ CityU 2023
- Recycle Day
- New Carbon Wallet
- JCSCCP Sustainability Leadership Programme
Social Sustainability
The University is committed to delivering a harmonious environment for staff and students. We strive to enhancing the awareness and knowledge of social sustainability of our students and staff. A series of training and workshops on various topics are provided, including but not limited to equal opportunities, anti-discrimination, preventing sexual harassment, good health and wellbeing.
Briefing on anti-discrimination and anti-sexual harassment is embedded in induction programme to all new staff when they join CityUHK. Regular training modules and tutorials on preventing sexual harassment are also offered to all students and staff.