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Our Environment Focus: Air and Water Pollution Control and Management; Climate Change Modelling, Mitigation and Adaptation; Waste to Energy and Resources
Atmospheric & Climate

Prof. Jung-Eun CHU
Climate Science, Extreme Weather Events, Tropical Cyclones, High-Resolution Earth System Modelling, Atmospheric Dynamics, Atmospheric Aerosols, Biomass Burning, Tornadoes, Machine Learning, Air-Sea Interaction, Scale-Interaction

Prof. Jin-Soo KIM
Climate System Science, Earth System Modelling, Terrestrial Carbon Cycle, Carbon-Climate Feedback, Fire-Climate Interactions

Prof. Patrick LEE
Systems Biology for Energy, Environment and Human Health, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering

Prof. Theodora NAH
Environmental Chemistry, Aerosol Chemistry, Air and Water Pollution, Organic Pollutant Lifecycles, Biogeochemical Cycles

Prof. Yiming QIN
The Source and Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles and Their Impacts on Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Pollution, and Climate

Prof. Jin SHANG
Adsorptive Gas Separation, Adsorption-Enhanced (Photo)Catalytic Conversion, Porous Materials, CO2 Capture, Natural Gas Purification, Low Temperature NOx Removal, VOCs Removal, NH3 Removal, Paraffin/Olefin Separation

Prof. Xuan WANG
Atmospheric Composition, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Air Pollution, Earth System Modeling, Chemistry-Climate Interaction

Prof. Charles Chunbao XU
Advanced Biorefinery, Biomass/Biowastes Valorization, Production of Biobased Chemicals/Materials, Sustainable Aviation Fuels & Green H2 Generation from Bioresources, Chemical H2 Storage, Carbon-Neutral Biomass Metallurgy

Prof. Lin ZHANG
Energy & Sustainability Economics, Green Business & Finance, Climate Risks & Modelling, Carbon Neutrality
Water & Waste

Prof. Fatwa F. ABDI
Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, Solar-driven Waste Valorization and Generation of Valuable Chemicals, Oxide Semiconductors for Energy Conversion Applications, Transport Phenomena in Solar-driven Chemical Conversion Devices

Prof. Guohua CHEN
Electrochemical Technology for Wastewater Treatment, Advanced Electrode Materials for Oxygen/Chlorine Evolution, Advanced Materials for Lithium/Sodium Ion Batteries, Surface Functionalization Using Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polymers, Lithium-Sulfur Batteries

Prof. Xi CHEN
Separation Technologies, Lithium-ion Battery Recycling, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Desalination, Membrane Transport Theory, Thermodynamics, Life-cycle Assessment

Prof. Shauhrat S. CHOPRA
Urban Sustainability and Resilience Analytics, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Emerging Materials and Technology, Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy, Sustainability Accounting-Carbon Assessment, Food-Energy-Water-Emissions Nexus

Prof. Liang DONG
Urban Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Planning, Environmental Management & Policies, Industrial Ecology and Environmental System Analysis, Eco-Industrial Development (EID), Low-Carbon, Smart and Inclusive City

Prof. Henry Y. HE
Emerging Organic Contaminants, Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Environmental Chemistry, Molecular Toxicology, Small Model Fish

Prof. Sam H.-Y. HSU
Interfacial Dynamics, Photophysics, Electrochemistry, Photochemistry, Photoelectrcochemistry, Electrochemiluminescence, As well as Waste-To-Energy, Energy-Conversion, Energy-Saving Technologies

Prof. Jason C. H. LAM
Resources Recovery, Electrocatalytic Upgrading of Biomass/Yard Waste, Electrochemical Recovery of Metals from E-Waste, Advanced Oxidation Processes Electrocatalytic Treatment of Pops in Wastewater

Prof. Kenneth M. Y. LEUNG
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Marine Pollution, Ecological Risk Assessment, Marine Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, Ecological Restoration

Prof. Carol LIN
Biorefinery, Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Food Waste Valorisation, Nutrient Recovery, Waste and Biomass Valorisation

Prof. Theodora NAH
Environmental Chemistry, Aerosol Chemistry, Air and Water Pollution, Organic Pollutant Lifecycles, Biogeochemical Cycles

Prof. Sai Kishore RAVI
Artificial/Semi-Artificial Photosynthesis, Solar Fuels, Green Hydrogen, Photo/biocatalytic CO2 Reduction, Water-Energy Nexus, Atmospheric Water Harvesting, Solar Desalination, Biogenic Electronics, Functional Nanofibers

Prof. Wen-Xiong WANG
Metal Ecotoxicology,
Estuary Pollution
Estuary Pollution

Prof. Charles Chunbao XU
Advanced Biorefinery, Biomass/Biowastes Valorization, Production of Biobased Chemicals/Materials, Sustainable Aviation Fuels & Green H2 Generation from Bioresources, Chemical H2 Storage, Carbon-Neutral Biomass Metallurgy

Prof. Zhiguo YUAN AM
Innovative and Integrated Urban Water Management,
Environmental Biotechnologies Focussing on Resource Recovery from Wastes, Digitalisation of Technological and Environmental Systems
Environmental Biotechnologies Focussing on Resource Recovery from Wastes, Digitalisation of Technological and Environmental Systems