School of Energy and Environment Teaching Award Scheme

Category and Eligibility

SEE Teaching Excellence Award (STEA)

  • All faculty members of the School of Energy and Environment
  • Taught at least 4 SEE courses in the recent five years

Early Career Teaching Award (ECTA)

  • Assistant Professors of the School of Energy and Environment
  • Taught at least 2 SEE courses in the recent two years

No faculty members can be STA awardees for two consecutive years
One assigned SEE course taught in two different semesters is counted as taught two SEE courses. 


Nomination and Selection Processes


  • All SEE members, including staff, students, and alumni, will be invited to nominate candidates.
  • Self-nomination by SEE faculty members is also encouraged.
  • Materials required for nomination
    1. Completed nomination form
    2. Support letter from student(s) demonstrating impact if available (optional)

Selection Panel

  • The Selection Panel comprises of the Associate Dean of UG, the Associate Dean of PG and one faculty member appointed by the Dean, with Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) being the Chairman.
  • In situations with conflict of interest, Selection Panel members will be replaced by faculty members appointed by the Dean.

Selection processes

  • Assessment by the Panel is primarily based on the nomination materials submitted, with no interview being arranged.
  • The Panel may request additional information from the candidates to facilitate the assessment.


Selection Criteria

  • Excellent teaching performance in both quantitative and qualitative forms, e.g., TLQ* score and student feedback in TLQ* and/or received by the Staff-Student Consultative Committees from the most recent four (for STEA) / two (for ECTA) SEE courses.
  • Demonstrated discovery-enriched or innovative teaching practices and/or pedagogies.
  • Significantly positive impacts on student intellectual, professional and personal growth.
  • Teaching grants obtained or teaching-related publications (articles, guidelines, reports, case studies, etc.) will be an advantage.
  • Any other evidence showing teaching excellence in the recent 5 years for STEA/2 years for ECTA.
  • Any supporting documents cannot be double counted.

*The TLQ will be renamed as Learning Outcome Questionnaire (LOQ) with effect from Summer Term 2024.


  • One award for each of the two categories.
  • Each awardee will receive an award certificate, a cash prize of HK$5,000 and a grant for purchasing lab consumables worth HK$5,000.
  • Awardees are required to conduct a sharing session with SEE members on good teaching practices, pedagogies, and/or ideas.



Call for nominations Mid-Jul  
Nomination deadline 20 Aug 2024 After Semester B evaluation
Selection Mid-Aug to End-August  
Result announcement Late August Before the start of a new academic year
Award delivery Early September School Board Meeting
Sharing session Late Oct / Early Nov In the middle of Semester A