Prof. Xuneng TONG

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore
Staff title
Assistant Professor

Dr. Tong obtained his Bachelor degree in Environmental Science and a Dual degree in Business Administration from Hohai University, Nanjing, China. He then moved to Singapore, where he earned his Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from National University of Singapore. During his academic journey, Dr. Tong received numerous prestigious awards, including Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad and Lee Seng Lip Medal and Prize, among others. Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, he was a Research Fellow at National University of Singapore. Dr. Tong serves as an early-career editorial board member for Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, and River.

Other Information

Research Interests

Dr. Tong’s research specialization lies in water quality and ecosystem processes, with a particular focus on understanding and predicting the transport and fate of emerging microbial and chemical contaminants in aquatic environments, using a combination of process-based and data-driven hydro-environmental modelling approaches. His key research interests include:

  • Development and application of hydrodynamic, environmental, and ecological models.
  • Transport and fate of complex contaminants in the aquatic environments.
  • Intertidal zone and land-sea interaction ecosystems.

Position(s) Available

We are seeking enthusiastic individuals to join our team as undergraduate/graduate interns, MPhil/PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, or research assistants. Ideal candidates should have an academic background in environment, ecology, hydraulics, hydrology, geography, computer science, or related disciplines. Additionally, candidates with technical expertise in hydro-environmental modelling and proficiency in programming languages such as Python, R, Fortran, or MATLAB are preferred.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their CV and a one-page cover letter to Dr. Tong at The review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until all positions are filled.

Selected Publications

  • Tong, X., Goh, S., Mohapatra, S., Zhang, J., You, L., He, Y., & Gin, K. Y. H. (2024). Predicting antibiotic resistance and assessing the risk burden from antibiotics: A holistic modelling framework in a tropical reservoir. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 15, 6781-6792.
  • Tong, X., Mohapatra, S., Zhang, J., Tran, N. H., You, L., He, Y., & Gin, K. Y. H. (2022). Source, fate, transport and modelling of selected emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment: Current status and future perspectives. Water Research, 118418.
  • Tong, X., You, L., Zhang, J., He, Y., & Gin, K. Y. H. (2022). Advancing prediction of emerging contaminants in a tropical reservoir with general water quality indicators based on a hybrid process and data-driven approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 430, 128492.
  • Tong, X., You, L., Zhang, J., Chen, H., Nguyen, V. T., He, Y., & Gin, K. Y. H. (2021). A comprehensive modelling approach to understanding the fate, transport and potential risks of emerging contaminants in a tropical reservoir. Water Research, 200, 117298.
  • Tong, X., Jong, M. C., Zhang, J., You, L., & Gin, K. Y. H. (2021). Modelling the spatial and seasonal distribution, fate and transport of floating plastics in tropical coastal waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 414, 125502.
Staff Image
Prof. Xuneng TONG
Contact Information
Office: YEUNG-B5426
Phone: +(852)-3442-2460
Fax: +(852)-3442-0688
Research Interests
  • Hydro-Environmental Modelling
  • Water Quality Modelling and Management
  • Environmental Hydraulics
  • Fate and Transport of Contaminants
  • Emerging Microbial and Chemical Contaminants
  • Land-sea interaction ecosystems