We are delighted to announce that Phoenix TV featured i2cool, a pioneering startup company co-founded by our Associate Dean (Internationalisation and Outreach), Professor Edwin TSO, and our proud...
Initiated by our Dean, Prof. Kenneth Leung, the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Discovery for Students (SEEDS) Mentorship Programme was successfully launched at the School of Energy and...
To promote awareness of sustainability and innovative solutions for a sustainable future, we are pleased to announce that VTech Group of Companies (VTech), the global leader in electronic...
We are proud to announce that Professor Shauhrat Chopra, Associate Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, has been featured as one of the CityUHK Heroes. Professor Chopra has been...
Delving into the realm of sustainable fuel and chemical synthesis within the context of transitioning towards a greener energy landscape, Professor James Durrant captivated audiences during his...
Prof. Fatwa F. Abdi, an Associate Professor from SEE, has been awarded a 3-year research grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR) / Research Grants Council (RGC) Joint Research Scheme,...
Congratulations to Prof. Charles Chunbao Xu, Chair Professor, and Prof. Jian Wang, Assistant Professor, on receiving the RGC-Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) and RGC-Young Collaborative Research...
From December 27th to 30th, 2024, Prof. Michael LEUNG led a delegation, including PhD students and post-doctoral researchers from the School of Energy and Environment (SEE), to meet with the...
Prof. Sai Kishore Ravi has been elected as a Lifetime Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) in recognition of his significant contributions to materials research,...
Prof. Lin Zhang and his team published a paper titled “Energy-poverty-inequality SDGs: A large-scale household analysis and forecasting in China”, was published in the scientific journal Proceedings...