Prof. Guohua CHEN
Professor Guohua CHEN obtained his BEng from Dalian University of Technology in 1984, MEng and PhD from McGill University respectively in 1989 and 1994. He joined Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as a Visiting Scholar in 1994, and became as an Assistant Professor in 1997, promoted to Associate Professor in 2002, Full Professor in 2008. He worked as the Head of Department, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering during 2012 and 2016. He moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as Chair Professor of Energy Conversion and Storage in 2017 and served concurrently as an Associate Vice President (Research Support) during 2017-2021.
Professor Chen has nearly 30 years of working experiences of research and development on energy and environment related projects. He has published over 300 peer reviewed journal papers. His research papers have been well cited by peers with Google Scholar Citation more than 32,000 and H-index 93. He also has three US patents and ten Chinese patents. He is the recipient of inaugural Research Excellence Award, School of Engineering, HKUST; the winner of Merit Award for Individual Research, Faculty of Engineering, HKPolyU. He is a Fellow of HKIE, AIChE, Global Academy of Chinese Chemical Engineers. He is also elected as a Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering. He served as the President, Asian-Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering. He is now the Chairman, World Chemical Engineering Council. He is Editor-in-Chief, Process Safety and Environmental Protection; Editor, Separation and Purification Technology; Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering; Associate Editor, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering.
Selected Recent Journal Publications
- Wu, HW; Hu, XJ; Shao, MH; Zhang, SW; Chen, GH, Encapsulating sulphur inside Magneli phase Ti4O7 nanotube array for high performance lithium sulphur battery cathode, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 100(2022)1-15, 10.1002/cjce.24413
- Lin, DM; Shi, XL; Li, KK; Wang, M; Sun, S; Wu, JW; Zhou, LM; Chen, GH; Zhang, TY, Ether-Induced Phase Transition toward Stabilized Layered Structure of MoS2 with Extraordinary Sodium Storage Performance, ACS MATERIALS LETTERS, 4(2022)1341-1349, 10.1021/acsmaterialslett.2c00262
- Li, Z; Gong, Z; Wu, XY; Ye, K; Yan, J; Wang, GL; Wei, YJ; Zhu, K; Yi, J; Cao, DX; Chen, GH, Dendrite-free and anti-corrosion Zn metal anode enabled by an artificial layer for high-performance Zn ion capacitor, CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS, 33(8)(2022)3936-3940, 10.1016/j.cclet.2021.11.015
- Gan, GQ; Fan, SY ; Li, XY ; Wang, L ; Yin, ZF; Wang, J ; Chen, GH, Effects of oxygen functional groups on electrochemical performance of carbon materials for dechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane to ethylene, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 434 (2022)134547, DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2022.134547
- Li, LS., Deng, YF., Duan, HH., Qian, YX. and Chen, GH, LiF and LiNO3 as synergistic additives for PEO-PVDF/LLZTO-based composite electrolyte towards high-voltage lithium batteries with dual-interfaces stability, JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, 65 (2022) 319-328, DOI10.1016/j.jechem.2021.05.055.
- Wu, JX., Lin, C., Liang, QH., Zhou, GD., Liu, JP., Liang, GM., Wang, M., Li, BH., Hu, L. Ciucci, F., Liu, Q., Chen, GH and Yu, XL., Sodium-rich NASICON-structured cathodes for boosting the energy density and lifespan of sodium-free-anode sodium metal batteries, INFOMAT, 2022, Article Numbere12288, DOI10.1002/inf2.12288.
- Liu X., Zhou, XW., Liu, Q., Diao, JC., Zhao, C., Li, LX., Liu, YZ., Xu, WQ., Daali, A., Harder, R., Robinson, IK., Dahbi, M., Alami, J., Chen, GH., Xu, GL., Amine, K., Multiscale Understanding of Surface Structural Effects on High-Temperature Operational Resiliency of Layered Oxide Cathodes, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2022, Article Number2107326, DOI10.1002/adma.202107326.
- Lin K., Xu X., Qin X., Wang S., Han C., Geng H., Li X., Kang F., Chen G., Li B., Dendrite-free lithium deposition enabled by a vertically aligned graphene pillar architecture, Carbon, 185 (2021) 152 – 160, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.09.001
- Li, J.; Qin, XS; Chen, Guanghao; Chen, GH, The effect of ruthenium content on the stability and activity of Ti/RuO2-Sb2O5-SnO2 for oxygen evolution, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 125(2021)186-194 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtice.2021.06.020
- Lin, DM; Lyu, LL; Li, KK; Chen, GH; Yao, HM; Kang, FY; Li, BH; Zhou, LM, Ultrahigh capacity and cyclability of dual-phase TiO2 nanowires with low working potential at room and subzero temperatures dagger, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/d0ta12112f
- Wu, JX ; Liang, QH; Yu, XL; Lu, QF; Ma, LB; Qin, XY; Chen, GH; Li, BH, Deep Eutectic Solvents for Boosting Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion: A Review and Perspective, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Article Number: 2011102, 2021, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202011102
- Wang, W; Zhang, S; Pan, YQ; Yang, J; Tang, YJ; Chen, GH, Multiphysics Modeling for Microwave Freeze-Drying of Initially Porous Frozen Material Assisted by Wave-Absorptive Medium, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 59 (47)(2020) 20903-20915, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c03852
- Li, LS; Deng, YF; Chen, GH, Status and prospect of garnet/polymer solid composite electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium batteries, JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY, 50 (2020) 154-177, DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2020.03.017
- Gan, G., Li, XY, Wang, L., Fan, SY., Mu, JC., Wang, PL, Chen, GH, Active Sites in Single-Atom Fe–Nx–C Nanosheets for Selectively Electrochemical Dechlorination of 1, 2–Dichloroethane to Ethylene, ACS Nano, 14(8) (2020), 9929-9937. DOI: 10.102/acsnano.0c02783
- Liu, YM; Yin, XG ; Shen, X ; Zou, PC ; Qin, XY ; Yang, C ; Zhang, Q ; Kang, FY ; Chen, GH ; Li, BH, Horizontal Stress Release for Protuberance-Free Li Metal Anode, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, Article Number: 2002522, DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202002522
- Chen, Y-H ; Chen, GH. and Lee, D-J, Synthesis of low surface energy thin film of polyepichlorohydrin-triazole-ols, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 575 (2020) 452-463, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.04.130
- Siddharth, K. ; Hong, YM; Qin, XP; Lee, HJ; Chan, YT; Zhu, SQ; Chen, GH ; Choi, SI; Shao, MH, Surface engineering in improving activity of Pt nanocubes for ammonia electrooxidation reaction, Applied Catalysis B:-Environmental, 269 (2020) Article Number: 118821, DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.118821
- Zhang, F.; Li, X.; Zhao, Q.; Chen, G.; Zhang, Q., High-performance In2O3@PANI core@shell architectures with ultralong charge carriers lifetime for photocatalytic degradation of gaseous 1,2-dichlorobenzene, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 263 (2020) Article number 118278. org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.118278
- Lin, K.; Xu, X.F.; Qin, X.Y.; Zhang, G.Q.; Liu, M.; Lv, F.Z.; Xia, X.; Kang, F.Y.; Chen, G. and Li, B., Restructured rimous copper foam as robust lithium host, Energy Storage Materials, 26 (2020) 250-259, DOI: /10.1016/j.ensm.2020.01.001
- Wang, S., Liu, X., Zou, K., Deng, Y., Chen, G., Toward a practical Li-S battery enabled by synergistic confinement of a nitrogen-enriched porous carbon as a multifunctional interlayer and sulfur-host material, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 858 (2020) Article number 113797, DOI: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2019.113797.
- Wang, J., Chen, G., Song, S., Na-ion conducting gel polymer membrane for flexible supercapacitor application, Electrochimica Acta, 330 (2020), Article number 135322,
- Liu, YM., Qin, X., Zhou, D., Xia, H., Zhang, S., Chen, G., Kang, F., Li, B., A biscuit-like separator enabling high performance lithium batteries by continuous and protected releasing of NO3 − in carbonate electrolyte, Energy Storage Materials, 24(2020)229-236, org/10.1016/j.ensm.2019.08.016.
- Gu, S.; Bai, Z.W.; Majumder, S; Huang, B.L. and Chen, GH, In Situ Grown α-CoS/Co Heterostructrue on Nitrogen Doped Carbon Polyhedron Enabling Trapping and Catalysis of Polysulfides as Cathode towards High Performance Lithium Sulfur Battery, Nanoscale, 43(2019)20579-20588,
- Lin, K., Qin, X., Liu, M., Xu, X., Liang, G., Wu, J., Kang, F., Chen, G., Li, B., Ultrafine Titanium Nitride Sheath Decorated Carbon Nanofiber Network Enabling Stable Lithium Metal Anodes, Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (2019), Article number 1903229,
- Majumder, S; Shao, MH; Deng, YF; Chen, GH, Ultrathin Sheets of MoS2/g-C3N4 Composite as a Good Hosting Material of Sulfur for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 431(2019)93-104, org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.05.045.
- Yang, YB; Wang, S.X., Zhang, L.T., Deng, YF; Xu, H., Qin, X.S. and Chen, GH, CoS-interposed and Ketjen black-embedded carbon nanofiber framework as a separator modulation for high performance Li-S batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 369(2019) 77-86. DOI: 1016/j.cej.2019.03.034.
- Gu, S.; Bai, Z.W.; Majumder, S; Huang, B.L. and Chen, GH, Conductive Metal–Organic Framework with Redox Metal Center as Cathode for High Rate Performance Lithium Ion Battery, Journal of Power Sources, 429(2019)22-29, DOI: 1016/j.jpowsour.2019.04.087.
- Liu, YM ; Zhang, SQ; Qin, XY; Kang, FY; Chen, GH; Li, BH, In-Plane Highly Dispersed Cu2O Nanoparticles for Seeded Lithium Deposition, NANO Letters, 19 (2019) 4601-4607, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.9b01567.
- Liu, YM; Qin, XY; Zhang, SQ; Zhang, LH; Kang, FY; Chen, GH; Duan, XF; Li, BH, A scalable slurry process to fabricate a 3D lithiophilic and conductive framework for a high performance lithium metal anode, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7(2019)13225-13233, DOI: 10.1039/c9ta01929d
- Xu, G-L; Liu, Q., Lau, K. K.S., Liu, Y.Z., Liu, X., Gao, H., Zhou,X.W., Zhuang, M.H., Ren,Y., Shao, M.H., Ouyang, M.G., Pan, F., Chen, Z.H., Amine, K., and Chen, G.H., Building ultra-conformal protective layers on both secondary and primary particles of layered lithium transition metal oxide cathodes, Nature Energy, 4(2019)484-494, DOI: 10.1038/s41560-019-0387-1
- Qin, X.S.; Zhao, Y.; Li, J.Y.; Chen, G.H., The effect of Ir content on the stability of Ti/IrO2-SnO2-Sb2O5 electrodes for O2 evolution, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 97(2019)743-754, DOI: 10.1002/cjce.23337
- Majumder, S; Shao, MH; Deng, YF; Chen, GH, Two Dimensional WS2/C Nanosheets as a Polysulfides Immobilizer for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166(2019)A5386-A5395; DOI:10.1149/2.0501903jes
- Yang, YB; Zhang, LT ; Xu, H ; Qin, XS ; Deng, YF; Chen, GH, Net-Structured Filter of Co(OH)2-Anchored Carbon Nanofibers with Ketjen Black for High Performance Li-S Batteries, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6(12) (2018)17099-17107.
- Zhang, LT; Dambournet, D; Iadecola, A; Batuk, D; Borkiewicz, OJ; Wiaderek, KM; Salager, E; Shao, MH; Chen, GH; Tarascon, JM, Origin of the High Capacity Manganese-Based Oxyfluoride Electrodes for Rechargeable Batteries, Chemistry of Materials, 30(15) (2018)5362-5372
- Deng, YF; Wang, SX; Zhou, YB; Qian, YX; Qin, XS; Chen, GH, The enhancement of rate and cycle performance of LiMn2O4 at elevated temperatures by the synergistic roles of porous structure and dual-cation doping, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 48(10) (2018)1083-1094.
- Tang, XP; Zou, CF; Yao, K; Chen, GH; Liu, BY; He, ZW; Gao, FR, A fast estimation algorithm for lithium-ion battery state of health, Journal of Power Sources, 396(2018)453-458.
- Wang, W; Hu, DP; Pan, YQ; Niu, LJ; Chen, GH , Multiphase transport modeling for freeze-drying of aqueous material frozen with prebuilt porosity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 122(2018)1353-1365.
- Zou, KX; Deng, YF; Chen, JP; Qian, YQ; Yang, YW; Li, YW; Chen, GH , Hierarchically porous nitrogen-doped carbon derived from the activation of agriculture waste by potassium hydroxide and urea for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Power Sources, 378 (2018) 579-588.
- Liang, GM; Qin, XY; Zou, JS; Luo, LY; Wang, YZ; Wu, MY; Zhu, H; Chen, GH; Kang, FY; Li, BH, Electrosprayed silicon-embedded porous carbon microspheres as lithium-ion battery anodes with exceptional rate capacities, Carbon, 127 (2018) 424-431.
- Ruan, BY, Guo, HP , Hou, YY , Liu, QN, Deng, YF, Chen, GH, Chou, SL, Liu, HK, Wang, JZ, Carbon-Encapsulated Sn@N-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Anode Materials for Application in SIBs, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 37682-37693.
- Gao, M; Zou, KX; Deng, YF; Zhao, ZX ; Li, YW; Chen, G., An Unprecedented Case: A Low Specific Surface Area Anatase/N-Doped Carbon Nanocomposite Derived from a New Single Source Precursor Affords Fast and Stable Lithium Storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 28527-28536.
- Geng, P. and Chen, G., Antifouling ceramic membrane electrode modified by Magneli Ti4O7 for electro-microfiltration of humic acid, Separation and Purification Technology, 185 (2017) 61-71.
- Deng, Y.F., Yang, C., Zou, K., Qin, X., Zhao, Z., Chen, G., Recent Advances of Mn-Rich LiFe1-yMnyPO4 (0.5=y < 1.0) Cathode Materials for High Energy Density Lithium Ion Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 7 (2017) Article Number: 1601958, DOI: 10.1002/ aenm.201601958.
- Zhang, L., Chen, G., Berg, E. J. and Tarascon, J-M, Triggering the In Situ Electrochemical Formation of High Energy Density Cathode Material from MnO, Advanced Energy Materials, 7 (2017) Article Number: 1602200, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.201602200.
- Zhang, L., Batuk, D., Chen, G., Tarascon, J-M, Electrochemically activated MnO as a cathode material for sodium-ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 77 (2017) 81-84.
- Hassanzadeh, N., Sadrnezhaad, S. K. and Chen, G., In-situ hydrothermal synthesis of Na3MnCO3PO4/rGO hybrid as a cathode for Na-ion battery, Electrochimica Acta, 208 (2016) 188-194.
- Su, J., Bai, Z., Huang, B., Quan, X. and Chen, G., Unique three dimensional architecture using a metal-free semiconductor cross-linked bismuth vanadate for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation, Nano Energy, 24(2016)148-157.
- Su, J., Zhu, L. and Chen, G., Ultrasmall graphitic carbon nitride quantum dots decorated self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays with highly efficient photoelectrochemical activity, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 186 (2016) 127–135.
- Geng, P. and Chen, G., Magnéli Ti4O7modified ceramic membrane for electrically-assisted filtration with antifouling property, Journal of Membrane Science, 498 (2016) 302-314.
- Zhang, L.T., Tarascon, J-M, Sougrati, M.T., Rousse, G. and Chen, G., Influence of relative humidity on structure and electrochemical performance of sustainable LiFeSO4F electrode for Li-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 16988-16997.

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- Electrochemical Technology for Wastewater Treatment
- Advanced Electrode Materials for Oxygen/Chlorine Evolution
- Advanced Materials for Lithium/Sodium Ion Batteries
- Surface Functionalization Using Chemical Vapor Deposition of Polymers
- Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for High Performance Energy Storage
- Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia