Appointment will be made on fixed-term gratuity-bearing contract terms. Appointees will receive a contract-end gratuity subject to satisfactory completion of the period of employment. The amount of gratuity is calculated at the rate of 15 per cent of the basic salary (excluding any allowances) earned during the period of employment less the aggregate amount of contributions made by the University as the employer to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance over the period of service.
The period of employment is for a fixed term, as stated in the Letter of Appointment. The University has absolute discretion in considering and deciding whether an appointment is to be made, continued, renewed or otherwise.
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with the appointee’s qualifications and experience.
The University offers basic outpatient, hospital and dental provisions to appointees and their eligible dependants. Medical and dental services may be sought from the University appointed medical practitioners, an appointed panel of dentists and the on-campus health centre. Reimbursement up to a defined limit for medical services obtained from private medical practitioners is also allowed. When hospital treatment is necessary, the University will contribute to the cost of treatment.
March 2023