Human Resources Office
Tel (852) 3442 9250
Fax (852) 3442 0311
(852) 2788 1154
Office Hours Mon - Fri:
8:45 a.m. - 5:50 p.m.
Addr 17/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building,
City University of HK,
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, HK

How to find us?

Staff Directory

Administration of personnel matters in the:

AERC, BG, CXO, CIRO, CSC, DO, ESU, H2O, LCCIC, LCO, OVP(TI), SEE, Dean(SEE), VP(TI), Human Resources System

Team D

Position Name Responsible Department Phone Email
Senior Human Resources Manager Ms Virginia Y Y LAI 3442 9258 Virginia.Lai
Human Resources Manager Ms WONG Wing Yi YATE, YCT, YKS, YUGA 3442 7598 wingyi.wong
Executive Officer I Ms Frances C Y CHAN 3442 9235 frances.c
Mr Jan K H CHEUNG CSC, ESU 3442 9466 jan.c
Executive Officer II Ms Candy H Y TAM BG, CIRO, CXO, DO, LCO, OVP(TI) 3442 9296 candtam
Miss Pansy S W YAU SEE 3442 5341 pansyyau
Assistant IT Officer I Mr Dicky T K LAI 3442 9283 dickylai
Miss Clara M C YEUNG 3442 6928 clara.yeung427
Clerical Officer I Ms Meiling M L LAM BG, CXO, DO, LCO, OVP(TI), YCT, YUGA 3442 9082 meiling.lam
Ms Joyce C S LAW AERC, H2O, LCCIC, SEE, Dean(SEE) 3442 5827 joycelaw
Clerical Officer II Vacant CIRO, CSC, ESU, YATE, YKS
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