
Notes for New Students after Accepting Offers

If you receive a conditional admission offer, upload the documents certifying your fulfilment of the admission condition(s) to your application account before the deadline specified in the admission offer letter.

If requested by the University, you should present the ORIGINAL certificate / official certification of your qualifications as stated in your application (e.g. transcripts, award certificates, English test results and an officially certified English translation where applicable) for verification before starting your study.

Applicants who receive a conditional offer should also supply the documentation certifying the fulfilment of conditions before the deadline indicated in the admission offer letter.

The University reserves the right to decide whether the submitted documents are acceptable. If you fail to provide the documentation acceptable to the University for verification, your admission offer will be withdrawn and your enrolment at the University will also be rescinded. All fees paid will not be refunded.

After you have accepted the admission offer and paid the acceptance fee, the Academic Regulations and Records Office will contact you from July onwards regarding the arrangements for enrolment, student ID card, class schedule and course registration. Follow the instructions as stated in the notification to complete the enrolment process and activate your online access to the CityUHK student e-Portal.

If you fail to complete the enrolment procedure by the specified date, you will be considered as having given up the place for admission, and any fees paid will not be refunded.

Please note that if your admission offer is a conditional offer, you are still required to meet the conditions as specified in the admission offer letter after enrolment. If you fail to meet the condition(s) of offer, your admission offer will be withdrawn and your enrolment at the University will also be rescinded.

For enquiries about enrolment, contact the Academic Regulations and Records Office.

Local and non-local applicants are considered under different admissions routes. If there are changes to your local / non-local status following the Education Bureau’s definition before admission, please inform the Admissions Office as early as possible. If your application data is found to be incorrect, or there are changes to your local / non-local status before admission, any offers made or scholarship awarded may be affected.

If you need further advice on visa requirements, please contact the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

Visit the Student Orientation website in July / August to get orientation information for new students.

Check the Semester A timetable in the Administrative Information Management System (AIMS) and complete your course registration online following the University's schedule. For details, visit the “Course Registration” website from August onwards.

Applications for financial assistance under the various student finance/loan schemes are accepted in August/September. Visit the Student Development Services website nearer the time for details.

Your remaining tuition balance and other fees will be shown in your student account in the Administrative Information Management System (AIMS).

Click the Academic Calendar about the commencement date of your study.

Please check the important dates for students on the Academic Regulations and Records Office (ARRO) website.