Student Records and Services

Update of Personal and Contact Information

To facilitate communication between the University and its students, it is important for students to keep SGS informed of any changes to their contact information (e.g. telephone number, correspondence address, emergency contact information, etc.). Notification of such changes can be made by following the procedures given below:

  • Select "CityUHK Portal" from the CityUHK homepage
  • Enter your Electronic ID and password
  • Select “AIMS” from the left-hand column under “My CityUHK”
  • Click on “Personal Information”, then “Personal Data for Communication”

Student Identity Card

On enrolment, new students will be issued a student identity card. This card is a student’s personal identification document at the University and should be carried for access to the University premises and its various facilities.

The student identity card should not be used by anybody else. Misuse or falsification of the card constitutes a major offence, and any student who commits this offence will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include temporary deprivation of rights as a student, temporary suspension from classes, or even expulsion from the University. Students who lose their card should contact SGS immediately. A fee of $100 will be charged for the replacement card. If the student subsequently recovers the lost card, he or she should inform the School immediately and hand in the original card, as a student is not permitted to hold two student identity cards.

Access to Personal Data

In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, students have the right to request access to and request correction of their own personal data held by the University. Students should make their requests to SGS in writing. The following fees will be charged for each request:

Initial Search Fee : (non-refundable) $ 150
Photocopying Fee : (per page) $ 5

Leave of Absence

Students who for valid reasons are temporarily unable to pursue studies at the University can apply for leave of absence. Periods of approved leave of absence may not be less than one full semester, and may not accumulate to more than four semesters.

Applications for leave of absence should be made using an SGS53 Form before the start of the semester concerned. Each application can cover at most one academic year. Students can make another application before the start of the new period. Applications received after the start of the semester will be considered only on an exceptional basis. If approved, the period of leave of absence will take retroactive effect from the beginning of the semester. Applications submitted after the end of the teaching period will not be considered.

Students applying for leave of absence in semester A 2004/05 or after should note that the amount of fees charged will be determined by the date the application is received by SGS as follows:

Application Received Amount of Fees
Before the close of the course add/drop period in a semester Continuation fee of HK$1,500 for each semester
After the close of the course add/drop period but on or before the end of Week 6 in a semester 50% of the tuition fee payable for that semester
In Week 7 or after of a semester
100% of the tuition fee payable for that semester

Students who are unable to attend classes for a short period are advised to consult the Programme Leader on the implications of their absence from classes and tutorials and on the submission of coursework. If the leave is expected to cover an entire semester or longer, then students should apply for leave of absence.


Students who wish to withdraw from their studies should notify SGS by submitting a withdrawal notice using an SGS08 Form. They should also notify relevant parties (e.g. their supervisor, the Department, etc.) of their withdrawal. The withdrawal will take immediate effect. However, notifications received during or after examination periods will take effect only from the following semester, and the examinations or other assessments taken prior to the submission of the withdrawal notice may still form part of the students’ academic record.

Students applying for withdrawal of studies in semester A 2004/05 or after should note that the amount of fees charged will be determined by their date of withdrawal:

Withdrawal takes effect Amount of Fees
Before the close of the course add/drop period in a semester No tuition fee required
After the close of the course add/drop period but on or before the end of Week 6 in a semeste 50% of the tuition fee payable for that semester
In Week 7 or after of a semester
100% of the tuition fee payable for that semester

On withdrawal, students should, among other things, settle the following (if applicable) within two weeks of notification of withdrawal:

  • clear all outstanding matters with the Department;
  • return borrowed books to the Library;
  • settle outstanding fees and fines;
  • close their computer account with the Computing Services Centre;
  • arrange with the Student Development Services to vacate their locker;
  • return their Student Identity Card to SGS for cancellation.

The caution money (if applicable) will be refunded to students when they have completed the above. If there are any outstanding claims against the students, the caution money (if applicable) will be forfeited and used to offset the outstanding fees or fines.

Termination of Studies

Prolonged delay in settling the fees by the specified deadline (please see "Fees") without prior approval from SGS will result in termination of study. The caution money (if applicable) previously paid will be forfeited.

Students’ candidature may be terminated because of unsatisfactory academic performance. These students should settle any outstanding matters (e.g. book loans, outstanding fees, etc.) within two weeks from the termination. Failure to complete the above will lead to forfeiture of the caution money (if applicable).

For study termination on academic grounds, students may not continue their studies at the University without readmission, with readmission to any programme no earlier than one academic year after the student’s termination.

Reinstatement of Studies

Students whose candidature was terminated because of failure to settle fees may apply for reinstatement of studies. For approved cases, students are required to settle all the outstanding fees (including a late charge) and a reinstatement charge ($400) before the reinstatement of their student status.

Transcript / Testimonial / Certified True Copy

Students can apply for the following documents and a fee of $30 will be charged for each copy:

Document Remarks
Transcript A certification of a student's record of academic performance at the University
Testimonial A certification of a student's registration record with regard to his or her study at the University
Certified True Copy Certification of official University documents
(e.g. award certificate)

The University reserves the right to withhold the transcripts and testimonials of students who have not settled fees or fines owing to the University, or who have failed to discharge their obligations towards the University.

Application methods:

a. By post or in person at the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies:
Download the form: SGS10 Form
(Please return the completed form to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies for processing.)
b. Via the Internet:
Submit the online form
[To access the online forms, users need to log into AIMS first and then select the option "Student Records - My Applications (For Professional Doctorate and Research Degree Programmes)".]