
The following are the major fees that need to be paid by EngD students. Please note that fees are subject to revision from time to time without prior notification.

Type of Fee Amount Remarks

Taught course fee*

maximum 21 credit units (admitted in 2014-15 and thereafter)

maximum 15 credit units (admitted from 2012-13 to 2013-14)

HK$7,430 per credit (admitted from 2018-19 to 2019-20)

HK$7,260 per credit (admitted from 2016-17 to 2017-18)

HK$7,090 per credit (admitted in 2015-16)

HK$6,920 per credit (admitted in 2014-15)

HK$6,240 per credit (admitted from 2012-13 to 2013-14)

Non-refundable; to be paid on a semester basis
Fee for research component


HK$7,430 per credit for 36 credit units (admitted from 2018-19 to 2019-20)

HK$7,260 per credit for 36 credit units (admitted from 2016-17 to 2017-18)

HK$7,090 per credit for 36 credit units (admitted in 2015-16)

HK$6,920 per credit for 36 credit units (admitted in 2014-15)

HK$6,240   per credit for 48  credit units (admitted from 2012-13 to 2013-14)

Non-refundable; to be paid in six instalments (number of credit units for each instalment depends on the total number of credit units for the component) and on a semester basis upon commencement of the thesis; Early thesis completion will not result in a reduction of the fees
Continuation fee for research component

Equivalent to 6 credit units per semester (admitted from 2014-15 onwards)

Equivalent to 8 credit units per semester (admitted from 2012-13 to 2013-14)

Non-refundable; to be paid only if students cannot complete their theses in 6 semesters
Examination fee

HK$1,000 (admitted from 2012-13 to 2016-17)

HK$1,500 (admitted from 2017-18 onwards)

Re-examination fee

HK$1,000 (admitted from 2012-13 to 2016-17)

HK$1,500 (admitted from 2017-18 onwards)

Non-refundable; applied to students who are required to undertake a second oral examination
Application fee fo credit transfer
HK$140 per application Non-refundable
Continuation fee during leave of absence
HK$1,500 per semester Applies to students under leave of absence; during the leave period, students can continue to use the University's facilities during the leave period
Late charge
2% of the outstanding fee per billing cycle Applies to student who fail to settle the fees by the set deadline
CityUHK Postgraduate Association (CUPA) membership fee
HK$150 (for part-time students) One-off payment covering a student's entire period of candidature; to be deducted from the acceptance fee paid, if applicable
Graduation fee HK$400 Payable on enrolment; to be deducted from the acceptance fee paid if applicable; refundable to students on study withdrawal or study termination
Reinstatement fee
HK$400 Non-refundable; for reinstatement of students status after termination of studies due to non-payment of fees
Application fee for transcript/ testimonial/certified true copy

HK$30 per copy (online application)

HK$50 per copy (paper form application)

Replacement of student ID card
HK$100 Non-refundable

* When credit transfer is granted, students do not need to attend the exempted courses and pay the relevant course fees.

A student who enrols in the University incurs a financial obligation to the University. Starting from Semester A, 2006-07, students studying programmes will charge tuition fees according to the number of credit units taken are normally required to pay a minimum tuition fee of two credit units before the start of Semesters A and B. The balance of the tuition fee chargeable for the semester will be collected after the close of the course add/drop period.

A statement of accounts will be issued to students with a specified due date at the appropriate time. It is the student’s responsibility to observe the due date for fee payment, and to notify SGS if he or she has not received any statement of account by two weeks before the semester starts.

Student can check their fee payment account balance through the Web by following the procedures given below:

  • Select "CityUHK Portal" from the CityUHK homepage
  • Enter your electronic ID and password
  • Click "AIMS" on left hand side, and select "Student Record", then "My Account Summary"

If you have financial difficulties and are unable to settle the tuition by the deadline, you should submit an application for deferment of tuition payment to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies at least five working days before the payment deadline.

The Finance Office will issue reminder(s) to students who have outstanding fees in their student account. A late charge (equivalent to 2% of the outstanding fee) will be added to the account for every reminder issued. Students who still have not settled their accounts after being given two reminders by the Finance Office will have their study terminated by the University and all of their course registrations will be cancelled. Once study has been terminated, the student is not allowed to use any University facilities and is not permitted to attend any examination.