Academic Standing

Why Academic Standing?

  • Academic standing provides an indicator of students in academic difficulty who need academic advising and extra help. Whilst academic standing is captured in a student's record, it is not shown in official transcripts.
  • With effect from Semester A 2017/18, the levels of academic standing are:
    • Academic Warning
    • Academic Probation
    • Academic Suspension
  • A decision on academic standing is made for all students at the end of each semester/term, except for students taking 3 credits or less.


Standing Definitions
Academic Warning

Students' academic performance has been unsatisfactory, or their overall academic average is below minimum requirements. Students on warning should seek academic advice from their academic advisor.

Academic Probation

Students' academic performance has been extremely unsatisfactory, or their overall academic average has continued to be below the minimum requirements for graduation. Students on Academic Probation may be required to take a reduced study load and/or to fulfil specific conditions such as GPA attainments in the following semester/term.

Academic Suspension

Students who cannot benefit from course registration in the next semester/term may be suspended for an approved period of not less than one semester. Academic Suspension is designed to provide students with an opportunity to resolve the problems that are preventing them making academic progress.

Operational Standing Definitions

A temporary status indicating that a student's performance is unsatisfactory and has been referred to the student's home academic unit for determining if a decision on academic standing needs to be made.


Rules for Academic Standing Changes

Applicable to students admitted before Semester A 2022/23 and in Semester A 2024/25 & thereafter

Last Academic Standing CGPA Academic/Operational Standing
Nil 1.00 to 1.99
0 to 0.99
Academic Warning
Academic Warning 0 to 1.99 Review
Academic Probation/
Academic Suspension
0 to 1.99 Review

Applicable to students admitted from Semester A 2022/23 to Summer Term 2024*

Last Academic Standing CGPA Academic/Operational Standing
Nil 2.00 to 2.84
0 to 1.99
Academic Warning
Academic Warning 0 to 2.84 Review
Academic Probation/
Academic Suspension
0 to 2.84 Review

* Except students in the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws programme, for whom the rules applicable to students admitted before Semester A 2022/23 will continue to be followed.


(i) The above academic standing rules exclude students who have not attempted more than 3 credit units in the semester/term.
(ii) "Review" is only a temporary status which indicates that the academic unit is screening the case and a decision will be made shortly.
(iii) In making decisions on students' academic standing, the Dean has the right, upon recommendation of the students' home academic unit, to make exceptions from the above rules.


Where to View Academic Standing?

  • To view your academic standing, go to AIMS > Student Record > My Academic Record > Academic Standing Report.
  • The period during which students can view their academic standing in each semester/term is announced in the Key Dates section of this website.
  • If you have outstanding course grades for the semester/term, or if you have courses graded as "Incomplete", your academic standing may change later depending on the GPA scores attained when all your course grades are confirmed.
  • "Review" is a temporary status which indicates that your home academic unit is currently considering your performance and will make a final decision on your academic standing.
  • If academic standing is not relevant to your circumstances, as in the case of visiting students or students on exchange programmes, "Not applicable" will be indicated against your academic standing.
  • No new academic standing will be assigned in a semester/term where you have taken 3 credit units or less. The academic standing of the previous semester/term, if any, will remain in effect.
  • The Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies will issue formal notifications to students assigned academic standing of academic probation and academic suspension.

Academic Advising

  • If your academic standing indicates "Academic Warning", it is a signal for you to work hard to improve your performance next semester. If you are in doubt about your curriculum requirements and wish to discuss your study plan, you should seek academic advice from your home academic unit.
  • If your academic standing indicates "Academic Probation" or "Academic Suspension", you should contact your academic advisor immediately to sort out your course registration for the next/future semester. The name of your advisor will be shown in AIMS > Student Record > My Advisor / Mentor and My Mentees.
  • The University is committed to providing advice and assistance to students throughout their studies. Academic advising is a shared commitment between students and faculty members. Departmental academic advisors are responsible for monitoring their advisees' progress on a regular basis, in developing students' initiative for self-learning, and for providing information about programme requirements and academic options. Students are responsible for contacting their academic advisor and for understanding the requirements of their programmes. Students bear the final responsibility for making their own decisions based on the advice available.

Academic Termination

  • Where a student's academic performance is unsatisfactory and the Dean is satisfied that the student cannot be reasonably expected to complete the award, the Dean will terminate the student's studies.
  • After academic termination, students may apply for readmission to the University, with admission to any programme occurring no earlier than one academic year after the termination.
  • Refer to the Academic Regulations for Master's Degrees Section 15 for details.