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Examination Information
Key Dates for Semester B 2024/25 Examinations
Publish Examination Timetable | 27 March 2025 |
Examination Period | 28 April - 13 May 2025 |
Student Conduct
Some Useful Hints
- Familiarise yourself with the Rules on Academic Honesty. All academic dishonesty behaviour in connection with University assessments, in particular cheating in examinations, are serious offences and if substantiated, may lead to severe penalties.
- Before attending an examination, get your assigned seat number for that examination from your personal examination timetable in AIMS.
- It is your responsibility to check with your instructors the items that are allowed to be brought to an examination. Use of unauthorised materials in an examination is considered a form of academic dishonesty.
- You should bring your Student ID Card with you as a proof of identity when attending all examinations. If your Student ID Card is lost, please report it to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies immediately and apply for a replacement card.
- When attending an examination, you should put your belongings inside a bag which can be closed properly. You should avoid bringing valuables to an examination. The University is not responsible for any loss of property inside an examination venue.
- Make sure you arrive at the examination venue 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time. Extra time will not be given to those who arrive late. Those who are late by more than 30 minutes may not be allowed to take the examination.
- Invigilators will check the examination attendance register for students' eligibility to attend the examination. Students not on the register due to reasons such as withdrawal from studies and non-payment of tuition fees will not be allowed to attend the examination.
- You must write, in blue or black ink, legibly and clearly when answering examination questions. HB pencils must be used to complete multiple choice answer sheets. You may further consult your instructors on other specific writing instruments acceptable for individual examinations.
Student Conduct at Examinations
- You may only bring with you materials permitted by the Course Leader to an examination. Please refer to the Section "Materials Permitted".
- You will be asked to leave all your belongings and any unauthorised materials inside your bag which can be closed properly and place it in a designated place inside the examination venue as instructed by the Chief Invigilator.
- Mobile phones and all electronic devices (except those specifically permitted for individual examinations) should be switched off and put inside your properly closed bag during the whole examination.
- If any unauthorised materials are found on you during an examination, including all electronic devices with cellular connectivity, mobile applications installed or wireless technologies supported (e.g. mobile phone, tablet, smart watch, electronic dictionary, pager, MP3 player), irrespective of whether the devices are turned on and whether they contain material relevant to the examination, you will be subject to disciplinary action which may lead to a failing grade in the concerned course.
- If you are allowed to use a calculator or other electronic devices in an examination, the University will specify the model and type of devices allowed to ensure fairness to all students taking the examination. Please refer to the Section "Calculators".
- You must bring with you your Student ID Card and place it on the top right hand corner of your desk for checking by invigilators.
- Students should not take Library books to any open book examinations.
- You must start and stop writing as instructed by an invigilator and observe the instructions given by the Chief Invigilator during an examination.
- You are not allowed to leave the examination venue during the first 30 and the last 15 minutes of an examination. If you must leave for an exceptional reason, please seek the permission of an invigilator first.
- You must remain quiet for the entire duration of an examination except when you need to talk to an invigilator, in which case you should raise your hand, remain in your seat, and wait for an invigilator to approach you.
- Smoking and eating are not allowed in the examination venue. You may bring a small (transparent) bottle of water for drinking provided that no disturbance is caused to other students.
- If you, for any reasons, suspect that an examination has not been conducted properly, you may write to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies outlining the case. This should be done within three working days after the conclusion of the examination concerned.
Arrangements for Typhoons and Rainstorms
On-campus Examinations During Typhoons/Rainstorms
- If a typhoon signal No. 8 or above/black rainstorm warning signal is issued, or an "extreme condition"# announcement is issued by the Government after super typhoons, or the Hong Kong Observatory announces that a typhoon signal No. 8 or above will be issued within 2 hours, examinations that are not already in progress will be cancelled as follows:
Signal/Extreme Condition/
Announcement IssuedAt or after 7 am Cancel morning sessions At or after 12 noon Cancel afternoon sessions At or after 4 pm Cancel evening sessions Note: Morning sessions refer to all examinations with commencement time before 2:00 pm
Afternoon sessions refer to all examinations with commencement time at or after 2:00 pm but before 6:30 pm
Evening sessions refer to all examinations with commencement time at or after 6:30 pm - If a typhoon signal No. 8 or above/black rainstorm warning signal is issued, or the Hong Kong Observatory announces that a typhoon signal No. 8 or above will be issued within 2 hours when examinations are in progress, examinations will continue unless Chief Invigilators are advised by the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies that they should be terminated. For an emergency situation in the examination venue which poses immediate danger to students, the Chief Invigilator may terminate the examination.
# Under certain "extreme conditions" caused by super typhoons, such as serious disruption of public transport services, extensive flooding, major landslides or large-scale power outage, the Government will review the situation (including public transportation and other aspects).
Other Adverse Weather Conditions and Announcements
- In case of other inclement weather which would affect the normal operation of the University, an announcement will be made through the University's home page and/or the campus public address system as appropriate.
- Announcements made by the Government's Education and Manpower Bureau affecting primary and secondary schools, post-secondary colleges and technical institutes, etc., do not apply to the University.
Dates for Rescheduled Examinations
- Contingency dates are pre-set for each examination period and venues booked in case any examination has to be cancelled and reheld.
- The timetable for rescheduled examinations arising from adverse weather conditions or any other reasons will be announced together with the examination timetable for each semester.
Materials Permitted
- A list of materials and aids permitted for the Semester B 2024/25 examinations will be available for reference on this website starting 21 April 2025.
- Students have to put their personal belongings and any unauthorised materials inside a bag which can be closed properly and place it beside the aisles (in lecture theatres and classrooms)/under their chairs (in Multi-purpose Rooms). Mobile phones and all electronic devices (except for those specifically permitted for individual examinations) should be switched off and put inside a properly closed bag. If they are unable to put their belongings and materials properly inside their bags, invigilators may ask the students to take them to the front of the venue.
- If any unauthorised materials are found on you during an examination, including but not limited to electronic devices with cellular connectivity, mobile applications installed or wireless technologies supported (e.g. mobile phone, tablet, smart watch, electronic dictionary, pager, MP3 players), irrespective of whether the devices are turned on and whether they contain material relevant to the examination, the case will be referred to the Head/Dean of the course-offering academic unit for investigation in accordance with the University's Rules on Academic Honesty. Disciplinary action will be taken against the student which may lead to a failing grade in the concerned course or other serious penalties.
Use of Electronic Calculators in Examinations
- Where calculators are permitted for use in an examination, they must be a model approved by the University, unless otherwise advised by the instructor.
- Like any other materials brought into an examination, calculators are subject to inspection by invigilators. The use of unapproved calculator models will be regarded as use of unauthorised materials in an examination and will be considered as a form of academic dishonesty which may incur severe penalties.
- Download the List of Approved Calculators for Examinations.