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Inbound Student Exchange
Institutional-Level Student Exchange Programmes

Please refer to the website of Admission Office (ADMO).

College-Level Student Exchange Programmes

Please refer to the website of the College of Science (CSCI).

Departmental-Level Student Exchange Programmes (with The University of Edinburgh)

The Department has an exchange agreement with The University of Edinburgh.

The information in this section is for international students coming to Department of Mathematics (MA), City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK ) on established departmental exchange programme. The appropriate forms and documents should be sent to Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong directly.

Application Detailsimg

Application Deadline

Semester A (Fall Term) : 1 May
Semester B (Spring Term) : 1 October


Course List

Please click here for the class schedule for courses offered in the current academic year.

Courses Offered in 2024/25 img

Outbound Student Exchange
Institutional-Level Student Exchange Programmes

Please refer to the website of Global Engagement Office (GEO).

College-Level Student Exchange Programmes

Please refer to the website of the College of Science (CSCI).

Departmental-Level Student Exchange Programmes 

The Department has an exchange agreement with The University of Edinburgh.

Partner Institution The University of Edinburgh
Schools/colleges participating School of Mathematics
Courses and credits Study Abroad website

Application Detailsimg

Application Timeline

The main round usually takes place in December to January, while the second-round application usually takes place in August to September.

Exchange Period Semester A or B of 2025/26
Application Period December 2024 - January 2025



Credit Transfer

Students are required to fill in an application form, attach the official transcript and other documentation in support of the application such as course syllabus to Department of Mathematics.

Department of Mathematics, CityUHK

Room Y5123, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong

Tel : (852) 3442-8643

Fax : (852) 3442-0250
