About The Department
The Department of Mathematics was formed in September 1991 as a result of the division of the former Department of Applied Mathematics into the Department of Mathematics (MA) and the Department of Applied Statistics and Operational Research (renamed as the Department of Management Sciences). The Department of Mathematics is now under College of Science.
The Department has strong mission to provide high quality education in mathematics and conduct first-class research in applied mathematics. We are striving for excellence in both teaching and research in applied mathematical sciences.
Launched the first BSc degree programme in Computing Mathematics.
Introduced the first postgraduate programme, the MSc in Applied Mathematics.
Launched the joint MSc programme in Mathematics for Finance and Actuarial Science with the University of Paris-Dauphine.
The master programme is further revamped to as MSc programme in Financial Mathematics and Statistics.
The Department now has 29 faculty members, including five Chair Professors, seven Professors, ten Associate Professors, and seven Assistant Professors. The Department benefits from increased research strength at all levels among faculty members.
Internationally renowned mathematicians have been recruited to strengthen our research capabilities. Excellent young researchers have been appointed at the level of Associate Professor or Assistant Professor.
Research is a major function of the Department, and a considerable amount of emphasis has been placed on this area. The Department's excellent achievements in research are evidenced by its performance in the General Research Fund (GRF) exercises (formerly Competitive Earmarked Research Grant) and the Research Assessment Exercises (RAE). The Department is currently working on 24 GRF research projects funded by Hong Kong Government and 6 City University Strategic Research Grant projects. In all rounds of RAE in 1996, 1999 and 2005, the Department (under cost centre "Mathematics and Statistics") is one of the best mathematics departments among local universities. Our faculty members are serving editorial boards of more than 70 international journals.
The faculty's research interests are wide-ranging in applied mathematics. Apart from being experienced teachers, faculty members are active researchers with a high profile in terms of international reputation, publications and funded research projects.
- Approximation theory
- Asymptotics and perturbation methods
- Complexity theory
- Control and system theory
- Dynamical systems
- Fluid mechanics
- Granular materials
- Learning theory
- Mathematical biology
- Mathematical finance
- Modelling of new materials
- Nonlinear elasticity
- Nonlinear waves
- Orthogonal polynomials and special functions
- Partial differential equations
- Scientific computation
- Stochastic analysis and simulation
- Wave propagation
Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences

City University's Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences is fast becoming a world leader in applied analysis. The Centre has been responsible for the organization of a range of academic events in the area of Applied Mathematics, all of which presented internationally acclaimed mathematicians as invited speakers. The William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics has been set up by the Centre in honor of Mr William Benter for his dedication and generous support to the enhancement of the University's strength in mathematics.
Research is the Centre's strength and major asset, driven by an impressive collaboration of expertise that is headed by Professor Roderick Wong (Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada) and Professor Philippe G Ciarlet (Member of the French Academy of Sciences), together with a group of highly active and promising young researchers working in the field of Applied Mathematics and other mathematical disciplines.
The research conducted in the Centre is not only of theoretical importance, but also provides practical support to the development of industry and financial sectors. Further, the ongoing research activities of the Centre also provide the potential for increased collaborative research that will bridge the existing gap between pure and applied mathematics.